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Library dream job

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Wow. Good question. I've always wanted to work for the Library of Congress. Massive collection, but I think I'd end up in one of those tiny offices, buried in an unused section. Otherwise, have you seen the flashy Seattle Public Library - the abstract glass walls with the art show escalator. Would make it visually interesting to go to work every day. NYPL is awesome. Never seen it, but I admire their online contributions.

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I think for me it would be the Loeb Music Library at Harvard. One of the biggest music libraries in the US, if not the biggest. They have virtually every score ever published I think. Or close enough, lol. Plus, Cambridge is such a cool town anyway just to hang out in. :D

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I've only worked in my college library, but I love libraries and would like to work in one of my county libraries. I love to read and I love the smell of books. Also, this sounds silly, but I love used books more than new books, and when I buy a new book (which is rarely), I always try to loan it out to people or trade it online. I think the more people that read a book, the better. It's like recycling. I suppose that's contrary to the philosophy of music file-sharing where you're not supposed to share, but I guess books are different. I suppose authors would rather I just buy new books though. Here is a website I really like: http://www.paperbackswap.com/ Okay, that's not related to libraries, but still....

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I loved driving my Bookmobile! it just didn't pay very much and I also wanted to move to the metro area, so I gave it up.:( But I loved getting books to people who could not otherwise get to a library. My collection was small, but we were part of the Minitex network (where I work now) so you could eventually get almost anything a person asked for.


It was also great not having a supervisor looking over my shoulder; I was pretty much on my own doing circ, reference , ILL and of course, driving!

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