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:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: A whole bottle? Oh dear, it took me months to finish mine, and it was considerably smaller om man säger så. Mmmm pancake mix :D:LOL:

No Rhiân, case endings may be important, but drinking is so much more important. So much more. So are we feeling better now it's evening? :happy:


I just came home from a punk record rip session with Lisa...mmm so many new songs...mmmm Jilted John...



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Pelle, it is not funny. :indiff: I thought I'd try and be clever and eat the grass in it too. Shine a light, never do that.

Drinking is terrible. We spent 540kr on cocktail jugs. :stunned: I still feel like death. Never again, she utters. Never again.


:LOL: I used to sing that to my Grandad all the time, with his surname being Gordon-Ellis. :LOL: Ah punk. So 70s. <3


Ahh the Cranberries. <3 Ooh cranberry juice... that'd be a good idea...

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Awww I'll let y'off then :happy: You're never drinking again and already you want some cranberry juice? I know I wouldn't :LOL: That's a load of dosh for just drinking though...though you'll probably be up 50 points in Rusk abilities when you go back to uni :D


:LOL::LOL: Genious! Best song ever! Mmm and Who's Captain Kirk by Spizzenergi...mmmm...


INTOOOOOO THE VALLEEEEEEY...mmm mem'ries from running about in the 'ghetto' in the 90's...mmm.

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Cranberry juice to purge the system. Clean the mind. Free the kidneys. It involves a walk to Gaff though, and I know they'll try and sell me some knock off ciggs/DVDs/gin if I go there. It was between three of us... which... doesn't justify it at all really. *curls up in a ball*


Do you remember that weird Starrrr Trecking acccccrosssss the universe song? Is that the one you mean? *curls up in a ball again*


Ahh the Ghetto. I've spent all week trying to convince the Dutchie that she does NOT need a daytrip to Moss Side. :indiff:

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Sounds a good idea to me :happy: Walking it off is allus nice, if it works. Well, why don't you try to score some more of them Polish cigarettes then if you have to buy something inni :D Look at it from the bright side, you could've been up all night downing red wine and ordering Indochine merch for 90 euros :stunned:


Nope I don't...I'll gaymail you the one in a sec, 's great for singing along really :happy:


Like you'd have to do to (do de loo) me :LOL: Naw I'd stay in the posh parts to be a good boy and come home alive :happy: Maybe they slay blonde stupid tourists at the airport anyway so it wouldn't really matter :D


I've finished my translation (we had to do it without grammar books and ordböcker, quite interesting) I have to do till Tuesday! Tuesday!! By gow I'm crafty innit. I haven't done the things I have for tomorrow though :LOL:

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Change of plan. It's faaaar too cold and frosty. Brrr. 5 degrees at Lunchtime today... Winter's a comin' :D *hugs radiator fondly* Woah 90 teuros? Wine and Electropop though... mmm.


Oooh cheers :D


Good! I couldn't face having dead Swedes on my conscience, just as I couldn't face having dead Dutchies. You have to look after those continentals. Nahh they wouldn't slay you... maybe search you... or mug you...


Woo! Well done! S'impressive that :D Ah uni. Gotta love it :D

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Yeah, 's a good job God invented radiators...I just swore to meself after going to Lisa's that I would never, ever step outside again! And I refuse to change my dress code just because of silly winter :LOL:


'S fabulous really :happy:


Now I feel quite safe about going to Manchester since I'll have one of the natives fending off ruffians :LOL: I shall have to get one of those electrified rape jackets so I can feel safe when someone just looks at me the wrong way though :D


Innit :D

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Radiators and Primark fleece blankets :D Ah the cold winter air is fantastic. Dried skin, chapped lips, numb extremities... slippy pavements. AHHH :D :D love it. Love it.


Ah now I know what to tourguide, damn right. We had a daytrip to Didsbury and everything. *proper native now* Nahh you don't need one of those jackets.. just a flick knife. :D


*is proud*

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Y'know, I've just thought winter was crap up until like...a week ago, and it's actually quite nice, as long as there's no snow it's quite dandy. Frosty grass looks pretty too :happy: If you love slippy pavements you'll just go nuts in Sverige :D


Mmmmm Didsbury...maybe if I bring two flick knives we can do Rusholme, pretty please :D Does the Tour include drinking cheap cider or value lager in public? :D


Mmm Metal Urbain! FASCISTEUH!

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Winter's grand. You can't compare it to why summer's great, cause it's a different great. Mm winter. Frosty grass is great.. as are frosty cars :D


Rusholme... it has to be done anyway.. it's the only way you can get into town from Fallowfield is a journey through the 'holme. The tour involves all sorts of debauchery, being sneaked into lectures (term times only) and drinking god awful 66p (or 59p if you're lucky) coffee... talking to people from New Internationalist magazine... Primark visit... Who needs tourist towns, when there's Manchester?



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Mmmhm. People with white caps and mittens...mmm. 'S so pretty. :happy: Tea's so much better in winter too...as is ginger bread and...mmm candles...and French anti-fascist punk :LOL: <3's Bérurier Noir


Is that so? *hexcited* :D Ooh free knowledge :D And, coffee's never bad when it's cheap...it might be crap if it's free someplace, but that really should be 59p worth of gold :D Like the 2.50 kr coffee at t'institution :happy: *Wants Manchester instead of ruddy Sviiiden* :indiff: I fear you'd just laugh at our ruffians :(




Peunkeuh! :D

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Ahh winter. :happy:


That is so! You'll be a proper mancunion (or mancunian... *shrugs*) by the end of a week here. Leo's done really well :happy: Nah you'd hate the Refectory coffee... it's proper British style apparently. Aw but schveeed'n... :stunned:


Awwww love is in the air in flat 9 :D Bless my excitedly excited flatmate :happy:

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That's really, really nice :happy: I'll have to work up a really nasal English then to be complete :D Has she killed anyone yet? Has she berated people for improper use of the Qu'ran? :happy: Or maybe she's been taking it all in silently :happy: Mmmmm. I'll bring some cheap coffee then :happy: Mmmmmmollbergs Blandning. Mmm.


That so? Awwww bless. :happy: Everyone not in love should take a listen to 'It's clichéd to be cynical at Christmas' by Half Man Half Biscuit :LOL: 'S fabulous


Now I have to read some chemical popular history, so let's hope I don't shoot myself. Also, I've started thinking about what it would be like to skip school tomorrow...since we have to talk about what 'young, middle-aged and old' people are wearing. Sigh. What to do, what to do. Besides, it'll probably be fucking cold. And, I start at 11.15 which means I'll have to be up at 9.30! Death!


Sorry for that :$:D

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Innit just :happy: She now says chuffed like a pro :D No killing yet, and no improper use of the Qu'ran, but she did have chips and gravy and walk home in the dark from The Rusholme Chippy with us last night :D


Haha that's the truth though!


God that sounds fascinating. *pulls that face* Ah, why not. Skipping lectures is part of your responsibility as a student. PLUS a 9.30 start is just outrageous.


Teddy Thompson plus Martha and Rufus singing a Loudon song... <3 <3 <3 <3

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She does? :happy: I'll have to learn how to do that too then :D Late night Rusholme walking :eek: That's advanced innit! Mmmmm. Mmmm fish and chips *has been wanting it since they had it in the kitchen-sink book soaked in vinegar* Mmmmm. *hasn't had breakfast, lunch or dinner though* :$


So true, that's why I'm going all into the Christmas spirit :D (I almost wrote spirit with a capital s, I'm not going that far haha :LOL: )


Hmmmm after 20 pages of translated fucking chemical fucking sodding history I've decided I'm too much of a wuss to skip school... :indiff: It is quite the prerogative to do so though...and after all I do have Thursday and Friday off...but that's fucking 3 days! :'( 9.30 is ungodly *dies*


Oooh :happy: Does it feel hextra special now you're on speaking terms with'er? :D


Mein head hurts, I'm beetling off to the kip...jó estét dearest, now go write a fabulous notice for work and hand it in a fortnight before you quit just to make them see how much they'll miss you :happy:

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You must! It's essential Manc vocab, along with tosser, weekly ticket, OP bop, 42s, 5th ave and sack that lecture, time to sleep. No chish and fips in Sweden? Awww. No breakfast, lunch or dinner? :stunned: You'll die. :stunned:


Haha, better still, Christmas spirits...


Aww, you'll never make a manc with that attitude! Annie (her mum's Swedish :D :D) came to the conclusion that the best sleeps she has are ones she has when she's supposed to be in class. Thursday AND Friday? Wowza!


It most certainly does :happy: See how cool we all are http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d160/fraktionschef/Martha%20Wainwright/martha.jpg :D


Aww, g'night dear :happy: Nos da, etc etc. Gah I can't wait till I quit. I feel like tipping off the local council about work conditions... but no. I'm too kind. I'll just quit at the end of the day and leave them in the lurch. HA.

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:LOL: That's a lot, I couldn't figure out anything quite as important in Swedish to save my life :D That would be spöutbyte then :happy: I'll die soon enough yes. Thank God for ginger bread.


Haha since you missed out on the spirits we drink at summer, you'll have to try our Christmasy ones <3...mmmm snaps *wants*


:'( I know, I so should've stayed in, it wasn't worth it really. Crappy Rusks. Ooh a Swedish connection in Manc too, then if you have connections both on the mainland and with the inselaffen your asylansökan is as good as filled in :D


Ooooooh spaffing :happy: (*loves the eye-shadow too <3*)


Been to work today too?


Whilst recipie hunting, looky what I discovered:




Whoa fabulous innit *dreams* I smell drunken late night Internet shopping haha :LOL:

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If that's the only English you can speak, it's the most you'll need *makes no sense*


I have an even better connection with Sverige now... Katya was ill and hence our lesson was cancelled, so we went down to the café where the most BEAUTIFUL guy (who's studying German woo!) and I conversed in (really pigeon) Swedish :happy: so I gave him a Läkerol, we discussed how beautiful the Swedland is.. and DAMNATION I forgot to get his number. *bangs head on desk repeatedly*


Th'eyeshadow is Urban Decay <3 <3 <3*thumbs up* :D


No work today, but I think I have a new job in a bar at the German Christmas market here :D FINALLY my language skills are worth something :D


Ahhh I hope your day has been as wonderful and Glühwein filled as mine :happy:


And now to do laundry. What a downer.

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I see :D:LOL:


Ooooh cool! Is he a propah Brit? How come he likes le Sweden? (apart from the fact that he does German and must therefore be aware of Sweden being better than Germany in every way except the Bier and the DDR:ness). Well, you don't need the number after the first time you met him since you'll have to go back to still his need for Läkerol anyway :D So watch your head dear :D


Urban Decay <3 How Rusholme :D


Ooh cool! What're you supposed to be doing there? Look German and dance around in Lederhosen to Modo (hahaha I remember them after all :LOL: ) or sell Jägermeister like there's no tomorrow?


Mmmm Glühwein, nah I don't start with glögg until after the first of advent (which is this weekend innit? *crosses fingers*) :happy: Did you have some proper German one? Or Swedish? :D ('S the best really) Especially with almonds and raisins and candles and *goes dreaming again*. I find it funny the Rusks call it грог, made me break into a laughing fit the first time my conversation teacher told me that :D


Mmmm laundry <3


Just realised, about an hour ago that I'd missed to translate a sentence in the middle of the assignment we have for tomorrow (the non-grammar+Wörterbuch one) so I had to do it all over. Mmmm. We're going to see a film at the institution tomorrow at 10 too, so no sleep-in in the morrow either, but films are awwways nice innit. Nos da Rhiân bach, have a great nig-hut. :happy:

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He is a propoh bwit! And so pretty... :happy: Pretty much the same reasons I do I think :LOL: He also that the sister of his friend over there lives in Yernshurping. No use, I'll just have to... sit in the Leamington caff for hours, just waiting.


Working on a bier und wurst stall :D I had the German one, in a mug. :happy: Mmm. Haha only the Russks <3


I have nothing but clean clothes now! For the first time in 3 weeks :happy:


D'oh! Ach well. Oooh a film! Sounds spaffing! Which one? Schlaf gut! Traum suess usw!

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Mmmmm :happy: Yernsherping? Cool, it's such a wee town (well 100.000 grazhdanins :D ), so I'd probably know who she is haha :D Been over t'day too?


Bier und Wurst, woo that's Dzhuyman innit <3 And proper Deutsch Glühwein? Watch your Swedeness, it's slipping dear, slipping :LOL:


Awww in't that just the greatest feeling :happy:


'T was the first part of Ирония судьбы (The Irony of Fate), a great absurd movie about a drunk man from Moscow being put on a plane to Leningrad and going 'home' to an apartment looking exactly like his, same number, same street, key fitting and all, a pun on every town in Russia looking the same. How right they were :LOL: Mmmm had time to go home before grammar and conversation too. Mmmm ginger bread.




I think it's dying! :'( (Flowers started out as white y'see :LOL: )

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A verrrry old frieeend...came by todaaaay...cause he was teeeelling everyoone in tooown...ooof the lurve that he just found...and Maries's the name...of his latest flaaaame...he talked and taaaaawked...and I heard him saaay...a-that she had the longest blackest hair...prettiest green eyes anywhere...and Marie's the name of his latest flaaaaame! <3

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