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The Current Situation

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Banter does not exclude international people in any way. This is simply incorrect. Banter is a place of OT discussion by people from anywhere, conducted in English as this is an English language message board. The reasons for this being an English language message board should be obvious.


If there is no "What country/continent are you from?" poll in Banter please feel free to make one to see this for yourself.


The International forum blurb makes no preference for speaking other languages. It simply states "Fell free to speak your own language". It does no make this a requirement, but simply exempts it from the rule of speaking English elsewhere in the board.


If you feel that you are being excluded or segregated from any part of the board please feel free to report such instances to the moderators and we shall deal with them.


If members wish to speak in their own language across an entire eboard then the main website provides a list of links to international fansites.

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