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Tis so true. Right now, I should be vorbereitening some hellishly dull German test, not drinking tea and watching Amélie. Shameful. Haha! S'a bit like saying merde à qqch en français.


I miss french :'( I think I may have to sign up to a french class next semester.


Nooooo idea at all. Last time I had teh lingonsylt was at Arlanda when me and the missus were about to fly home. I shall have a look in Ikea next week though. :D


Here's hoping! Zubrówka by the pint. It's shameful that I actually have a Revo drinks menu on my pinboard here. :$


Ooooh I'm most grateful of all these songs! :D They're so pretty! Anything I could gaymail in return? You could possibly have a Swedish equivalent... I dunno. Would it top the BBC's 6 o'clock news?


It has no punctuation :D It's brilliant! Ahhh French literature. How I miss it. :'( Uni takes alot of things away... like clear skin, money, reading time...

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Ooooh Amélie, that's just so much better! Mmmm haven't seen that for...months! :eek: I love it, just love it. :happy: You actually miss French though? Awww that's not very suprising! :happy: 'S a lovely language it is.


Oh I thought you'd seen it there already. Well, it's all good :happy: Did youu bring it home from Zwiiden or did you just have something with sylt on it?


:LOL: Nutty! That's not blush-worthy, just precocious :D Do they have Baltika there or is it purely vodka?


You wouldn't accidentally happen to have 'She's the one' by Robbie Williams? :$ I just remembered the other day I really liked it a few years ago, and Lisa could only get it on iTunes but not send it to me :( 'S a shame.


Go to http://svt.se/ and press "Aktuellt 21.00" to the right, should work, haven't tried it <3


Punctuation is just so overdone innit :D Awww take some time off by reading Madame Bovary in French :happy: I'm planning on sueing the uni since all of that is true :D

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It's so charming. So, so charming. :'( I do. I think it was the fact that... I was doing it for a qualification rather than for love that made me hate it. Tan' pis, innit.


Neeeeeej. 0552_sfm19_179x100.jpg is the stuff they sell though.... I had it for airport breakfast on some knackered broddd. :D


Bwahah! No they only do crap beers there. S'all about the little water, innit.


Damnation.. I have the album with it on, but that's back i Blackpool. I could get ma to bring it over next week, if you can wait till then? Tell Lisa to download a thing called mytunes redux... you can steal stuff from pieTunes that way :D




Flaubert <3 Aww French. Tis so triste.


Goats milk in tea is so wrong, yet so... tasty.

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Ah it's always like that I reckon :happy: Do you still have the books you used for French in school? Read some nice café dialogues with yerself :happy:


English text!? Pah. That's horrible. Lingonsylt on knackered brrrod though? Errr.


Better crap beer than crap vodka as we say in Rasha :D


Don't strain yerself for my sake :happy: But thanks anyway. I'm getting Lisa to install that tomorrow so we can start screwing the system over :happy: I'm taking her out to coffee at the Slavonic Institution you see, she hasn't been there before, nor has she experienced the great 2.50kr cappuccino in a plastic cup :D


Goat milk? Errr. Chèvre cheese though mmm. Lisa and I started obsessing about us not having eaten any nice cheeses for aaages, like Pont l'Evêque<---best cheese ever, Cantal, Saint Nectaire, Salers, Livarot<----mmm 's great also. Mmm caws.


*Loves Science Fiction, Double Feature* Flash Gordon :LOL: *reminisces youth* Mmm Blixt-Gordon! Mmmm. Mmm and The Postal Service!

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Probably. Damn that enforced learning of sixthform. I do, but I left them all in Blackpool, thinking I'd still hate French 5 weeks into this semester... damn.


I can't get it to send for some reason my gaymail is being gay. Grrr. Wow! Slavonic Institution?! Megawickedcool! All we have here is that Cervantes one and the Goethe Institut. *bes jealous*


S'nice! but OH MY GOD Pont l'Evêque is the best cheese in the whole wide world. Or Pong l'Evêque as my daddy calls it. We used to bring tonnes of the stuff home from France when I was little. It's impossible to find here, so you have to stick to really strong camembert instead. :'(


:LOL: Have you seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show? It's fabulous. Ahh The Postal Service. Nice and trippy. :happy:


*stabs gmail*

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Awww, go read Le Monde online or something then and you'll definately dream sweet dreams about monsieur Chiraaaack!


Aw don't worry, gaymail is mostly crapping out here too :indiff: Yes, the institution where we have all our Russian lectures, a small villa with a huge garden with apple trees and all in central Lund :happy: You just have to pay us a visit before next summer, since they move to the huge crap building downtown next autumn or something. :'(


:happy: It certainly is the best, you could get it in Jönköping I think, small packs but still something. They have a big cheese shop I think in Lund now I think about it...hmmm I'd have to take a look, and buy cheese for the money going into my compressor and guitar strings :D It's soooo be worth it. Mmmhm. 'S a shame I can't eat...shit what's the English word...you know mildewy cheese...I get some strange reaction from it errr.


Y'know actually, I don't know if I have :$ Maybe when I was so much littler

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Ah, tis a good idea. Or I could just continue to stalk my flatmate. She's half french/doing a french degree.


Aww that sounds so nice! You should start a revolution so they don't move the department. (But hurry up and revolt before October runs out.. for that extra authenticity.)


Wooow. Ah nice cheese. I miss it so. It was the first thing I bought when I got my first student loan payment, about £7 worth of cheese. Those were good times. :happy: Oh Stilton? That stuff's horrid anyway.


Ah you must see it again! Just for Tim Curry <3



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Lucky you for having nice Frenchies to stalk then, me I'm stuck with Sophie who only yells 'Hej!' to me when I enter the kitchen, but no, no, NO dozy bint! Salut! Bloody salut! I'm doing my best to start speaking French with her but she just keeps on chattering with her god awful English. Of course I reply as Northernly as I can. :D


I've already suggested us occupying the building like all Swedes did in the 70's but noone's with me at the moment the bastards. Like you said, we have to act quickly! :D


Sounds like a nice plan too :happy: Stilton, yer basically blue cheeses (that's the name woo!) or green ones. Errr.


:LOL::LOL: Fabulous!

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Oh god! You have a 'hej' yelling Sophie too?! Ours is like that. You walk into the kitchen to be greeted with a loud, clitheroeish 'IYAAAAAAAAAA' followed by some bork. She also chats god awful English.. but then again she's from Clitheroe so it's to be expected. Ahhh drop those endings and flatten those vowels. 's mah lad. :happy:


A very Velvet Revolution is in order. God... if they ever moved the Russian department from the West Wing to the god awful South Wing we'd be up in arms.


Errr 'orrible cheeses they are anyway.


WOO! It worked :D :D :happy: *hugs back*

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We should pair up our Sophies. God I hate mine. Care to trade? That's some awful bork yer :LOL: Mmmmmm flattened vowels...done! :D


I can see how you would be :LOL: One of the old genious professors will probably refuse to move, wouldn't suprise me. Mmm Sverker :D He's making a big fuss of himself coming up with calling the place we're moving to Sop-centrum instead of SOL-centrum (Which is Garbage-centre instead of Language And Literature :D ) Swedish humour to the n:th degree! :happy:


Glad you feel that way :happy: They are.


Mmm thanks again. I'll probably loop it all night :happy: Have to go to bed now anyway I think so I can study all day tomorrow *yells out Robbie-ish falsetto* God I'm Pop Idol material! :LOL:


Goooood niiiight dear! :happy:

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Aye go on then! But be prepared to be woken up at 4am twice a week (and these are the nights before your 9am lectures, just to prepare you) :indiff:


Aww I love the old ones like that :happy: Haha that is quite amusing :happy: Does he have white hair and a moustache? That'd be cool.


Haha no worries! Ahh I can picture you now... Name in lights. "The all singing, all dancing Pelle Söderström - live, for one night only" (before your career crashes and burns in true Poo Idol style) :D:LOL:


G'night! Sleep lekker, innit!

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:LOL: Awww even my Sophie isn't like that, she's just annoying all the other hours of the day :happy:


My phonetics teacher does have grey hair and 'tache, but Sverker unfortunately no, but he is probably younger than he looks (about 278 years) and his office is full of old Russian newspapers, and a newspaper from the morning after the Palme murder :LOL: Oh and a hundred year old half-eaten raisin pack and some cookies :D 'S a mess it is, but I just love going in there. He always finds new nice books too, like the Swedish-Russian dictionary from 1905, with the most part of the words being 'gentry', 'nobility', 'knighted' and all that :LOL:


:LOL: Mmmmm yes. Wailing away the Soviet National Anthem to a right mess :happy: Poor winners though :LOL:


Shit my top's sleeves are too bloody short, I have to change clothes before I trot out to the kitchen to do the washing up lest someone catch me :D

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Do you have to connect the iPod when using the myTunes thingie? :$ We don't quite get how it works.


Oooh just came home from buying Coq Sportifs! :happy::happy::happy: *is so incredibly happy* They're black and bronze though, hopefully I can get some white and black in December or something. I love it when the government pays for your shoes! :LOL::happy: Mmmmmm.

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Aw he sounds like a dude of a lecturer. Ahhh.


Just invest in a university hoody. Straight over the top of any tiny t shirt and it tells the world that you're cleverer than the polytechnic students!


Ah. Is your sister's compeyooter connected to a network? If it's not, then I've just made you waste some of your life downloading mytunes. There's a sharing thing on pieTunes for if you're connected to say.. the uni network, so you can listen to other peoples' songs... but... if you don't have that then mytunes won't work. :$ Sorry :$ *sad guilty face*


Ah beyodiful! So ruffian, especially with them being state funded! :happy:


And once again.. THANK YOU :D :D My Läkerol addiction is re-kindled :happy: *hugs*

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He's quite the dude yes. Had to po into the institution today to get Lisa some patented cappuccino and I've semi-promised Johan the grammar teacher I'll attend the party on the 11th when I'm supposed to go home, could mean I'll have to take it easy witht he vodka and catch a train at like 8 the morning after since I have to be there by at least 11.00 :indiff:


Errr hoodies, too big for me :D once you've started with tiny clothing there's no turning back errrr.


Ah don't worry, I think she actually could be, I'll take a look at her place later. :happy:


Posh ruffianism:



No probs *hugs back* :happy:

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Ah. Wonderful. It must be good cappuccino, better than the rubbish we have at the Refectory here. The semester started off well.. 66p for coffee the strength of rocket fuel and now, as we approach reading week, it's 66p for some brown coloured hot milk and froth :indiff: Ah go to the party! How far is Lehund from Yernshurping?


But hoodies are so warm! I really need to get a uni one, then go and sit in the Man Met refectory. Bwahaha.


Ooh they are rather swish! You could run around Longsight in a pair of those and happily blend in :happy: (just don't forget your flick knife)


Mmmm Elton John.

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Pah, all we had since August was warm milk and froth with dark spots in it :happy: 'S just that it's fun to drink...or something...errr. And, finally I've found a purpose in life for all my one crowns and 50 öringar :D

:'( I want to go...but...but...I'm sorta hoping an old flame of mine'll be in Yernschurping, and she's sorta been on my mind a lot lately...I'll try to maybe get a train home in the morning then...I'll have to take it easy drinking-wise, but don't I always :D Bad thing is Irina, my conversation teacher will probably be there, and I heard she's a dude at vodka contests :D It's like 300 km's or something.


I could do with a niiice cardigan though, but they didn't have them anywhere today :indiff: Mmmm refectories...I'd completely forgotten that word :happy: Manc hoodies are probably miles and miles better than Lund ones errr.


So they are proper ruffian shoes then? :D Swedish ruffians have probably never heard of them...noone has 'round my way errr. I'll bring my IKEA bread knife if it's OK. Me and flick knives don't go together. :happy:


Have you tried the ribbon in t'hair yet? :D

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S'rubbish that! Especially as sweden is the land of exceptionally powerful coffee! Ooh, all the more reason to go back to Yernshurping! Probably best you don't get too hammered, much as the red eye look can work for some men, you may scare her :LOL:


Ahh cardigans. There was a special student night at topshop tonight, free drinks, students only, 20% discount and free goodybags :D Ended up going to Daveadams and I've had faaaaaaaaaar too much kras_ *insert ending here* wine. *hic*


They are! Mmm Ikea.


I tried it earlier :D Much as I love the ribbon, s'not a good look for me :(


Aww, good luck with th'exham! *hug*

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Y'egzackly, it should be strong as hell right? :indiff: Aaargh. But after a few months with warm, coloured milk the hypophysis starts thinking it's a great substitute for coffee anyway, so it's doesn'a matter :D

Just booked train tickets, going away at 07.28 in the morning! Aaargh! It'll be fun getting up at, what...6 after a night out? Errr. She looks quite Russian-like though (the good kind :D), so red eyes would probably fit in well :LOL:


Ooh fabulous! Did you get something from le Shop? Mmmmm krasnoye vino :happy: Hope you're not 'ill' today :happy:


:LOL: Put it upside down around your head and run around yelling stuff in Ukrainian. :happy:


*Hugs back* 3 hours 25 minutes to go errr.

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Innit! Ah that's ok then. :)


My suggestion is this: Pull an all nighter :D Just keep drinking and then head to the station. :D Greet the flame stinking of wódka and with some flowers, for that authenticness!


I bought a belt and got loooooads of free stuff, and a really nice free eyeshadow :D


I am tempted, so, so tempted...

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Official university email:


Dear students,


The Islamic festival of Eid is approaching and below is some advice from the

Police regarding the celebrations in Rusholme. Please read it, especially if

this is your first year in Manchester. Traffic is extremely heavy, plan for the

evening so you don't get caught in it.



Gemma Currie


Welfare Officer

University of Manchester Students' Union






Greater Manchester Police is advising students living in and around

Rusholme to expect traffic delays during the Eid ul Fitr celebrations on 3 and

4 November 2005.


Eid is an important part of the Muslim calendar and Rusholme tends to be a

focal point for the celebrations in the UK. As a result, a large number of

people are expected to gather in Rusholme and traffic on Wilmslow Road is

often disrupted.


An increased number of police officers will be patrolling the area to

ensure public safety at the event.


Students who may not be aware of these celebrations are asked to respect the

festival and allow extra time if travelling through Rusholme on either



Eid is a time of celebration within the Muslim community to mark the end of

Ramadan, the month of fasting, and begins with the first sighting of the new



Chief Superintendent Dave Thompson from the Metropolitan Division

said:"Eid is a very important part of the Muslim calendar and we are

extremely proud that Rusholme is a focal point for the UK Muslim community.


"As part of the policing operation, and to allow the Muslim community to

celebrate Eid with minimal disruption, officers will be diverting traffic

away from Wilmslow Road during the celebrations. This may mean that

journeys through Rusholme are likely to take longer than usual.


"I would like to ask students to be patient with these traffic

disruptions and respect this very important Muslim festival."


People are reminded that restaurants in Rusholme will remain open during the



:happy: :happy:

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