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Woo Stockport, do the Manchester surroundings sightseeing! No need for uni, just sit in the back all day talking to some wise Russian ghetto alcoholics. :happy:


:LOL: Thank you. It's one of the best things to do really. Makes you feel better for speaking a 9-million-speaker language :D How on Earth do you engelsmän get by? The poor sods who aren't linguist stars?


Yes! Flaily! The word we've been looking for! :LOL: Very much flaily, then maybe short, puffy arms and/or thick cardigans for sitting inside by the fire after the running, and after Heathcliff rescues her. I'm not sure about the short puffy arms, but it's oh so pretty. Mmm.


Mmm. *counts participles and gerunds in essay* *so smug* :LOL:

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Absolutly! I could get as far as Whalley Range, Wythenshawe and Ashton with this buspass. Not that there's any point or need... The M14 postcode and its surrounding is all you need in life really.


Absolutly! I have no idea you know. The knowlege of another language is such a good one. Me and the German sat and insulted a stupid and fat Wigan woman on probably 40% of the coach journey down to London, without her having the foggiest :happy:


:LOL: Reminds me a bit of a game I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.


Mmmm. So long as they all agree! :happy:


Mmmm Whiskycats.

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Woooo you must to go to Wythenshawe and Whalley Range! I'd be forever jealous! M22 must be better though, since it's a higher number. Then again M13 is nice, and that's lower :D


Haha brilliant! She probably deserved it though. :LOL: Now imagine how much dirt you could throw at people in a Stockholm dialect. :happy:


Eh? :LOL:


Mmhm, I've even got a historic participle in there. Though I bet I used it the wrong way :LOL:


Mmm Ladytron. So...2001? :D

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Hehe, I shall see where the wind (and Stagecoach) takes me.


She did indeed! Throw dirt at them in Welsh?


I know what I mean.... That's all that matters :happy:


At least it's there! S'like with a French Subjunctive.


So divine and all! God the memories of Ladytron.


My friend's just phoned me from a Rufus gig :'( :'( he's playing Complainte de la Butte and all :'( :'( :'( words cannot express my jealousy right now.

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You have to bring your camera as well :D (if it doesn't get nicked by scary people that is). I'm going (at least planning and hoping) to go to a Russian party on Friday in Malmö and I'm afraid I'll be maimed and feathered by the people there. God Malmö is a dump. And it doesn't even have a pretty name like Rusholme.


Welsh in a Stockholm dialect, I wonder how it'd sound. :D Like me speaking Welsh I suppose. Errrr.


Mmmmm subjunctive...I even used one on the neighbour t'other night, 'il faut que tu parlasses' or whatever's right :D It spices up any conversation/text on the spot innit.


Mmmhm. I had such the hooligan period back then, Audio Bullys and some Ladytron for good measure. Plus, one of them's from Bulgaria. And one's really pretty if I'm not mistaken. Must be the Bulgarian one :LOL:


Awwwww *hugs* :( Isn't there anywhere you could see him soon? You should force him/her to hold up the phone during the entire gig. 'S what I would do. :happy:

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Haha I shall do. Unless I end up in Moss Side. Don't quash my ideals of Malmöööö please. It has an ö! Thank you. Grrr. :LOL: Nothing quite like a Russian party. If it's owt like the one our department gave at the start of the semester it'll be brilliant!


Swelsh. it'd be wonderful :happy: Probably easier to understand than Swansea Welsh.


So true. Bien que je puisse... Je ne pense pas que ce soit vrai mais... Shame that the French never actually use them though. Like the Germans never use the genitive. But das Auto meines Vaters sounds so much better than das Auto von meinem Vater. Grrr.


Were Audiobullys 2001? I think that was my Goth period... Mmm Bulgarian. The Bulgarian girl I met looked suspiciously like a bloke.


*hugs back* there's his last date tomorrow in Norwich... I should've gone to tonight's though, since it's in ruddy Preston. :'( waaah. I don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant no I really don't waaaaaaaant. *sniff*

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Moss Side errr. I've only been in Malmö three times though, two in daylight, one (after Antony <3) in the evening. Scary people everywhere. Though it's posher in daylight, but that can be equally scary if you're a student :D Mmm department parties are great, this is a private party though, so I'll see if I can make some Rusk contacts to get me some Baltika. :D 'S bloody impossible it is. Mmmm пять.


That so? I must record some one day, now I've got my dictionary back :LOL:


Meines Vaters <3. Just like we dropped our subjunctive, besides for 'to be'. Err.


Nah, 's just that everything beyond...mid 2003 is 2001 to me. Sorry :LOL: Can't remember what I listened to back in '01...mostly Smiths, Indochine and others more obscure things. Mmm goth :D Most Slavs are capable of looking like men, but sometimes they really shine. Nothing beats the darker-than-Swedish-complexion with blue eyes. Not that it happens a lot though. Also, slav-shemale must be better than Arja-shemale :LOL:


Aww a bit far then...let's hope he'll show up again soon :happy:

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Mmm wonderful. I suppose it is a little close to Denmark, which would explain the not so goodness, but still. пять is indeed the best one. Mmm. However if pushed три is available from Tesco for £1.50 a bottle


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/milojazzlady/IMG_1339.jpg Mmm.


You managed to tear it away from Lisa's side then? You did what?! :stunned: Bastard Swedish.


Haha sounds about right. S'that whole age thing. Terrible. Mona's lucky really, and in a sense I'm luckier than you. Old man. :LOL:


Haha so true. I think the slavs that shine are the ones who wash. The very few. The Arja shemale is the best! The jaw! The jaw!


Aye :( Indeed. It's a bugger cause Martha was on backing vocals for the latter part of this tour too. Oh woe!

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Best reason for it's vileness I've heard :LOL: So true though. Errr. Köpenhamn isn't really scary though, but other Danish cities...errr. Ghetto galore. If I remember correctly, then семь might be quite good too. Mmm. What number is the fridge one? I'm out of beer here, the 30 odd cans me mam gave me like...last month...have just vanished :$ She won't like that I'm sure :LOL: (Though father dear will be proud <3)


I did! She still has all the fancy books she can keep from the library for 6 months if she likes, the 'Welsh Tutor' and some mutation books. Mmm. I just realised t'other day that Welsh is a language I'd kill to be able to speak, but can't be arsed to learn. Errr. Yer, Swedish is a crap language. The only thing good about it is the occasional nice vowel, consonant cluster or its smallness. That's it.


:'( You silly tart, 's not funny :LOL: Mona should be so lucky yes :happy: The whole liiiiife in front of her :D Wooow. I wonder when I can celebrate my '20 years, 7 months and 27 days' day. I should figure that out really :LOL:


Hah, and wear clean undershirts <3 Argh her jaw is horrible! :D


Aw shit...you'll have to console yerself with the pictures of you and 'er then! :happy:


Just collected all my written exercises since September, such a pretty bunch, since I have my writing exam on Monday and the technical text reading on Friday. Aaaaand then there's the thing we're supposed to read over Christmas, argh they haven't mentioned it since August, how're we supposed to cope with copying the papers ourselves, we're not all that grown-up haha :( <3

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*speaks the truth*If I get my act together and book this SAS flight I'd have to change in Copenhagen. Another country to the list woo! Although Denmark... s'more a really vile, downtrodden borough of Sweden, innit? семь was nice, I vaguely remember some Australian bloke making me drink a cocktail of 3 and 7 and it being quite good. The one in the fridge is 3. haha! Your mum buys you beer? She must really care! :happy:


Excellent :happy: Welsh is a pain in the arse to learn really. I wish I could class myself as a native speaker I really do. Damn my family to hell.


You should do like the queen and have 2 birthdays a year really. Gah what I wouldn't give for it to be 1997 again.


Ooh good luck with that! We've got our first Language Lab exam on Wednesday, which could be interesting as we still don't know anything :LOL: Course you're not that grown up. You're a uni student. S'merely a façade, innit. :happy:

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At least you wouldn't be changing in Roskilde, or Solröd, or Köge or...or...Hanstholm :LOL: That country list of yours must be growing quite long no? Yes, Denmark is a mere crappier version of Sweden, and Skåne is a bit like Denmark, but more nazi and posh. Beer cocktails? :LOL: Only with Baltika innit! Them numbers make it more fun to mix! She brought it over after she'd been to Germany. Mmm. Me and Lisa are the family customs, if someone we know are going north from Germany/Denmark, the holy codex makes them bring us something for the trouble.


You should mention that in your will, and then make your kids speak all Welsh, no Saesneg muck.


2 birthdays sounds like fun. Bad thing is, if you do it wrong, you grow up twice as fast :D Mmm 1997. Must've been that Christmas I took up guitar. Mmm. Not a problem in the world innit :happy:


Ooh good luck on you too! What exactly will you be doing? Except not understanding? (I'm sure you will though, just smile and flutter with the eye-lashes, repeating the National Anthem over and over) Haha, yer, that's us, the uni students. 'S a good job we don't even pay taxes. Except sales tax an' all that, but that doesn't count :happy:


Aaand I'm off to bed, I shall have to revise some technical texts earlie in the morning to have some questions for the last lessons. Not that I'll ask anything, but it feels nice. :D Goooood noight dear! :happy:

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True, true. However another Australian I met (seriously, for ex criminals these Australians are well travelled) said that Roskilde was the best place on earth. I think he was on about the festival though. Beer cocktails with Baltika are fantastic! :LOL: Fantastic. Do you give them the option to pay import duty or surrender the goods?


Haha I shall. I think I'll try and bring me kids up multi lingual anyway. Failing that, I'll just tell them a cow is a pig and a sheep is a hen and so on and so forth.


True, true. Still, think... a private and state birthday. :happy: 97 was a good year. First year in Ghana for me I think. Spice Girl mania... ahh.


Ta! We'll be there doing the listening and generally laughing at random intervals... same as we do every week, but this week it goes towards the end of year classification. Eep. If Olga's marking it I'm fucked anyway. She hates me as I'm the only class member who greets her with a Privyet i dobry dzien in an over enthusiastic, Georgian style.


G'night me dear! Mind the bedbugs don't bite etc etc. (Bite should so be spelt bight.)

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Roskilde is crap, except maybe the odd pizza place. It doesn't get much worse than Hanstholm though. No ma'am. I'll have to try one of them cocktails on Friday or something, since I'm running out of stuff do test with rum (side note: Fanta Free Red Berries is fabulous with rum. As is julmust.) Surrender the goods, always, somehow the divine calva dad brought home managed to go past me though :LOL: Sneaky bastards.


Haha do that! :LOL: 'S what our mother's father did to us, a chocolate bar is squirrel, a bike is a bank and so on. Me dad does the same thing to our wee cousins. Mmm.


Mmm private and state sounds nice. I'd need a balcony to wave from though, which is quite dear for a student. Errr. Mmm Spice Girls :LOL: Mmm my last years in the choir as well :happy:


Ah I see! Wouldn't she have to love you for that though? If it's as lovely as the 'tack', I'd give you an A straight away :happy: We got our Indochine T-shirts today! Mmm girly.

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Oooh I shall have a look through this cocktail book I've just bought dad for Christmas to see if there's any rum recommendations :D Purple fanta and cheap 'absinthe' (i.e Sambuca with green food colouring) goes really well.


:LOL: I tried that with Ed last Christmas. Trying to tell him that a hen was a squirrel. To which he turned round and said "Rhian, are you stupid?" Grr. haha good on your family though. I like the way they think :D


Nah, just open your window and lean out. S'good enough.


Nah, she hates me. Everyone else greets her in the formal zdravstvoioioiooioitye way. It's more enthusiastic than the 'tack' which... I haven't said for ages :'( Ahh L'indochine. I've stolen quite a few tracks off the Belgian who lives with the German. Wonderful. So gay.


I didn't fail the russian test! :D Granted I only just passed by 10% but still. I DIDN'T FAIL :D :D

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Woo the poifect julklapp innit :D Hmm reminds me...I sorely need a drink book for my room! Mmm. Especially for when you don't have time to experiment with rum. I've yet to try any Absinthe though :(


:LOL: Hahaha he's a smart kid innit! No childhood without traumas.


I'd have to climb over my table though :( Nah, I'll just arrange a parade through the corridor.


You should say 'zdrazdye' which is the cooler way of saying it. Noone ever says zdraztvuytye, life's too short innit :D You should say 'tack' to the next person you see :happy: Mmmm I'm glad you're discovering the best band ever. Mmmm. My God, this T-shirt's so, so gay.


Wooooooo! Congrats! *hugs* :happy:

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Absolutly! I've bought him an optic for his bar too :D Christmas Casa Coggin II is going to be fun! Don't ever try absinthe. Too many horrible, horrible memories and trips from my first (and final) venture down Prague's finest import.


He's FAR too smart. Bastard.


Ahh good call! Perfect your queen wave too!


I could, but the privyet! is so much more fun. I shall venture into the kitchen in a few minutes for juice and tackage. Man, I'd forgotten how much joy that word gives me! Haha is it pink and french?


Tack! :D *hugs back*

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Optic? :$ I got the words 'his bar' though, which is fabulous enough :LOL: God I'm slow tonight. I won't try absinthe...if I do, I'll only do the 'small-drop-on-the-tongue-method' :happy:


You should bring over some snow and mula him (which is Swedish for mashing snow in someone's face. God loves our verbs.)


I so will *waves with back of hand*


Naah privyet's so...no. 'S just not Soviet enough. Tack away my dear! Tack away! The shirt's black, with pink text. I'll see if I can get a pic in a mo. Also got a pin for my jacket with "J'attends le nouvel Indochine" on it, which I am by the way. Woo! :D

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325.jpg One of those :D Yeah! My dad's house is like the house he's always wanted, bless him. A brave man. Absinthe is just pure evil.


Haha! I will do that with sand instead. Sand with little bits of shale. HA.


Privyet's great though! It reminds me of hedges. I tacked, by god did I tack. Haha that sounds so divinely french and gay! Is that right french? La nouvelle... le nouveau... bah be fucked if I care. Stupid language of huns anyway.

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Woo that's the coolest thing ever! My dad would be so jealous! :LOL: He wanted to build a bar in the basement, but mum wouldn't let him :D


Hah, sounds like quite the plan :D Mylla him good! (Oh dear did I just say 'mula' a few posts down? By gow, I'm turning Stockholmese even more :LOL: )


Good tacking then! :happy: Yup, nouvel in front of vowels :happy: Like 'un bel homme'. Mmm I'm good :LOL:


Nothing like playing along to Smiths bootlegs with included applause and cheering...:LOL: Can you say ego-boost :LOL: Mmm Heaven knows and Charming man. Best songs to play on the guitar ever, cue Marr guitar-poses too. Shame I don't have a mirror :LOL: Nope, off to Lisa for coffee. Only weak people make coffee themselves!

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Hehe! I shouldn't encourage my father, but hell. You live only once. I swear our fathers are the same person. I really do. :LOL:


Haha! Proper ruffian, like innit. Ooh, there was a good stabbing in Rusholme the other week. I forgot to tell you. Some Kurds started on someone and slit his throat. :stunned:


Ahhh. Nevermind. S'not like I ever need French again. :happy:


Hehehe! :LOL: For a moment then I thought you were on about your flat... *slow day* Ahhh. Too right. Even weaker people refuse to press the button on the coffee machine in the Leamington.


I hadn't noticed until just now just how Manc Ian Curtis sounded.

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You only live once yes :happy: Haha it's scary innit :D


That's scary :stunned: You better watch out if you want to move there, or learn Kurdish. Fuck, Sweden seems so calm all of a sudden. *cuddles home* :happy:


It's good to keep it up, if only for the ghetto-banlieue thing. :happy:


:LOL: That'd be the day. Pah buttons. Our coffee machine should know what I want by now. No coffee at Lisa's though, only glögg. Which is besser. Mmmm.


<3 That's lovely! I'll have to listen closer *wants to see 24-hour Party People even more and hugs Ian Curtis poster on wall* :happy:

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Isn't it just :stunned:http://www.student-direct.co.uk/?p=593 is mild news for Rusholme...


So true. The woman at the cafe knows... so the machine should!


Ahh beautiful! There was a recipie in Student Direct for glögg. Something about add the wine and port and then keep adding spices till you think it's reet.


You've not seen 24 Hour etc etc? Boy, you've not lived!

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That's horrible, horrible! How do people put up with that! Though the police seems quite swift in comparison to Sweden...patrolling police officers aren't exactly everywhere. Or is that just their front for the media? I'm so scared of Britain it's ridiculous, those things seem to be the only things you hear about.


Hexactly :happy: Should be like an ATM with PIN codes and all :happy:


Mmmm I've never made glögg at home really...bought is better. Mmm. :happy: Or, you could do like some guests at the hotel Lisa used to work and make glögg in the water-boiler :LOL:


Oh no, I've seen it loads of times (not for quite a while though :( ) or else I wouldn't deem myself worthy of living. It's oh such a beautiful film. Mmmmmmm.

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S'Manchester life! I saw an old friend from school in town today, and her flatmate in 3rd year had just finished her Neuroscience dissertation, went into the kitchen for a brew and when she got back to her room, someone had smashed the window and stolen her laptop. Dissertation gone. There's a really big police presence in our area (granted they can usually be found buying kebabs in Thrill of the Grill or Mhirichi but they're about.) You should've seen the Eid weekend. Police on every corner from near the MRI to Hardy's Well at the end of Fallowfield. Not to mention all the vans down the Wilmslow road.


Ruffians aren't just a thing of Mozza lyrics :LOL::D


Mmm that'd be good.


I may try it... one day. Could be nice. Hahaha! I can picture it now... Assuming you mean one of those big boilers like what they's got on Russian trains?


Ahh that's ok then! I was concerned for a moment!

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What a rubbish thing to do :( Well, at least she has her health I suppose...the only times you see a lot of policemen out at the same time might me in big cities if there's a big football game or something, but we didn't make note of any specific presence after the wave of rapes going through Sweden recently :(


I wish they were! He makes everything seem so cheery, even miserable love and dancing priests :D


Errr noo not quite...I have no idea what they're called in English though...a glögg samovar would be classy though :D




I bet you were :D I shall rent it someday if I can find it.


Shirt: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v66/Krasnojarsk/3f0c6175.jpg

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