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Not on mp3 no :( My sister has all the CD's though and I've got some back home, so I'll rip loads some day...'s just a shame you're not fluent already :( Stockholmese makes me want to cry each time I hear it, 's so beautiful. And that was exactly why I was sucking up to a Stockholm suburb guy at the Rusk party :D

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I'll ship that over in a sec too. Tell me about it :( BUT it's part of the 10 year plan. Once I finally graduate from this degree, I'm going to try for UCL's Scandinavian Studies and Dutch degree so hopefully... by the time I'm... 26? There'll be fluency in 5... The PhD can wait. :D :D


Mmm Stockholm. :'(

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Oooh I shall have a look at that morgens. :D No use, bed time for me I think.


Geh' weiter, Genosse. Fuer den kommunistischen Leben. Dann guck mal Die fetten Jahren sind Vorbei. Ich hab' keine Zweifel, dass du sie lieben wirdst.


Ahhh. Brecht's Kinderhymne. THAT'S a communist anthem. G'night!

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Oooh I shall have a look at that morgens. :D No use, bed time for me I think.


Geh' weiter, Genosse. Fuer den kommunistischen Leben. Dann guck mal Die fetten Jahren sind Vorbei. Ich hab' keine Zweifel, dass du sie lieben wirdst.


Ahhh. Brecht's Kinderhymne. THAT'S a communist anthem. G'night!


Nattsågott dear, thanks for helping me fight for communism today :happy:


Also, for tomorrow, some translations are in the Scandinavian Thread http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=2349&page=5&pp=15&highlight=scandinavian

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It is pretty good! I'll download and gaymail some later!


Of course I got up! I'm glad I made it actually, it was a really good seminar today. :D Mmm tomato soup.


I'm torn between the Christmas Lights switch on tonight or the Russian Society film screening... They're both free. :stunned:

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It was context of Schlink's Der Vorleser. So much info we never got at A Level :D Plus Dr. Philpotts is a complete legend. :D S'what I thought in Tescos today... so I bought a tin. Still tastes the same. Mmm. Actually, the last time I had tomato soup was at the Moderna Museeeeeeeet in le Holm.


I could try... it is Dom Durakov. Sounds quite good really...


Essen macht frei, innit.

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Ooooh Deutsch! :happy: You just have to love the legend tutors...they're simply les best :happy:

Mmm Tescos. I would really like to start doing tin soups, but since I'm afraid of the kitchen that won't happen until I get my own stove in my room :D

*Misses Ståkkålm* :'( :'(


Mmmm genitive plural, how could it be bad? :D



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Like the guy we have for Landeskunde/Sprachpraktische Übung. Thomas Despositos(osososososososososososossss) you see him in the ten minute between periods cramming about 12 cigarettes in, then he runs up the stairs... always greets you in the same way... WHAT a guy.


Aww why afraid of the kitchen? Bad flatmates?


Haha Olga refused to tell us about the genitive today. :happy:

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:LOL::LOL: Sounds like Irina but more like one Russian cigarette equivalent of 12 Western ones, and looking like she's about to die every step she takes down the stairs. Errr. Despositosososososososos is a lurvely name too :happy:


Everyone's so fucking bland so I can't stand being out there for more than half a minute. Also, since it's a corridor, my room is the farthest away from the kitchen meaning I'll have to do half a polar expedition to get there.


Maybe she's trying to protect you :D Genitive can be a bitch, seeing as it's used after every bloody preposition in the universe it shouldn't be used after :indiff: And just the fact you say '5 durakov' but '2 duraka', i.e. genitive plural after 5 and upwards, and genitive singular on 2,3,4. :rolleyes: Bloody Rusks.


Commie fun on the Board today too innit. And me who's got to study. Argh!

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:LOL: Gotta love the smokers.


Ooh, that sounds rather angsty my dear. We should do a house swap. They may be bland, but they're Swedlish... :D Ah y'see mine's a healthy distance from the kitchen... right in the middle of our corridor. :D


I think so. She had a look of pain on her face when Dave asked her a question and she had to tell him 'eet dzyeneetif' :D


Every day is commie fun day. :D I've got to leave for Landeskunde in an hour and I reeeeeeeeeeeeally can't be bothered. I just want to sleeeeeeeeeeep. OH GOD! They've put Staff profiles on my old school website :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: *loves it*

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Mmmm tar :happy: I'd like to try a papiroz someday, but something tells me it'd kill me pretty quickly.


Yes let's swap now! Remember, you do get an annoying French girl and an annoying Spanish girl, a moustache lady, two people you'll never meet and someone who's the self-proclaimed 'kitchen DJ' who plays horrendous reggae everytime he's out in the kitchen, from his massive stereo system in his room, which is next to said room :rolleyes: Your room sounds the best then :happy: Like Lisa, right by the luxurious kitchen, 4 other people in the flat, and the others are almost never about. Damn her, and that's only a few hundred metres from here!


OK, I'll stop my fucking whinging, at least the rent's close to naught. :happy:


:LOL: Mmmm 's funny how Rusk teachers expect you to know everything beforehand. Bless 'em. :happy:


Then stay in beeeed :happy: Oooooh fun! You should go on a mailing spree :D

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I remember they were selling ciggies in Moscow for 6 roubles a packet... lord knows what was in those.


French and Spanish? Errrrrr.... I could try and cope. For the Swedishness. If not, would Lisa mind if I just abused her system? You get... Liz :LOL: Mysterious Nigerian girl and Sophie from Clitheroeeeeeee. Enjoy that. :D


No, I shall go. It's the Despositosososos :D


It's true... Although Olga's slightly coming to terms with us only knowing about three words now.

http://www.arnoldschool.com/html/People_11.html aww Messers Golding, Harding, Jenkinson and Smyth <3 How I miss them all <3 <3

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:LOL: Mmmm 't would be nice to buy home some of those just for show, emptying the pack, shaking it when there's people around and complain over you not having any cigarettes left. :happy: They'd never have to see you smoke, but chalk up 5 more points in Rusk coolness :happy:


You're that few? I'll swap anyday :D You could always live under the table in Lisa's kitchen though. Just went out there now and met the DJ guy, don't get me wrong, they're all friendly actually, but he wants to greet me as manlyly as possible since I might have said 'tja' in a very bassy voice the first time I met him. If you knew Swedish you'd understand. :D I sound like a Stockholm ruffian hockey player :LOL:


Oooh then you have to :happy: I'll make you some extra tea for even having to go out when it's ruddy autumn :happy:


She is? :happy: Good innit.


Awwww teachers. English names almost always have quite the posh quality over them dunney? :D I love remembering old teachers...mmm. :happy:

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:LOL: Yes. I nearly got some for my pa, but then I didn't want to get stopped by customs/have his death on my conscience. So they stayed there.


There's eight of us... Claire, Cami, Jenny, Aya, Liz, Jules, Sophie and moi. Ground floor too, so it's good when you come home with loads of shopping :D Haha tja... so German :D


Mmm much appreciated! I was going to walk in, but I've just looked out of the windown and it is hoofing it down. :stunned:


Yep, thank god. She's realised that I always say 'tam' because I get sprava and slyeva mixed up. It's like being five all over again :D


It's great, you feel all warm inside :happy:

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'S a good job you didn't, you never know what the customs might get up to :happy: You might as well eat tar though.


Ooh loads then :happy: Yer, me's ground floor too, 's great it is, also after painting certain places of the town red. :happy: Huge burglary risk though, I hate having my venetian blinds down all day long :indiff:


Awwwww that sucks. 'S quite dry here now but it's quite dark, so probably equally depressing. Still going to mr Osososos?


:LOL::LOL: Innit just! I hate how I have to ignore numbers above 50 in conversations since I don't want to stop everytime thinking about what bloody year they're on about. Ahhh those Russians. I love doing an entire year in genitive. Tyscha devetsot blablabla :indiff:


Mmm yes. Hope I get to see my old Rusk teacher on Saturday :happy:

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Aye! It's not too bad now, everyone's calming down. Haha yep, that's a perk too. Along with having an en-suite, so should the town paint wish to rear its ugly self at some point, you're never more than three strides from the loo.


Aye s'going dark now. I'm gonna clean me teeth and head off. Ahhh "guten Tag und wilkommen ins Landeskunde vorlesung, woche sieben"


I've just written the left and right on my shoes. EXACTLY like being 5 again. :LOL:


Ahh heading home for the weekend then? Very nice!


Servus! Bis spaeter!

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That's a very good thing indeed :happy:


Mmmmmm vorlesung! Argh I start classes at 9.15 tomorrow! Aaaargh! I hate that, 's just too bloody early innit. 'S god's punishment for me not studying for two days though :(


:LOL::LOL: Splendid! In Russian I hope :D


Yup, going to the 'Open day' my old school has, since I was a part of their fabulous productions every year, from Little Red Riding Hood to singing Okudzhava :D


Szervusz (see Hungarian is cooler :D ) Tot ziens!

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