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Equal Representation (USA wing) Topics

The original Equal Rep group, comprising USA Musers who resent our being largely shut out of the Banter forum and left with one banter-oriented thread in International. We demand of Muse.mu mods, at minimum, institute either of the following reforms: 1) desegregating Banter to welcome appropriate if non-Euro threads; and/or 2) devolving thread control in International, so that users can organize their own affairs, chiefly by establishing regional/state/metro threads. Additionally, we urge that the mods rewrite the description of International to clarify its role as a forum for all non-U.K. Muse fans, including English speakers, since its current blurb emphasizes linguistic differences, discouraging Eng. speakers. "We have to unify and watch our flag ascend/They will not force us/They will stop degrading us/They will not enslave us/We will be victorious!" Join the Equal Rep movement today, and do your part to compel the Muse.mu admins to institute these reforms!

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