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Posts posted by MartianSpaghettiRider

  1. I still like the song after listening a couple more times. eh idk, I understand the complaints but it's perfectly fine to my ears


    To be honest, the complaints have been less than I expected in here. That surprises me so much, because we're usually a bunch of grumpy critics. ;)

  2. In terms of songwriting, this song is the best of the singles.

    Thought Contagion = Something Human



    Dig Down


    I think you're absolutely right, but the production drags it down. It doesn't really feel like Muse to me, apart from the usual elements like synth arpeggios and vibrato melodies.

  3. OMG, I read so many comments of appreciation for SH here, and now I feel so strange! :LOL: :LOL:

    I used to be among the one who really liked their recent output, and now it's like everything's in reverse. :D


    But seriously, it's fucking wonderful to see the sheer diversity of our opinions without any toxicity.

  4. Where was this confirmed? The only things that seem almost certain so far from what I've seen are Simulation Theory being the name of the album and another single called Darkside coming out


    Interview made with ALT98 FM.

  5. Meanwhile...


    The new album is confirmed to contain 11 tracks plus 8 acoustic ones!


    I may not like SH, but this sounds fucking great nonetheless!


    This, so much. Surprised at the overall positive reactions floating around. I was excited when I heard the IG clip, but this is just a Top40 track with a little muse sprinkled on top. RIP this album cycle.


    I don't have such drastic feelings, to be honest. I just don't really like the song as a standalone, that's it.

  6. Oh... oh, Christ...


    Guys... I can't fucking believe I'm about to say this. I've always supported them regardless if I like their stylistic choices or not, mainly because I'm always curious to hear in which direction they'll go at every release, and it's always fascinating to see a band's progression.

    But... this song... God, this song... I think it's UGLY. I like their pop songs, absolutely, but this the first time I'm not attuned with their choices about sound and production. If Madness, DI, or, heck, even Revolt retain a certain kind of unique feel to them that always made me feel I was listening to Muse, and not another common act from the radio, this, from my personal of view, doesn't. The pristine, pumping production feels taken from those "soft electro-country" songs that have been so popular on the radio (even a promising songwriter like James Blunt converted to that style), and makes it feel alien to me, in comparison to the majority of Muse production.

    And the thing I'm most disappointed in is that this song, from a songwriting perspective, as Matt showed us with the acoustic alone, could have been one of greatest in their entire carrier just for the melody and lyrics. I wrongly expected a song with an atmosphere and sound similar to a sort of "Peter Gabriel doing FAWY" with a bit of Screenager thrown in because of the ethnic percussions. Instead, to me this feels their first song ever in which they're trying to chase the "cool kids" of pop (who can be very valuable nonetheless, make no mistake) by putting not very much of their tweak in there.

    So, yeah... First Muse song in my life I don't really like (and the last, I hope).


    That said, if many of you like it, or even love it, it's perfectly fine. Like I said, it's based on a stellar songwriting (and that comforts me about how LP8 may sound), but the big picture (no pun intended, lol) doesn't really click with me.


    MSR out, for now!

  7. So... new Instagram teaser image... even their usually enthusiastic social media following are predominantly cringing...


    I personally don't really care for the video, honestly.

    It's music that really counts.

  8. can we not just have one day where someone doesn't say something bad about a muse song before even hearing it


    Seriously, for someone it's like if they don't hear a full-on distorted guitar from the start the song will be automatically, completely shit because "itz not lik OOS!!1".

    Yes, in the comments under the teaser on YT you can read things like this.

  9. Huh? Doesn’t sound like a big deal to me.


    Uh... That actually came out a bit too exaggerated, now that I read it this morning... :$

    It's just that you have to be careful with that kind of details, imho, or you could ruin the spectator's... sense of disbelief, if you know what I'm talking about.

    In the Psycho video they hid the fact the images were taken from three different gigs quite well, thanks also to the frenetic, furious and vertigo-inducing editing, but if you let slip a shot in which the frontman is being given a different guitar than the song immediately played afterwards it's not very good for building a sense of continuity. It may be just me, I don't know, but that's what I think about all of that.

  10. On the (lack of) continuity front, I may well be wrong but I’m sure that at the end of Reapers I saw Matt pick up the Mirror guitar (or a similar model) as if they were going to play PiB, before Hysteria started instead (with a different guitar) :chuckle:


    No way. Just... no way. Professionals can't make continuity errors like that and maybe expect people to be so stupid to the point of not noticing.

    This film is shabby work...

  11. :LOL: Love it. But I'm nhf I Belong To You hate. That song is absolutely delightful and cheers me up every time I listen to it.


    Matt's lyrics make me cringe, but generally Muse being dorks doesn't embarrass me. They're good at what they do, and their early albums hold up better than a lot of other bands from the early 00s. The type of people who take music so seriously they'd shame you for liking them aren't people I'd want to be around anyway.


    Great comment, from IBTY to the musical snobs. :D

    Although I think it's not only a matter of uncalled-for seriousness regarding music, it also becomes a matter of degrading, insulting and make others unworthy to make yourself special, superior or more of musical expert in contrast to them, and I despise everyone who behaves like that.

    That means you don't listen to a certain kind of music because you love it and you're open minded, but you use it to enflate your unsecure or fragile ego, and have the perfect weapon to be ass around people.

  12. I guess this reflects their intention to do a stream/download only and not put out a DVD/Blu Ray release. An intentional 4.0 mix to give an "all-encompassing, in the round concert feel" wouldn't be good enough to justify purchase for many when it's so far behind accepted home theater standards (5.1, 7.1 etc). On a fairly cheap download they can just provide a basic stereo mix and be done with it. Their next full scale live release will probably be aiming for better visual/audio fidelity than Rome - I guess this is just a stop-gap :p


    EDIT: Have just seen Marc Carolan's instagram post about the hard work put into the mix. Perhaps he decided to take a more experimental approach after the physical release was ruled out? It seems to have worked better for some than others ...


    It must be like you say, but still, why bother screening it in an audio format that is not optimal anymore for the majority of cinemas, then? Couldn't they have made it available by download or streaming right from the start?

    If they really didn't want to discard the occasion of screening it worldwide, they should have produced at least two versions of the final mix basing on the audio format, it's to say 5.1 or 7.1 for cinemas and 4.0 for online download. Or, even better, they could have done like Rome and issued it in DVD/BluRay for even bigger revenues than they have made with a single (or two-) day screening, mantaining the same audio format for cinemas. But of course, DVD are obsolete, right Matt?

    I may be too harsh on the production team, but I think they've made a too hasty, too rough job all around for the scale they aimed to without thinking of all the necessary details throughout.

  13. This is my complaint to the theatre re. the sound and their reply - are they taking the mickey? There were only 25 people there and six of us were unhappy.


    Dear Sirs

    I am writing to express my disappointment in your showing of the Muse film last night. There was obviously a sound problem with reduced volume and very little base. There appeared to be a slight improvement for the last song only. As the sound was the most important part of the film, Please could you let me know what went wrong?

    Yours sincerely



    Thank you for your email.


    I don't know why but the producers of the event decided to mix the sound as 4 channels rather than the 6 we have available, so there was no audio sent to the Sub Bass Speaker (LFE) behind the screen nor to the center speaker behind the screen. The only speakers in use were the Left and Right behind the screen and the surround speakers in the auditorium.


    I've copied below an extract from the technical brief we received from the content providers




    The feature is intentionally mixed in 4.0 to give an ‘all-encompassing, in the round’ concert feel and

    to follow the concert that is in the centre of the arena on a revolving set, and not from one singular


    We are aware there is no information on the LFE or centre channel

    This does not require adjustment from the cinemas sound equipment.



    So as far as we are concerned there was nothing wrong with the sound equipment in the Cinema, It was how the content / producers providers wanted it to be heard.


    I did speak to a few customers at the end and they thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


    So in closing all I can do is apologise on behalf of the producers / content providers for your disappointment. How the audio is mixed is out of our control, we can only playout what they send us.


    Yours sincerely.


    Neil Poole

    Cinema Manager


    What? Seriously? They just mixed it in 4.0? They've produced the live concert of one of the greatest live bands on the planet in just 4.0 when we're already way beyond the 7.1 surround standard?

  14. Same! But in general, I thought this was pretty good. Ive been pessimistic but this album might have some surprises.


    Heck, if every other song on LP8 we have yet to discover is at least on par with this clip quality wise... WOW.

  15. That¡¯s the cutest video of Matt you¡¯re ever gonna see.


    Song¡¯s alright, defo seems like a layover from Drones lyrically (which is....kinda a shame tbh :chuckle:). I wouldn¡¯t draw much from it sonically ¡®cos the studio version clearly has a lot more going on but it seems refreshing in style at least. Couldn¡¯t compare what we¡¯ve just heard to any past Muse song.


    The teaser deceived me, I'll admit that. Now that I've listened to this preview, though, I think it could be compared indeed to some past compositions: to be more precise, it sounds to me like a more uplifting and brighter version of Falling Down (they're even in the same key, if I'm not mistaken).

  16. Aaawww...


    That was... So good. And it's so fucking refreshing hearing this stripped down style after years of going commando production-wise.

    The lyrics are very peculiar, but they work so well. Simple but great chord progressions.

  17. They're already reported on MuseWiki under SH page, if anyone's curious.


    After reading them, it seems to me this album might be a sort of sequel to the story of Drones thematically speaking, despite the drastic differences in sound.

  18. Simply Red getting a mention on this board in the context of new muse music discussion: unanticipated. lol.


    The thing is, from what little we've heard, it doesn't sound anything like Simply Red, at all.


    Loving this VR, Blade Runner, Ready Player One, neon arcades sounding direction they seem to be going in


    Well, the verses we can hear are vaguely reminiscent of the theme of programmed expiration the droids are subjected to in Blade Runner.


    "Five hundred hours 'till I erode..."

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