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I'm seriously worried about me. Since starting uni I'm turning towards the centre-right more and more :stunned: I blame the fact that the Times is 20p in the Union shop (then again so's the Guardian/Indy)


Mmm. They're rather annoying. Almost annoying as those pseudo-antiiraqwar people.


Better still.. the Ukelelelelelele Orchestra of Great Britain :D


I suppose. I vote we just... teach her ourselves. You do all the important stuff and I'll teach her how to sound Georgian. OH GOD bare with me.. I HAVE to scan you the poem that Katya read to us today.

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:LOL: I do too, I'm left as Death itself when it comes to foreign things, but I've grown up, just as I hope the silly Danish yob in that thread *points* will. :happy:


:LOL::LOL: I've realised over the past few years how much more fun it is to criticise people how feel almost the same way you do yourself :D 'S just so much fun, spweing out something on Israel one sentence, and exaggerate certain good things about the US in the next. :LOL: *<3's my father for doing that to me too and thus teaching me le right way* :D


Mmmmm ukullellellelle! :happy:


Sounds good :happy: Oooh poem *nice*

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It's all going wrong. Maturing... I don't like it. I want to be a 'communist' Ché Guevara loving, black haired child. With responsiblities come... right ethics. It'll take him a while to grow up I think. I like the way he changes his beliefs after a few people don't agree with him. Very... revolutionary. I had a similar conversation with a very beautiful campaigner who works for http://www.newint.org/ in town today. I still have my leftist principles in me...


haha so true. It's what educated politics discussions are about though, hypocracy.



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Wouldn't we all want to be that? :D God I hate uneducated people trying to know they know something, and he's blaming it on the language :rolleyes: Come on. I'd like to see the look on his face when they collectivize his computer. *Jealous* I haven't discussed this for such a long time since everyone doing Russian's so...moderate :indiff:


:LOL::LOL: Wonderful poem! I wonder why all Russian poems are like acid trips though. :LOL:

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Yep. It's easy to profess such things of communism and a revolution being the best thing since Thatcher, but it's even easier to expose the flaws. Me the German and my friend in London had the most fantastic conversation about communism in the pub on Sunday. You would've enjoyed that one. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: at the computer comment.


It's beautiful, isn't it? Sadly Katya now thinks I'm odd as I laughed so hard at the frog on the broomstick I actually cried my eyes out :LOL:

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It's pretty vague really. You can see how all the commies read it, get a bee in their bonnets and then preach the word. These commies being my fellow privately educated school comrades. It's basically an excuse for them to show off their french skills.


So politically charged. I can't wait till they start talking about communism in China. I really can't :LOL:

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Här får ingen passeraaa, kommer ingen förbi-i! Kommer aldrig över nån mera, så gå äru snäll om ditt liiv är kääärt. Gotta love those open ö's. Mmmm Stockholm. You don't happen to have it on mp3 do ye?


I can't either. No way. God people are under-educated.


Yup, I was away buying tea stuff though :D Still got up at like 7 in the morning though :indiff:

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Woo! I do indeed! I'll gaymail it... I sent you some cheese earlier too...


It's just we Russian students. We hear the perils of communism first hand from our tutors... and we've seen the aftermath of it on a visit to the motherland. We should feel smug. :happy:


Ah huzzah!

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