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Status Updates posted by BreakingOut

  1. At least you have the Queen !! My englih teacher is so excited that the queen is hee that we had to do a comparison of Lady Di and Kate's wedding :facepalm:

  2. I didn't realise that it was you until it was a message :chuckle: I was like :confused: but then I was :eek: and then :stunned::)

  3. Hello fellow australian!!!!! :LOL:

    How are you???

  4. Hi!!

    Sorry, my yearly exams are coming up :eek: I have to study :(

    Same :chuckle: I only ever go outside when the internet is down.

    Nice new username, by the way :)

  5. Least it's not an infraction :happy:

    This board is my afternoon. I need a life :eek:

  6. that's sad :(

    We got a warning for tagging :eek: I only tagged one or two threads I will stop now though :chuckle:

  7. Awesome :happy: I have always wanted to go to Greece, my grandpa is from there !! :)

  8. They are a bit depressing :) I never really liked pop music. rock is way better!!!! :p

  9. Never heard of Madrugada XD Coldplay is really good !! I am starting to like Rage Against the Machine :LOL:

  10. Thanks :)

    Do you like any other bands besides Muse?

  11. I did thanks :) It was really good :D

  12. Same :p i just copy other drawings I see XD There are good tutorials on Youtube though :)

  13. Ok thanks!!! I'm more a chibi/a really bad animie drawer so i can't draw realistic things XD

  14. My pleasure :happy: It was so amazing!! Did you just draw it, or what??? I can't even dream of drawing OoS

  15. I'm aways lurking :shifty: Sorry it took me so long to respond, I was on holidays :)

  16. I played SMBH but my mum liked it .... XD

  17. Hahah :) My mum hates the falsetto so when I'm mad I turn up Micro Cuts :)

  18. Ikr? I showed my mum a bit of Reading and she aid that Matt's voice was different :mad:

  19. Good :) Just been viewing the threads !!! Or stalking, same thing :ninja:

  20. Ditto :) Never been to a concert though :( maybe for their next album?

  21. Sorry :) Haven't visited the boards for a while. I don't know how much of a muser i am :) they're the BEST band though :)

  22. Sorry, haven't been on for a few days :)

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