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Posts posted by MAurelia

  1. I really like Dig Down now, though it wasn't the case the first time I heard it. But the more I hear it the more I like it! It seems I am the only one here...:stunned:


    No. You're not the only one. I like Dig Down. :LOL:

  2. regardless of crowds, setlists, money, whatever: The band do what the band do.


    They decide the setup, what they play, how they play it, whether they rehearse or not. It's their career, and their attitude and as far as they each personally can, they choose it or let themselves be influenced by circumstances/others/... . I think it's a bit ott to call their integrity off because they didn't fulfill one or several board member's dreams. The board is not the world, not even the muse world.


    I'm sure that most of the time, they are, just like most of us in our lives, trying to do the right things at the right time, obviously failing every now and again as we all do, getting back up and carrying on.

    That doesn't mean they shouldn't take constructive criticism (which is given to them, not posted on here where they won't read it anyway :LOL:) , but i don't think their agenda is/was to play bland shows to the us for instance, i think it's something like they're trying to do a good job (you may ask: For whom? The majority of the crowd, probably), get a mediocre response, and feel disheartened. Maybe they could up their professionalism and still try to do the best every night and pull people along, but i also accept that can be pretty hard if nobody's (in relation to crowd size!) reacting. Maybe they did the best they could in that respect and that was it, maybe they didn't, who knows.

    Of course it would be nice if they admitted mistakes too, where they made them...but we can't force it. If they realise it for themselves, it's good enough, because it should lead to a better outcome next time.


    Then, it's up to each and every one of the fans to decide whether they like what's on offer and enjoy it, or not.

    Of course going somewhere after something is announced and not getting pretty exactly that is disappointing, but as soon as information was out there that's kinda off because you have time to prepare. And still, regardless, you choose your own reaction.

    like some decided to skip the tour because they didn't like what they'd heard about it so far - that's a decision fans made with their own integrity.


    Btw, i want old songs too. I want rarities, i want my favourites, i want to see energy and fun stuff going on and enjoy myself. I want long sets with many good songs, as we probably all do. But when i'm at the gig, i know i cannot influence it, so i'll relax and enjoy the gig as i get it. That's in my control.


    If i'm really miffed about something afterwards (like the short but expensive loreley gig a few years back) i will try to first figure out what went wrong - that was not the band's fault, coincidentally - and try to ensure criticism gets where it needs to to improve the future.

    I know doing this on the ongoing tour is not as easy as on that one gig or maybe impossible, but thinking about it from really different perspectives as opposed to sitting in your own hole and not even trying would be a good start.



    Anyway. I had my drones gig, and i loved it. Despite not getting all the songs i wanted (fat luck when your list is about 50 songs long :chuckle: Which i prepared for, not getting them all...) and a few other obstacles, it was a great gig and i enjoyed it thoroughly. :happy::happy:



    Tl;dr this topic is a gigantic negative spiral.

    Muse are not perfect and they never will be. I enjoyed my gig. I want more songs and rarities but i'd have to get a message through to the band if i wanted that heard.


  3. I discovered Muse with HAARP. I liked it. They sounded very very well live. I became a fan. I started listening to the albums previous to HAARP and I found an amazing sound and amazing songs.

    I'm still a big Muse fan. I'm not a teenager so things are quiet now, but I like listening to Muse (specially when I drive) and I'm still think they are amazing live. I was at Madrid gig one month ago and my family and I enjoyed very much. :LOL::LOL:

  4. Perfect, great, some sound problems but hey ;)


    I had the honour to be there and experience this perfect performance, that falsetto! :eek: someone who said his falsetto is crap, I was there, it was perfect!! out of breath sometimes, but... :D



    Tab was perfect as well, and the solo in Handler was flawless.



    I'm glad you enjoyed the show! I went to the first gig in Madrid and it was amazing!

    And I think that Matt's voice was great :LOL:

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