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Ooh that'd be cool! :D We probably won't get much snow in Lund, and if we do I won't be stepping outside for months :indiff:


Phonetics may be paying off yes, but it's not automatically Stockholmese when they sound rough :D Oh wait, it is :happy: I love screaming out Ebba Grön songs, it's so liberating to sing in Stockholm dialect. Let's hope my neighbours agree :D STOPP! Sover ni gott NÄR NI VET ATT BOMBER SKA FALLA, YOU BASTARDS? <3 :D


*Hasn't heard Beautiful South in haaaages* I've heard the Housemartins a lot lately though. Mmmmm. Yer a black one'd be nice, I tried one of Lisa's, was nice albeit a bit short.


*Joins in stabbing*

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Hate and blood


It's a normal fucking Friday night

And everyone's drunk off their arses

Johanna, Per, Johnnie and Susanne

Are all waiting for Klas

We're going to burst into town

Go check out what's happening

Maybe find someone to pick up (fall in love with)

Do fucking whatever

As long as we don't have to be here


But Susanne is drunk, there's no point

For her going along

She's already sleeping comfortably in a corner

So let's just go


Could it be all the suburban kids, all the love kids


Kids show up from every direction

Everyone sort of follows the same pattern

"Let's fucking party!" yells Per

And the last beer goes through a window


At the central station when it's time to get off

Johnnie falls over with a bang

Some guy gets stepped on the toe

And throws Johnny a big fucking hook


Could it be...


Suddenly the fight's getting serious

And Per gets a boot on the balls

While Klas throws punches left and right

And some old bitch yells for the cops


Johnnie rushes in, he just barely makes the train

Who does he find if not

Johanna who's all bloody screams for help

The nose has been smashed apart



It's the gangs from the suburbs

Beating themselves bloody from hatred

The same blind rage

Same blind hatred


That sucks, but you get the gist of it. :$ Johnnie's such a 70-80's name! Haha! :LOL: I alwats sung this when I was like 12-13 mmmmemories. And mmmm the "it's the gangs..." part, so beautiful.

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How can you not step outside for months if it's snowing you big Swedish freak of nature! Snow is what makes the winters good! Snowmen! Sledges! Soggy shoes! Chillblanes (sp) *is aware she is far too idealistic when it comes to snow* but it's been nearly... GOD KNOWS HOW MANY YEARS.


Haha bit like the Manchester dialect then. You can tell from who's slightly south of Fallowfield.


Those lyrics are very Smithsy, but with more swearing. :D Ahhh the Housemartins. My dad loves them. I've only got two 'South tracks on my computer. Curses for leaving all my CDs back in Blackpoo.


I want to be a Stockholm ruffian :'( :'(

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Now thousands of human lives are put out


Now thousands of human lives are put out

On the dark Earth

And a thousand tears falling down

Over the dark blue heaven


Oh you star over Stockholm homes

Let your cold light

Shine over those who don't

Have any place to live


In every heart poor and dark

The loneliness is overwhelming

When abundance is spewed out

In blessed Christmas time


And over cities and the country tonight

A calm steel blue shine

Lights up our living room

With Donald Duck, Chip and Dale


I'll try to find the original, it's very witty though and impossible to translate very well :$ The Donald Duck thing is the Swedish tradition when everyone watches some Donald Duck and all that on TV at 3 o'clock


God that sucked too! :LOL::$

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How can you not step outside for months if it's snowing you big Swedish freak of nature! Snow is what makes the winters good! Snowmen! Sledges! Soggy shoes! Chillblanes (sp) *is aware she is far too idealistic when it comes to snow* but it's been nearly... GOD KNOWS HOW MANY YEARS.


Haha bit like the Manchester dialect then. You can tell from who's slightly south of Fallowfield.


Those lyrics are very Smithsy, but with more swearing. :D Ahhh the Housemartins. My dad loves them. I've only got two 'South tracks on my computer. Curses for leaving all my CDs back in Blackpoo.


I want to be a Stockholm ruffian :'( :'(



:LOL: I guess you need proper first hand experience :happy: That is, shirts, tops and sneakers when it's minus 15 and wet, wet, huge snow flakes just go inside your clothes making you semi-dead for days


You can? :LOL: So if you teach me some cool Manchester dialect, I can teach you proper Stockholmese. :happy:


Smithsy yes :LOL: Mmmmm so beautiful. You just have to take Swedish courses just for the Ebba Grön <3


You'll be a Stockholm ruffian in no time, just listen to that song long enough and start saying 'Centan' instead of 'the Central Station', and 'tricken' instead of 'the commuter train' :D

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Nu tändas tusen juleljus

På jordens mörka rund

Och tusen, tusen stråla ock

På himlens djupblå grund


Och över stad och land ikväll

Går julens glada bud

Att född är Herren Jesus Krist

Vår frälsare och Gud


Du stjärna över betlehem

O, låt ditt milda ljus

Få lysa in med hopp och frid

I varje hem och hus


I varje hjärta armt och mörkt

Sänd du en stråle blid

En stråle av Guds kärleks ljus

I signad juletid

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Well I waaaas thinking of a Christmas visit, but after 3 weeks in the tropics I'd die. So no. I'll sit in my little idealist world of snow and fires and logs and jumpers. Ahhh.


Oh aye! You can also tell who's at Manchester and who's at Manchester Metropolitan (i.e the polytechnic)


It's SO 'aad t'faaaind a Swedish course though. Impossible infact. :'(


I shall, I shall! Once Staten och Kapitalet has finished. Mmmm. His voice... so husky. Mmmm. <3

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You do that! :LOL: but you'll have to come here some winter though :happy:


Polytechnics bah! You can heat that here too :indiff:


Awwwwww that sucks! I'll have to start a correspondance course! :happy:


Very husky yes, very much so!


Now thousands of Christmas candles are lit


Now thousands of Christmas candles are lit

On the dark Earth

And a thousand and thousands are also shining

Over the dark blue heaven


Oh you star over Betlehem

Oh let your mild light

Shine in with hope and peace

In every home and house


In every heart poor and dark

Please send a gentle beam

A ray of the light of God's love

In blessed Christmas time


And over cities and the country tonight

The happy message of Christmas travels

That the Lord Jesus Christ is born

Our Saviour and our God

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When does the snow stay until? Cause if we get a reading week in February... mmmm. Snow.


*spits on Man Met* I wish they'd clear off and do a real degree... I mean.. fashion? Media studies? Whaaat? *elitist*


You will. It's the only way I'll become a svenska ruffian.


Haha, I've just been reminded of a christmas song we used to sing in primary school... I'd love to here an Ebba Grön version of that...


Little donkey, little donkey,

On the dusty road.

Got to keep on plodding onwards,

With your precious load.


Been a long time, little donkey,

Through the winter's night.

Don't give up now, little donkey,

Bethlehem's in sight


Ring out those bells tonight

Bethlehem, Bethlehem.

Follow that star tonight,

Bethlehem, Bethlehem.


Little donkey, little donkey,

Had a heavy day.

Little donkey, carry Mary safely on her way.


Little donkey, little donkey,

On the dusty road.

There are wise men waiting for a

Sign to bring them here.


Do not falter, little donkey,

There's a star ahead.

It will guide you, little donkey,

To a cattle shed.



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Well last year we had snow until mid-April :D You never know though, they say snow in Skåne never stays on the ground, but dissolves before it's fallen down. Now the rest of the country I'm it'll stay for a bit, Central Sweden already has snow I believe (I zealously avoid weather reports since they're too depressing :D) and maybe Jönköping will sometime in November.


Fashion? Awwww bless. :D The humanist branch's the new black I tells you!


A svensk Ruffian, congruence Rhiân, congruence! :D


What's the melody like? I could try to do another version of it, so you can have a great Ruffian Christmas, even if you're in Ghana! :D


Naaaaah I'm throwing myself in bed now...it's so depressing to wake up tiiiired, and it's over bloody 1 am here. God natt, hälsa ghettot! :D

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Our April was really warm. Ah snow.


Ooh *slaps self on wrist and writes out Svensk ruffian one hundred times*


I shall sing it tomorrow, in my best flu coated rhaspy voice. That'd be pretty swish... all ruffian and husky with lots of swearing. Possibly.


G'night dear. I shall continue to burn the midnight oil and finish this German. :indiff:

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:$ WAIT. I'm making all these mistakes because I'm rebelling against syntax and such. HA. *is zwensk ruffilan.* :happy:


Ruddy Russian was cancelled again today. I hope Katya's not died or something :stunned:


German went fine. I got a 2:1 for my translation :D :D then made a pillock of myself by answering a question in Dutch, not thinking properly. Never read de Telegraaf before a German class. (Infact, never read de Telegraaf full stop.)


I found a parcel box today :D I can send the tea! Wooo! Plus some fijn communist literature that I felt like such a pillock buying.


Mmm pillock. Word of the day. Pillock.

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:$ WAIT. I'm making all these mistakes because I'm rebelling against syntax and such. HA. *is zwensk ruffilan.* :happy:


Ruddy Russian was cancelled again today. I hope Katya's not died or something :stunned:


German went fine. I got a 2:1 for my translation :D :D then made a pillock of myself by answering a question in Dutch, not thinking properly. Never read de Telegraaf before a German class. (Infact, never read de Telegraaf full stop.)


I found a parcel box today :D I can send the tea! Wooo! Plus some fijn communist literature that I felt like such a pillock buying.


Mmm pillock. Word of the day. Pillock.


Haha sure you do :D I'm sure your Swedish loving heart wouldn't ever do something like that on purpose! :D


Again? :stunned: She probably just has some flu, is there noone at the institution to cover for her?


2:1 mmmm *doesn't get it but it sounds good* Dutch though? :LOL: Errr that's nifty, and it's so much cooler than German anyway innit.


Ooooh *hexcited* Commie literature? :D Nice pillocking!


Word of the day: badbyxsäsongshumörhöjare


Awwww wet jeans, worst thing ever, it's just pouring down here all day long at the moment, it sucks!

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:happy: Of course not. :D


Da. I hope it's not cancelled tomorrow, cause I'll be royally pissed off if I wake up early, find out the class is cancelled then have to come all the way back for two hours before the language lab class. :indiff: Nope, there's only... 4 lecturers in the Russian department. (It really is that small).


It's the one short of a 1st which is top marks :D *smug* Haha yes. It was my own fault for reading de Telegraaf. At least nerdy Swedish girl got to have a big laugh at my expense. AND TO THINK I WOULD'VE OFFERED HER A LÄKEROL! :indiff:


Bwahaha! It has been posted. The sodding man at the post office made me put brown tape around the box because apparently sellotape won't stick as far as Sweden. I suspect it was to fleece me out of 99p, so I made a big fuss and put LOADS of tape around it. Bastard.


Proper commie literature. Sadly the not so commie literature wouldn't fit in the box.


And how does one pronounce that?


Nightmare! I took a video of the rain with my camera earlier, only, I can't compress it, so it shall forever remain a huge file which only I can watch. :happy:

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Yer that'd be awful, is there noone you could call or contact? Language lab sounds fun though, is it like general linguistics when you record voices, slow them down and hear someone say Peeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooootr really slowly! :D 4 lecturers, sounds a bit like us :happy: Isn't that just very cozy? :happy:


Don't waste your time on Swedes, they just want to steal your Englishness :D At least you can sit reading De Telegraaf and make smug remarks about domestic politics in Dutch! :D Bet the Swedish girl wouldn't quite follow! <3


I was going to tape yours, but I went nuts with a stapler instead, I blame my poorness for not being able to buy some proper tape (when it actually is just simple indolence errr)


Bard-biks sehs-ongs hoomeush-huhyareh *breaks down in uncontrollable giggling trying to pronounce that in Engels* :LOL: Oh I forgot the genitive on humör before...hmmm is it humörhöjare or humörshöjare? *has no idea*


A video of the rain? Just in case you'd miss it during a dry day? :D Or for the Ghana bars? <3

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Niet, for shame. We just find out when we get there and there's a sign on the door. It's basically us listening to the Nachala cd, then saying stuff over and over, then laughing at Olga, then giggling. Concidering I'm the youngest on the course, I'm the most mature :LOL:


They can take it! I'd swap for Swedeness anyday. Haha, not that there's any news of worth in De Telegraaf. Just gossip :D


Wow! A stapler? A thing which only dreams are made of! I've got reams of tape now. And for what?! I may put it in my window in preparation for the Eid lootings next month. :happy:


:LOL: :LOL: I can't say it.. I simply can't say it without giggling around about the... ongs part :LOL:


Haha yes. Not that there is ever a dry day here. I've seen the sun shine once in my time. ONCE. Serious vitamin D deficiency in Manchester. Everyone has rickets.

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Sounds like fun! :LOL: I'm the youngest too, and probably just as mature :D


And you still haven't attended the Nordic Society? Certainly for shame. But...but De Telegraaf looks so serious! :D


It's black and glossy too :D 'S the high life I tells you. :happy: 'S fuuurn to staple mmmhm. Except when I have to do it on my pile of fiction papers every half hour I have to read until Friday's exam, since it's always missing papers somewhere errrr. Good excuse not to study :D Eid lootings? Awww you British traditions :D


And you want to be a honorary Swede? Rhiân, Rhiân, such a long way to go :D That and spöutbyte are to be said upon arrival at the customs. Mmhm.


:LOL::LOL: Awwwww. You'd have to come here in the summer for a natural Vitamin D shot :happy:

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It is! It really is. Eta crack? Nyet, eta nye crack. Gyde crack? Crack vsyo. Sluuuucha. *manic giggles*


Aww we've just had a flat bonding session where we drew self portraits and rude things. Haha. And pigeons. Haha. God I'm hyper.



Nope, far too scared of them. I was looking at the email list and they all have really nordic surnames, so I may just... hide a bit.


Wooow. I'm so jealous! Mmm staples and hole punches. The most fun one can have. Another exam? All work and no play... They're smashing (literally haha) are our traditions.


Hahaha that word. *still can't say it* :LOL: :LOL:


I shouldn't be so hyper before bedtime.


Mmm. I should divide my time equally twixt Sweden and Novgorod. It's the only way. Ahh the Russian night out on Wednesday next week (hopefully). Time to place bets on the likelyhood of Dave going home in a shopping trolley/ambulance.

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:D Это очень дешёвый крэк!


Awwww how cool is your flat! *jealous* :D We never draw on things. *dreams* No staplers or hole-punchers in the world could ever replace that happiness really.


But nooo you'd have to just pop in, I promise you they'd love you, since as you know, Swedes finding out that a foreigner likes Sweden always become manically confused and impressed. Time to work your charms on them young lady! :D "Joo löv Sveeeden? Vot? *impräsd* Bork bork" Alternatively, change your surname to Strömström or Cöggin.


:happy: I should've showed it to my phonetics teacher, 's a perfect example of the different lip-roundings in Swedish. Ö, y and u shouldn't really be that hard to say for ruddy foreigners, since y is just an i with rounded lips for hexample. Mmhm.


You manage to sleep? :D


Mmm Novgorod, 's fabulous it is. Ooooh Russian night out? Go out and paint the town commie red! Mmm shopping carts! :LOL: Just give him some Zubróóóóóówka or Jääägermeister! :happy:


Dooooon't go wasting your emooooootion! <3

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:LOL: Da!


Well, russian was cancelled again. Good job I checked my university email before getting dressed. Mmmm.


We are pretty cool :D Even the one we don't get on with much came to play! And the fruits of our labour...






I'm still too scared. I'm going to Ikea with me mum next week, so I'll stock up on lingonberry jam and take it as a peace offering. :happy:


You should've done! Just blame the fact that foreigners are too rubbish for le swedishka.


Mmm lots of sleep. Far too much infact.


Commie red with Dave's blood haha. We'd have to go to Revolution to get Zubrówka... HUZZAH! NEVER JAEGERMEISTER! NEVER! It's so evil.


And remember children...



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So you had a day off today too? :happy: Mmmm. Is she going to be gone for the rest of the week or something, or didn't the mail-senders know that?


Ooooh such pretty drawings :happy: I thought you meant drawing directly on the wall yesterday :D This is so much better indeed. Mmmm.


Lingonsylt, haven't had that for haaages :'( Mmmm black pudding with bacon and lingonsylt, 's fabulous...or pancakes with whipped cream and lingonsylt...'s all good :happy: Or meringues, cream and lingonsylt...*dies* Mmmm. I haven't even had knäckebröd in ages, and I'm supposed to be Swedish. Pah.


Foreigners are too cool for Zweedska :happy:


Vodka bars! :LOL: Classy innit


You found a Polish cigarette pack? *jealous* That's just beautiful...the fact that you never can reproduce again turns into such a happy story with all those rz's! :happy:


*Loves the Magnetic Fields this big* Mmm. Got "A kind of loving", "By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept" and "Consciousness and the Aquisition of Language" by Maurice Merleau-Ponty today! Feels so intellectual innit! :D

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Aye! Shocking. I'm turning into a bum. :happy: I don't have any more Russian classes this week now, save for my conversation class with Olga tomorrow. :happy:


Ooh nooo! We'd get fined a small fortune if we did that! We were re living our primary school days last night. We wanted to do potato prints and hand prints.. but we don't have any paint. Boo :(


Awww. Mmm they all sound delicious :happy: I had some knäckebröd and nutella last night. Mmmm. Now I'm having some of that honey with warm water. *is a good pseudoswede*


Revo's brilliant. It helps that Steve in our Russian class works at the Oxford Road one <3


They're the 'Gaff specials' which the newsagents sell after 6.30pm for £3 instead of £5... but they won't sell them if the police are about :LOL:


Oooh, someone sent me some 'Fields songs last night. I've not got round to listening to them though. Especially now I've discovered you can watch the BBC 6 o'clock news online :D :D :D *is watching it now.. live* :D :D :D


Ever so! You need to buy some James Joyce now. Mmm. Ulyssees. Mmm.

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Yer, 's scary, since when you have several days off, studying itsn't exactly the top priority :$ Conversation classes are nice though :happy: We just learnt the correct answer for a special kind of luck-wishing is 'go to hell!' :D К чёрту! :D


Mmm primary school :happy: Did you eat play-dough and use buckets of sand as temporary drumkits? Mmmm I miss playing in the sand :D


Knäckebröd with nutella? Sounds a right killer! What brand was the lingonsylt? Probably some bland 'Bob' or something...I'd be surprised if you actually had Önos over there, guessing you don't though errr. You're a very good more-than-pseudo-swede. :happy:


He does? Mmmmm. Does that mean 6cl wódka in your 3cl glasses? <3


Ahaha, you just have to get loads of packs to put on the shelf if a Pole'd ever step into Flat 9! :LOL::happy:


Online news pah. Don't we have some Swedish equivalent? Mmm. I could send you a Fields song my sister ripped for me from quite a recent album, she just got it today. Mmm 's beautiful. *Fires up gmail*


I won't do Ulysses until I'm done with Á la recherche du temps perdu, which I haven't even started, so it may take a while :D Uni takes all my reading time away! Aaaargh! I could do with some kitchen-sink instead of palatality assimilations! :'(

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