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Status Updates posted by Glaedr

  1. I'll take your word for it ;)

  2. I CERTAINLY SHALL (eventually) and nahh, i live in australia, but i'm persian.

    BAH more stuff to add to my list! I've only read hunger games from your list :$ and didn't particularly love it... but i shall definitely consider the rest if you recommend it :awesome:

  3. haappppy birthdaaay mate :D

    btw you don't really know me, but i see you everywhere :ninja:

  4. awww, THE SUSPENSE MUST BE KILLING YOU!! but I haven't read it either...lol xD i only got into the eragon cycle like 2 months ago, and only just finished brisignr, so i've put fantasy aside for the moment being. what other books do you like?

  5. haha yes indeed :awesome: brilliant books :yesey:

  6. yerrpp, just did :D haha it's a good page... koalifications... :facepalm: i can't believe i lol'd at that ahahha

  7. is Herp Derp your facebook page? :awesome:

  8. Ahh thanks mate :happy:

  9. oh really? bitches. And what? They're coming to australia? ahah since when?? I'm always so oblivious of everything, until it's over... :(

  10. Nope, they did not :( and neither are radiohead this year :( I'll be a hell of a lot more aggressive next time round though :happy:

  11. :LOL: fair point, Perth's pretty uneventful. Well, I doubt that would make a difference for adelaide, i mean they came for BDO, but it's so unlikely they'd do a proper gig down here :( you're lucky though, my parents would never let me travel to see a band...:'(
  12. I HAVE A FRIEND! :awesome: haha

  13. psssshh, you have no right to say that. I'm from blooddy adelaide, mate...only in adelaide is there true boredom :(

  14. herlooo fellow aussiee, just wondering, where in australia do you live?

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