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eh daripada bosen ga jelas,mending coba ke bagian mesejbord yg songs and releases deh..masuk ke thread showbiz/oos/abso/bh&r/album elimination game.. lumayan drpd ga ada kerjaan :D

kita liat lagu apa aja yg jd champion..


BTW SCRAPBOOK FOR DOM..deadlinenya ditambain lagi jadi 13 september. ayo2 yg mo ngiriimm..

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jadi waktu itu ada berita, yg bilangin kalau album baru mreka bakal lebih elektrik+orkestra, gituu. mungkin lebih smacem take a bow atau smbh kali.. idk.. yaah, gw harap mreka masih ada unsur OOS-nya lah.:D


bukannya katanya ntar untuk album yang baru katanya pas interview ama majalah mana gitu bakalan spt elton john?

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kan waktu itu pernah kan rei lw nge-post..??

yg ini bkn??


"During an interview last night on Europe 2 (French radio station) live from Musilac, Muse have announced that they planned to release a DVD featuring extracts of Wembley's and Paris' Parc des Princes concerts, and of the rest of the tour as well. The DVD should be released before Christmas 2007, if the band manages to find enough time for it in its busy schedule.


Moreover, in an interview given last May to Rock Mag and published in this month's issue, Matthew confirmed that he has begun to work on a new album and new songs, some more in line with electronic or "dance" music and others more with classical or symphonic music (the band is thinking of hiring an orchestra for some of them).


Yet, these new songs will probably not be played live during this tour, since the band wishes to keep them all fresh and new. Matthew also revealed that the next album should be produced by the band itself, in order to have more freedom."

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