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Excellent :happy: I feel I should write more ruffian adaptations on carols and go singing them tomorrow arround Fallowfield...


http://www.simplyislam.com :D S'all based on the Wilmslow Road is that. Or.. http://www.islam1.com *too much time in Rusholme*


Ahh sleep. Ahh handwashing. Ahhh. N'night, sleep tight, mind the bedbugs don't bite. :happy:


Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline.


I saw your ruffian carol, spleeeendid :LOL: Sing them over a pack of Value Lager.


:LOL: Oh I remember that site from my Islamism back in September! I shall definately get a Qu'ran in Arabic, they're really cheap! You can never spend too much time in Rusholme. Mmmm.


She may look born with it, I don't, unless I was born in a Chinese reservation :LOL:


WOOOHOOO! Russian Language Lab exam... 2 marks from full marks :D :D :D WOOOO!


WOOOOO good on you, you Rusk expert! :happy: Congrats! *hands pepparkakor as a reward* I wonder how depressed I should be for coming down with a crippling illness the night before you have to study like a ferret. Lisa was really nice and bought me some apples, tangerines and mineral water though. Best sister ever. I don't have to study now since I'm doing my traditional 'not gonna make it' stance and will be watching the Rusks beat the crap out of the svenskar in ice hockey at 16.55. I have no sensation in my hands. :stunned: Enjoy your evening now you passed the hexam dear!

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I shall. I'll put some orange peel in it and whack it in the microwave to give it that grogg (so should be that) feeling to it. :happy:


Ooooh yes! You wanted that thingywhatsit, didn't you? Did you ever buy one of those? Nah, you can. In and out is the best way to visit that place.


:LOL: Did you go for brown or black mascara?


:D I was well chuffed! Plus I managed to get the right aspect pair for our exercise today :happy: Oh noes :( Too much time in minimal clothing's bound to make you feel a bit rough *hugs* She does sound quite the wonderful sibling. :happy: Best stay indoors with a hot water bottle, beechams and a blanket :happy:


Russia vs. Sweden? *emotionally torn*

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I shall. I'll put some orange peel in it and whack it in the microwave to give it that grogg (so should be that) feeling to it. :happy:


Ooooh yes! You wanted that thingywhatsit, didn't you? Did you ever buy one of those? Nah, you can. In and out is the best way to visit that place.


:LOL: Did you go for brown or black mascara?


:D I was well chuffed! Plus I managed to get the right aspect pair for our exercise today :happy: Oh noes :( Too much time in minimal clothing's bound to make you feel a bit rough *hugs* She does sound quite the wonderful sibling. :happy: Best stay indoors with a hot water bottle, beechams and a blanket :happy:


Russia vs. Sweden? *emotionally torn*

*adds advice*Black goes very well:happy:

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I shall. I'll put some orange peel in it and whack it in the microwave to give it that grogg (so should be that) feeling to it. :happy:


Ooooh yes! You wanted that thingywhatsit, didn't you? Did you ever buy one of those? Nah, you can. In and out is the best way to visit that place.


:LOL: Did you go for brown or black mascara?


:D I was well chuffed! Plus I managed to get the right aspect pair for our exercise today :happy: Oh noes :( Too much time in minimal clothing's bound to make you feel a bit rough *hugs* She does sound quite the wonderful sibling. :happy: Best stay indoors with a hot water bottle, beechams and a blanket :happy:


Russia vs. Sweden? *emotionally torn*


Mmmm Christmasy :D You sure know how to spice it up innit!


I wanted the akaal yer, the thing that holds the shemagh in place. 'S fabulous! So I might as well order a qu'ran too innit.


It's deathly, deathly black :LOL: My other one's brown though, feels more neutral really.


Woo, success with aspect pairs is divine! Doesn't it just give you that fuzzy, warm feeling inside? *Hugs back* At least I've got a bath robe on at the moment, 's actually pretty comfy! If only I could remember all the stupid words...


Russia won 3-1 wooo! :D They didn't show the national anthem though, which might be the best thing about Russian hockey. Mmmhm.

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It needs spicing up! S'vile.


Thaaat's the one. Don't forget to order a rehal too... Actually, there's a mug in the window of that Simply Islam shop that says "remember to say bismalah" on it. I sooo want it. When I pluck up the courage to go in to the shop, I'll buy 4.


Innit :D It did! Ya pisala pismooooo. One day I'll have cyrillic keyboard.


Ahh Russia. Poor Sweden though. Perhaps I shall have to find the boy (if I ever see him again) and suggest we drown our sorrows...

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88p for 4 says it all really.


Well you simply must have one out of respect, innit? :happy: Nah, I'm trying to convert the flat to Judaism.


Sadly he knows that already *doomed*


Oh dear god I'm going out for curry again tonight. Can't say no as I'm not paying.. but I really, really wanted that sweet potato and mushroom burger :'(

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That's so cheap :LOL: They should do that in Sweden too!


Heeexactly! When the next ramadan comes, I'm prepared to the teeth. Hope they don't keep track of who orders stuff from these websites...I'd be in trouble...


:happy: Don't you worry, at least we got beaten up at Poltava, so the Rusks must do something right. Except for Narva :D


:happy: Niiiiice! Enjoy! Me I can't eat anything really, so enjoy it while you can :D God maybe I can't make it to the exam tomorrow...I'm in deep, deep trouble then...

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No! They shouldn't! Seriously, it makes even the weakest of beer seem potent.


Ahhh :happy: You know I was thinking a similar thing earlier, wondering if the FBI now have placed bugs in my room because I showed a fleeting interest in Islam. Nahhhh man, I's a Jew.


Ahh fair enough then :happy: Still, poor tweedun.


Are you feeling any better now? Can you not get special consideration for your exam for being poorly sick? *passes beechams*

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Fair enough, I'll have to stick to our 2.8% Norrlands Guld then :D


Are you sure you'd want to be a Jew in the middle of Rusholme? :$ 'S safer to get a Qu'ran and hide the Tora inside. Allah'd be pissed though. Oooh did you enjoy the curry? Was it An-Nawaz again?


Mmmhm. Who would you like to win our World Cup football group then? :D


Fanks :happy: Nah, the examinators wouldn't bother taking notice of that, it's my fault for being sick according to the uni probably. I'll try going to bed at the earlist hour since...ever, to see if I'm better tomorrow (inshallah) Good niiiight dear! :happy:

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You're probably best to do that. :happy:


Nah, I'd just move to Didsbury. S'proper Kosher country there. :happy: The curry was rather good (specially as I didn't pay for it :D) Nah, it was Sanjaar tonight. Good, but not as much meat with the sauce as in Al Nawaz. I still put Sanam and Sangam as the two best ones though.


To think I never really liked curry till moving here.


Haha I thought I hadn't finished...


Gah that's mean. Surely if you turned up all bandaged or something? Hopefully sleep will solve all :happy: G'night chuck.

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