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Hi Azztro, tagal na ahh... ako din :LOL:


Yeah the trailer's wicked :D


Me and Guio were in GHills today. When I was buying SP's Greatest Hits CD in Astroplus in VMall, he asked the sales lady if they'll have copies of a Muse DVD in the future...


She said yes :stunned:



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I think I'm beginning to love Astroplus more than M1. I got a copy of LOTMS from Astroplus, they're the only record store that sells those. I just hope they'll release it in the same date or maybe just 2 days delay.


Used to like M1 but after M1 in Powerbooks in Megamall closed[where I bought allot of my CD's, sort of a heaven for me] :stunned::(:rolleyes:


High Street's Fully Booked and any Astroplus is where I go most of the time now :happy: I both have Radioactive's CDs :D


Not going to Incubus though :( f-ing exams the following day and in need to make up from 2nd trim slump... oh well :LOL:

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in my hopes on finding something relevant to maroon5, again...i ended up here in your very cool forum, as i'm a lurker before, but hey! i'm finally registered. anyway, my god, i'm very jealous of you people for discovering the pleasure of hearing muse's songs for a long time now. how i wish i've followed their career. they're the greatest band to ever walked on earth, and that bellamy man is just, idk, amazing may be, haha!


ps while i was strolling at SM NorthEdsa today, i visited 2 of its music outlets to see new albums. and then i ended up asking for muse, the BHAR...astro doesn't have it, and then i went to odyssey, and they don't have it too. well from what i remember, they had it before, i know it, i think i first saw the album there. i don't believe it's soldout. did they pull that out? geez...anyway, hope we can all watch m5, and ahem, I still don't have tix. screw the promoters! they ate the tickets.

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Used to like M1 but after M1 in Powerbooks in Megamall closed[where I bought allot of my CD's, sort of a heaven for me] :stunned::(:rolleyes:


High Street's Fully Booked and any Astroplus is where I go most of the time now :happy: I both have Radioactive's CDs :D


Not going to Incubus though :( f-ing exams the following day and in need to make up from 2nd trim slump... oh well


That's my haven whenever I go to megamall, just like you the place is like heaven until they closed it down. I don't know why they did that. :(


High Streets at The Fort? Can't be bother going there, its too far! Although the place is really massive when I went there last month.


Awwww...screw work for Monday, I need to see them since I didn't go at their 1st gig. I don't want to miss them again.


in my hopes on finding something relevant to maroon5, again...i ended up here in your very cool forum, as i'm a lurker before, but hey! i'm finally registered. anyway, my god, i'm very jealous of you people for discovering the pleasure of hearing muse's songs for a long time now. how i wish i've followed their career. they're the greatest band to ever walked on earth, and that bellamy man is just, idk, amazing may be, haha!


ps while i was strolling at SM NorthEdsa today, i visited 2 of its music outlets to see new albums. and then i ended up asking for muse, the BHAR...astro doesn't have it, and then i went to odyssey, and they don't have it too. well from what i remember, they had it before, i know it, i think i first saw the album there. i don't believe it's soldout. did they pull that out? geez...anyway, hope we can all watch m5, and ahem, I still don't have tix. screw the promoters! they ate the tickets.


Hey welcome to the forum. I'm Audrey btw, your filipina muser resident. I'm always here in the forum everybloodyday! [this place is addictive :D] No need to be jealous, I haven't followed their career from the start, believe it or not I accidentally found about them when they're touring with MCR. I'm a MCR fan so that explains all. :D In short, I became a fan when BHAR was already released, I'm not a Starlighter though. I got their Abso album first [thru torrent] before I realized that there's a 4th album already. :$ As for the BHAR album, I think most of the SM recordbars don't have a copy of it, dunno if they pulled it out or it's sold out. Still don't have the physical copy of it and OOS. :$ As for M5, not gonna see them. Sorry but I'm not a fan.

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in my hopes on finding something relevant to maroon5, again...i ended up here in your very cool forum, as i'm a lurker before, but hey! i'm finally registered. anyway, my god, i'm very jealous of you people for discovering the pleasure of hearing muse's songs for a long time now. how i wish i've followed their career. they're the greatest band to ever walked on earth, and that bellamy man is just, idk, amazing may be, haha!


ps while i was strolling at SM NorthEdsa today, i visited 2 of its music outlets to see new albums. and then i ended up asking for muse, the BHAR...astro doesn't have it, and then i went to odyssey, and they don't have it too. well from what i remember, they had it before, i know it, i think i first saw the album there. i don't believe it's soldout. did they pull that out? geez...anyway, hope we can all watch m5, and ahem, I still don't have tix. screw the promoters! they ate the tickets.

Welcome to the Forum! :D:LOL:

I'm Mark or Arias[either way, both are legally my name :LOL:] Though I don't post much lately from school work, I do try to find time to go here.


My first run in with Muse was watching their music video of Plug in Baby. Didn't really pay much attention to them at first, saw music videos here and there, heard some on the radio. Then Guio and I became classmates again and he made me saw Muse, I became an instant fan. And here I am now :LOL:


I believe Paraluman is the oldest[one of the first] Muse fans of the PH and still active on this board. But yeah, I do envy some of the members here that were with Muse from the beginning[Most of the today's Admins, Mods and staff started as fans of Muse]


As for M5, I 'm not a huge fan. Like some of their songs but never bothered buying the albums. Search around the forums, I'm pretty sure there's bound to be an M5 tread in the "Other Bands" board in the main page


That's my haven whenever I go to megamall, just like you the place is like heaven until they closed it down. I don't know why they did that. :(


High Streets at The Fort? Can't be bother going there, its too far! Although the place is really massive when I went there last month.


Awwww...screw work for Monday, I need to see them since I didn't go at their 1st gig. I don't want to miss them again.



The last time I went there, the whole store's now Powerbooks. I'm sorta sad for it though, huge open space, not allot of books[well, the ones I'm looking for] some of their old stock of Pinoy DVD's are still behind the cashier[Pinoy Blond is the most prominent]


/Bestsellers in galle and Fully Booked in HS is where I go but yeah, HS is far so I only go there when mom has business in Makati but it is worth it ;)


I'm pretty sure we'll see more of Incubus and more in the coming weeks ;)

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hey thanks for the warm welcome, audrey, arias(your name reminded me of the hot guy from survivor), and grace...i'm dane btw, and you make me feel older for being 19. geez, arias, seriously, you're 14?hehe.

^^^^ lam mo, i'm thinking na parang may slight resemblance nga yung voice ni gerard way kay matthew years back. i noticed that on some songs in showbiz, when he still got a younger sound. anyway, i first saw muse in mtv in 2006 and i have mistaken them for a certain band i heard in the radio who sang this song i like. i could've changed the channel since they're not the one i was looking for, but screw this very ugly voice of matt's and i think i'll be stuck with them forever. they really are my unintended. haha cheesy noh?

speaking of concerts, i really don't want muse to have a concert here in the phils. i'd rather see them in another country. kasi bulok system dito. pag hindi pwede sa araneta they will throw us at the fort, and that's not a very accommodating place. what's worse is that sponsors always occupy the front rows. hell with the vip. they get the privilege eventhough they're not fans of the performer. hehe, bitter ba. but it's true, plus, tickets are expensive here.

and thanks grace for the information. that surely is a great help! and guys please keep me posted for HAARP, in case it's already out here. thanks a lot!!! i all love your siggys.

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okay so i changed my mind. para kasing kabago-bago ko dito eh kinontra ko na kayo. *prays. please bring our loving Muse to the Philippines.. i actually hoped for them to go here before, and i just stopped nung nagdagsa na yung artists, when i realized how difficult it is to find seats. so screw me, but don't curse me guys. hehe. anyway, who have watched muse live here already? i'll be freaking jealous!

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and grace...i'm dane btw, and you make me feel older for being 19.

and thanks grace for the information. that surely is a great help! and guys please keep me posted for HAARP, in case it's already out here. thanks a lot!!! i all love your siggys.


:eek::LOL: ur 19..i'm 9:LOL: Nice meeting you Dane:happy:

No prob.;)


anyway, who have watched muse live here already? i'll be freaking jealous!





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in my hopes on finding something relevant to maroon5, again...i ended up here in your very cool forum, as i'm a lurker before, but hey! i'm finally registered. anyway, my god, i'm very jealous of you people for discovering the pleasure of hearing muse's songs for a long time now. how i wish i've followed their career. they're the greatest band to ever walked on earth, and that bellamy man is just, idk, amazing may be, haha!


ps while i was strolling at SM NorthEdsa today, i visited 2 of its music outlets to see new albums. and then i ended up asking for muse, the BHAR...astro doesn't have it, and then i went to odyssey, and they don't have it too. well from what i remember, they had it before, i know it, i think i first saw the album there. i don't believe it's soldout. did they pull that out? geez...anyway, hope we can all watch m5, and ahem, I still don't have tix. screw the promoters! they ate the tickets.

SM North Edsa is not a very good place to look for albums, IMO. Haha. Try Greenbelt or Glorietta for that. ^_^


My name's Alyssa, by the way. I'm turning 18 this April; I've been around here since I was 14 or something. haha. I haven't been posting a lot, though, because academic life is a pain in the ass.


Yeah, I miss the M1 in Megamall. I found a 2003 Muse tour poster there once...of course, I bought it without a second thought. :p It's still rolled up and covered in plastic in my closet, though. I'm trying to preserve it so that when I get my own place, I can have it framed and displayed in my living room or something. Haha!


Weee 2 weeks na lang bago ang Incubus! :D

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Near Timezone at the 4th floor. I go there to read books [great huge selection and stock] but they have an M1 there... nothing new about it though. :(


Thanks for the info. I'll check the place soon if my time permits me.


speaking of concerts, i really don't want muse to have a concert here in the phils. i'd rather see them in another country. kasi bulok system dito. pag hindi pwede sa araneta they will throw us at the fort, and that's not a very accommodating place. what's worse is that sponsors always occupy the front rows. hell with the vip. they get the privilege eventhough they're not fans of the performer. hehe, bitter ba. but it's true, plus, tickets are expensive here.

and thanks grace for the information. that surely is a great help! and guys please keep me posted for HAARP, in case it's already out here. thanks a lot!!! i all love your siggys.


I share the same sentiments with you. I was freaking mad when I watched MCR concert here. It was really a total shame cause people on the VIP seats aren't doing anything, they're just sitting there and watching the damn show! :mad::eek: Gerard even commented that people at the back [GA] are far better than the people in the front. I was hurt cause I'm in the front but it seems that my effort to pull a pit isn't worth it. On our side only few people are moshing, less than 20. Promoters should do the same seat set-up like in US/UK where in the GA tix are located in the front, matira matibay na lang ang style.


I still want them to go here. I'll spend every penny just to see them up front! :D Or call other people for help for backstage passes.


SM North Edsa is not a very good place to look for albums, IMO. Haha. Try Greenbelt or Glorietta for that. ^_^


My name's Alyssa, by the way. I'm turning 18 this April; I've been around here since I was 14 or something. haha. I haven't been posting a lot, though, because academic life is a pain in the ass.


Yeah, I miss the M1 in Megamall. I found a 2003 Muse tour poster there once...of course, I bought it without a second thought. :p It's still rolled up and covered in plastic in my closet, though. I'm trying to preserve it so that when I get my own place, I can have it framed and displayed in my living room or something. Haha!


Weee 2 weeks na lang bago ang Incubus! :D


How about Trinoma? Never been on that place yet but it looks like it has potentials on selling good stuff.


Okay...kill me but I thought all along you're a male. :$ You're the oldest Filo Muser I met here.


No way! You're lucky you got a poster of them. I'm still on a hunt for a poster. I checked Odyssey's posters area but all they sell was Bob Marley or Hendrix, it was cool though cause it's a size of a room door.


2 weeks..yay! Is Look Alive DVD already available here? I'm looking for their previous setlist just to have an idea of which songs they're going to play.

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Gerard even commented that people at the back [GA] are far better than the people in the front. I was hurt cause I'm in the front but it seems that my effort to pull a pit isn't worth it. On our side only few people are moshing, less than 20. Promoters should do the same seat set-up like in US/UK where in the GA tix are located in the front, matira matibay na lang ang style.


really??!!! whatdahell. that's pretty bad. that would surely hurt, big time. the crowd being not too enthusiastic may have left MCR a not too good impression of their Filipino fans. and the thought that these absolute eyesores who happened to be VIPs were, as you said not doing anything, then perhaps they're not really fans, and they don't deserved to be THERE - their seats could have been heaven for a fan, imo. but anyway, i think putting aside these sentiments, i know that you dearly enjoyed every single moment of that concert. so cheers, that really is a night to cherish!


No way! You're lucky you got a poster of them. I'm still on a hunt for a poster. I checked Odyssey's posters area but all they sell was Bob Marley or Hendrix, it was cool though cause it's a size of a room door.


2 weeks..yay! Is Look Alive DVD already available here? I'm looking for their previous setlist just to have an idea of which songs they're going to play.


yeah me too. it's always bob marley everywhere. no muse on sight. and too bad for me i'm not a fan of incubus, but i sure can sing along to plenty of their songs.


How about Trinoma? Never been on that place yet but it looks like it has potentials on selling good stuff.


I've been to astroplus there. nice lighting & atmosphere. nothing much. nothing new. nothing muse. really, why no BHAR?! great selection of DVDs, boring posters, but have the 3 albums of the killers (hehe!). btw my sister said i bought mine at SM North Edsa where they have this promo attached also on Panic, and the others.(blame it on my brain, but i know i bought it at SM, torn between two branches). and i know i've seen it at trinoma some time in the middle of 2007. so maybe there are a LOT LOT of musers here in the phils. they bought it all, hehe. i really am shy to ask CD sales, i don't have the nerves.

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really??!!! whatdahell. that's pretty bad. that would surely hurt, big time. the crowd being not too enthusiastic may have left MCR a not too good impression of their Filipino fans. and the thought that these absolute eyesores who happened to be VIPs were, as you said not doing anything, then perhaps they're not really fans, and they don't deserved to be THERE - their seats could have been heaven for a fan, imo. but anyway, i think putting aside these sentiments, i know that you dearly enjoyed every single moment of that concert. so cheers, that really is a night to cherish!


Indeed it is. Although he did said that we're effing amazing I don't think he's really talking to us in front seat. People from the VIPs are rich kids along with their nannies. :stunned::rolleyes: They really just sat the whole time. As for me, I do enjoyed the gig. It's my long time wish.



yeah me too. it's always bob marley everywhere. no muse on sight. and too bad for me i'm not a fan of incubus, but i sure can sing along to plenty of their songs.


I'm not a huge fan of Incubus, just a follower. I like all their songs but tbh, I don't know the names of the members except for Brandon Boyd :LOL:


I've been to astroplus there. nice lighting & atmosphere. nothing much. nothing new. nothing muse. really, why no BHAR?! great selection of DVDs, boring posters, but have the 3 albums of the killers (hehe!). btw my sister said i bought mine at SM North Edsa where they have this promo attached also on Panic, and the others.(blame it on my brain, but i know i bought it at SM, torn between two branches). and i know i've seen it at trinoma some time in the middle of 2007. so maybe there are a LOT LOT of musers here in the phils. they bought it all, hehe. i really am shy to ask CD sales, i don't have the nerves.


Actually been thinking of that too..maybe there are a lot of Filipino Musers out here just so happen that they don't go online. Or worse Warner pulled out the BHAR cd, which I hope they didn't do it. I was at SM Makati 2 weeks ago window shopping whilst waiting for my friend, I happened to see one BHAR copy on the shelf, unfortunately for me I don't have enough money at that time so I left the place with a heavy heart. :( I'm still in search for OOS and BHAR album, that's the only albums I need to get. Already got their 2 DVDs, Showbiz, Hullabaloo and Abso cds.

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tagal ko nang hindi nakapag-login, i've been pretty busy this few days. I've read some of your post and i can't believe some of you guys are as young as 9, i can't believe it, this makes me feel like i'm very old, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!:LOL:


(sorry if this has been asked, hasn't it?) sa tingin nyu guys i-rerelease ba ang HAARP dito sa pinas? Sana ma release nga dito...


and oh hello newbie, you may call me kevin or musekero, and i'm 16(turning 17 this april:rolleyes:[man am i getting older])





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and oh hello newbie, you may call me kevin or musekero, and i'm 16(turning 17 this april[man am i getting older])

yeah thank you for that very kind welcome, lol. how can you say you're old? geez, hehe. but tbh, i expected something for you people to be in their 20's, really. kinda surprised that most of you are teenagers. :) like i'm not!



forgot to say this -- WOW. you lucky one. really, i'm envious!!! :D


'm still in search for OOS and BHAR album, that's the only albums I need to get. Already got their 2 DVDs, Showbiz, Hullabaloo and Abso cds.

poor me, i have only settled for downloads. yes, there will come a time i will squander big money for ebay, and that time is running out, lol. at least i have their songs... only.:( how bitter it is not to be a follower from the start.

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Posting in school, can't really say much. Computer's the first subject of the day :LOL:


Yeah, I'm 14. 1 year of posting here and 15 on March 5 :LOL:

Hot guy from survivor, Wow... what a complement :LOL:


Fully Booked, again in High Street, Still has BH&R and Hulla from my last visit... Not sure if they still have Showbiz or OOS because one one copy was left :stunned:

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poor me, i have only settled for downloads. yes, there will come a time i will squander big money for ebay, and that time is running out, lol. at least i have their songs... only. how bitter it is not to be a follower from the start.


Don't feel bad. I have to listen to their albums which obviously I got from torrents for almost 6 months. Luckily my dad was sent to OZ to visit his parents so I got the chance to ask him to buy me copies of those. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to get a copy of BHAR and OOS, says out of stock already. Still happy that he was able to get me the DVDs. Those are now my most valuable items. :happy::happy:


Fully Booked, again in High Street, Still has BH&R and Hulla from my last visit... Not sure if they still have Showbiz or OOS because one one copy was left :stunned:


That means I have to go back to FB again, that place is full of memories *coughMCRcough* :D But for the love of Muse, I'll swing there when I can. Thanks for the tip Mark. I guess I'll place a reservation first before going there since it's kinda far from me.

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Fully Booked, again in High Street, Still has BH&R and Hulla from my last visit... Not sure if they still have Showbiz or OOS because one one copy was left


i know that place is somewhere located at the Fort, but i don't really know what it looks like, i though it's just a plain bookstore! i've searched it on the net, and it looks so accommodating. it's so far though! i'll try to visit the place if i have the time. happy weekend guys!

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i know that place is somewhere located at the Fort, but i don't really know what it looks like, i though it's just a plain bookstore! i've searched it on the net, and it looks so accommodating. it's so far though! i'll try to visit the place if i have the time. happy weekend guys!
Its a small 4[or 5] story building right across Serendra[those group of apartments next to Market! Market!] It has a sign on the topmost floor which can be clearly seen outside. It has a starbucks inside and the top floor houses the arts/hobbies/engineering books and music & movie collection. Expect allot of people ;)
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