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Everything posted by jonbrown

  1. Yeah for me, the best mileage you can get out of the HAP is having all the posts the lowest they can go, I've heard it depends on your preference for string tension and how bendable you want them to be but I've tried a lot of various heights and they all felt the same to me so I just put them at their lowest and kept them there. Looks cooler that way
  2. Jesus that looks way too high, I have all of mine the lowest that they can go with a little bit of slack on the low E, but not THAT much slack.
  3. Well if you look at some videos of him playing the part live, he's not picking or fretting the 6th string. He's playing it on the 5th A.
  4. Yeah I'm not really sure what it is either but I think he has a patch that emulates the same tone of the custom turkish pedal used for the recording, then he's got the DT on the octave down to get the live tone to sound close to the recording. And I think the built in FF isn't used for anything other than the PiB squeeling anymore, because even for PiB it's all axe/kemper now.
  5. With an axe fx 2 and a kemper at MB's disposal, anything is possible. And the whammy DT's octave down on the downtune side is mostly responsible for that b33fy sound too, you won't be able to get the same sound on a regular whammy's octave down. Going by the first point though, I'm pretty sure with the amount of crap MB's running his signal into, most of the time the tone won't even sound that different on the same patch with different guitars. Just look up a crowd recording of Knights at newport from last year, that's the only time Matt used the strat for Knights, still sounds b33fy as all hell.
  6. The fretboard on a strat has more of a curve to them than a manson fretboard. This makes it easier to slide because you have more room for mistakes and the other strings aren't in the way as much. And also because im pretty sure he needs that strat neck pickup for that smooth slide toanz. Sustainiacs won't give you that. Look up any live video of hendrix playing, or SRV, or eric clapton, maybe even eric johnson etc etc etc
  7. It looks like a duplicate of the other one, what with the ali finish and mirror pickguard and chrome knobs and all that good stuff. I wonder where he's getting these from, fender custom shop I soppuse?
  8. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's the same exact case Mansons sells, without the logo of course.
  9. Wow, listening to the SMBH portion of that video I noticed that the tone is way different with the audio coming straight from the board compared to what the crowd hears from the PA systems. Especially during the -1 octave synthy part, the "pinging" on the higher strings isn't as pronounced like what the crowd would be hearing.
  10. I was thinking the same thing as well, I have my patch set up in the pod with an overdrive pedal running right behind a big muff, it's got the thickness sure but there's just no way to get the actual sound that Matt is getting. Maybe it's the limitations in the pod's programming compared to the Axe. Either way, I can get close to the sound with what I have but the rest of it just isn't there. Of course, there's still the possibility that he's putting the FF or fuzz head or even both DI into the board like in the BH&R days, that would probably explain the fizziness.
  11. For SMBH I can get really close too but the synth effects on the HD500 aren't exactly Axe FX grade, and the synth effect actually makes the sound more jumbled and muddy. Do you have an example clip of your SMBH patch? I'm curious as to whether or not your tone has that nice harmonic ping on the higher octave strings during the chorus. Yeah, the Knights fuzz is a big mystery, when Matt slides down and hits that open E at the start of the whammy bit the sound is insanely thick and fizzy but really muddy. The fuzz seems to fade in as well, going by the Rome Olympic Stadium recording, and from Download Festival. Even though it's seemingly really muddy, the notes still have a lot of clarity to them somehow. From the video demos i've seen of the fuzz head, I highly doubt it's just that pedal that drives the Knights fuzz sound. The fuzz head just doesn't have enough oomph to it. Unless maybe the fuzz head is put straight into the mixer like what used to be done to the fuzz factory, and it's chained to go right after the Axe's signal chain to really boost into the ridiculous sound, or the other way around I think. I'm not so adept at signal chaining
  12. This is exactly what I've got set up as a patch on my pod, and it sounds pretty accurate. No envelope filter though, I just have a reverb behind the delay in the chain and there's no noticable attack on the strings. Alright, so I've asked this probably about a dozen times already around here, but does anyone have ANY idea what goes into the KoC fuzz sound during the whammy bit at all? It's just a really thick and heavy fuzz that clips really easily and still manages to maintain a lot of clarity on the notes. I've gotten real close on my HD500 but everytime I try to achieve the tone it's either too thick and fizz-less, or incredibly fizzy and trebley with no low end. This also goes for the SMBH tone from T2L, for both the general fuzz sound and the synth effect during the choruses. I've tried a lot of things out to get close to the sound for SMBH as well, but yet again, there's still a lot missing, especially for the electronic synthy sounding ping during the choruses.
  13. It's angled yes, but it's not an upward angle You can clearly see it has a downward angle if you look at the heel of the neck from the horn side of the guitar.
  14. I wonder who in their right mind actually thought of having the button there as stock would be a good idea in the first place? MB didn't have buttons on his guitars not counting the DL-1 used at Reading in 2011 and the Mirror Kaoss. They should have just had one model with no killbutton and then one with, for people who would actually want to have that on their guitar. Or just have a singular buttonless model and everyone can be happy
  15. It's possible to replace a TOM with a hardtail..... Only if you're commited to doing some drilling and re-measuring for the correct position for the hardtail. And even then I'm pretty sure the hardtail bridge isn't big enough to cover up the gaps left over from the TOM holes.
  16. If the hole is oversized, wouldn't the switch eventually come a little loose or wiggle around a bit regardless of how tout you tighten the nut?
  17. That looks amazing. Did you push the button out from the inside or did you prop it up from the outside with the screwdriver first? And how did you go about wiring the switch? Did you just reuse the same wires as from the button?
  18. This has no relation to anything but if anyone's seen Civil War yet, Supremacy's lyrics fit the premise of the movie PERFECTLY and it's actually kinda amazing.
  19. I like how his guitar's strap button is ridiculously high up on the horn, looks really uncomfortable. Idk, if you can afford to build yourself a replica manson you'd probably be able to invest in some better sounding equipment too. I don't think that guy got the memo Also, SMBH synthy thing clip?
  20. It's a phaser thing from the axe fx. The chorus tone is a low pass filter. I'm pretty sure it's the same exact patch he uses on Reapers chorus, all of The Handler, and the Knights outro, etc. too now adays because all of those sound pretty much the same with subtle differences between each patch for each song.
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