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Problem restoring website password


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i forgot my website password, and when i try to recover it to my e-mail i get the following message -


Your are receiving this email because you have requested the password for your Muse.co.uk account. Your password is below:



well, "%password%" is definitely not my password, and i cant seem to find a different way to recover it.


can any1 help me?

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hopefully a fix will be done soon. i doubt i'll get notified when it's fixed though so might be just a case of trying tomorrow afternoon and letting people know here if the problems still there and then again the day after. if its still going then i'll try make things happen quicker

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are you still getting this %password% when you try recover your password?


I just tried recovering my password again and got a different temporary password (not %password%, something that definitely looked unique), and managed to sign in with that :D Thanks for the help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Kev


Got the same problem I'm afraid; I can't log in to the forum from anywhere but home as I've lost my password- could you send me a reminder please?


Also, is this the same password I need to download Eurasia? If not, where do I get that password from?


Many thanks x

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