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"SINNEN"..."MICHELLE"...where you guys at:(???Its been awhile and I already cant see those of you which at least 18+.....real muser.

To others....salam kenal:happy:


Hey you disappeared too, that's why I left. :(


No, okay..I am busy at the mo. Very busy. Like very, very, very busy. I need lots of sleep, need to hang out with my friends, go to the movies, shopping, eating ice cream..you know, important stuff :p


where you at now? back in indonesia right?

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man..keep peace!!!lol, jangan adu mulut donk..gw aja yang kaga tau masalahnya ngerasa ga enak kalo ada yang ribut..come on, we're indonesian,ga perlu lah adu mulut...together we're invincible eh?



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Stop messing around, please. Lo jgn bikin gw ngerasa ngga enak dong. pleeeease. Tita, lo dah ga usah manjang2in masalah. HysteriaGal (what can I call you?), uhm, i wanna.. uhm.. can remind you a little bit about the words you've said, Gw prefer ENGLISH coz even this is Indonesia THREAD, you gotta remember ure still using ENGLISH MESSAGEBOARD"? Well, the writing under INTERNATIONAL forum says that "Feel free to speak your own language". peace* juz wanna make a better relationship w/ you:):):)


yep yep...:D, I didnt mean to make a bad atmosphere around musers fans,:D, gonna take yar advice tho...

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mang lagi sepi dimana2...bukan di thread ini aja, muselive, unomuse, dll jg sepi...masih kecapekan ma acara wembley n par des princes kalii...:LOL:


jepang bisa jadi semi internasional threadnya soalnya banyak banget fans nya, dan jg tu album muse kalo release album versi jepang pasti ada bonus track nya... mang beda pasarnya...setlist muse kalo maen di jepang jg keren2....


mending kalo ma kita2 pake bhs indo aja deh...biar gak salah mengerti, dan juga yang masuk sini rata2 orang indonesia, ato orang malaysia....gimana?

maklumlah..dulu waktu smp - sma pas pelajaran bhs inggris sering loncat pager...:rolleyes:

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harga per kaos nya 35rb tapi minimal 50biji...soalnya pake full color 5 warna....trus sablonya jg pake sparasi warna,jadi pas warna terangnya keliatan gitu...tar gw cari2 yang lain...waktu dulu jaman2 masih ada band punk gw,pernah bikin yang full color gitu,tapi di surabaya,harganya lupa,tapi waktu itu bikinnya minimalnya cuma 12 biji...jadi masih mendingan,kalo bikin 50, jadinya pasaran dong...gak menarik :)

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Hey you disappeared too, that's why I left. :(


No, okay..I am busy at the mo. Very busy. Like very, very, very busy. I need lots of sleep, need to hang out with my friends, go to the movies, shopping, eating ice cream..you know, important stuff :p


where you at now? back in indonesia right?


:D...I was sick n got hospitalized for like 2 weeks:(. Then kinda forgot bout the board. Errr...same here, need to hit cool thingies:rolleyes:. O well, good to know y`r still alive...

Na..me in texas atm. You know what...drop more lines when u free

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kan di web banyak bgt.. stelah gw davtar, hasilnya kyk segini banyak:


-butterflies and hurricanes


-dead star/in ur world

-feeling gud/hypermusic



-in ur world/dead star




-muscle museum

-new born

-plug in baby

-sing 4 abso


-stockholm syndrome






sbenernya ada yg toada, tp ga jlas itu artwork ato bukan:p

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