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Previous gig list - where's it gone?


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Hi Niall, cheers for the reply. Meant on the main site - when you used to log in and go to the gig archive bit it would give you a list of all the shows you'd previously confirmed attendance for, can't find it now though. Saw the gig last night (brilliant) and was asked how many times I'd seem them - can't remember off top of my head but thought the info would still be up here somewhere (don't log on very much); hope it's still around!! Cheers, Mark

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Hi Niall, cheers for the reply. Meant on the main site - when you used to log in and go to the gig archive bit it would give you a list of all the shows you'd previously confirmed attendance for, can't find it now though. Saw the gig last night (brilliant) and was asked how many times I'd seem them - can't remember off top of my head but thought the info would still be up here somewhere (don't log on very much); hope it's still around!! Cheers, Mark



I thought that it was just me, that couldn`t find it. I have all my gigs written down, but it is good to log in and see which ones that other members have also attended.....


....if this has been removed :( .... then lets hope that it returns ;)

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