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Posts posted by GloriousAssassin

  1. Γεια!!! Ο Chris είπε σε συνέντευξη ότι θα μπουν στο στούντιο το Σεπτέμβριο ή Οκτώβριο... Μπορεί να μας θυμηθούν αυτή τη φορά...:unsure:





    Εγώ ως συνήθως έχω μείνει πίσω:facepalm: Δεν έχω ακούσει τίποτα τώρα τελευταία αλλα πραγματικά πρέπει να; ξανάρθουν Ελλάδα! Και βάζω στοίχημα πάλι θα σκίσουν με τα καινούρια κομμάτια!:happy:

  2. Oh I finally had a Musey dream :awesome:


    But when I said I might have jinxed myself, I did :eek:



    So my dream started out where I was in some mall in California (where most of my dreams took place for the past few day excluding today). For some odd reason my mum, my sister, and I went into this really small store contained with 3 full shelves of baggage for traveling and there was this one guy with semi-fluffy hair chatting on his cell phone. I was like, "Is that Matt or something or some random guy that looks creepily like Matt?"

    It just so happens that after I stalked into the conversation so I could hear if he had an accent, it was Matt :awesome:

    I was so happy, man!! :D


    Of course I went up to him, showing him my Muse wristband so he knew I was a Muser, but he hardly even looked at me but put on a small smile like he knew already that I was a fan :happy:

    He did a side-look type of thing and pulled out a sharpie as if to sign whatever I was holding out, thus he sooned noticed I was just sticking out my arm to show him the wristband. Then he sort of raised his brow at me as if to ask mentally, "Do you want me to sign your arm?"

    I shook my head and went to my mum's bag to pull out a gross piece of paper that just happened to be the only no-writing-on paper in her bag.

    I strutted back to where he was where he printed his first name really small and then WHOOSH'D his surname down in huge, cursive letters :rolleyes:


    Soon enough when he was leaving and I thought he was a nice Dream Matt, I commented saying "Oh, and Matt congratualations on Bin-"


    Then he interrupted with a mean, sassy attitude, "I'm going to lunch with someone! Leave me alone!!"


    Well there went his nice-ness :stunned:


    And then I woke up :noey:


    Awwwww!Come on! Matt is always the nice crazy man!Why him?:noey:

    At least he gave you an autograph:stunned:

  3. Hi!!! Δεν το πιστευω ότι πρώτη φορά τώρα μπαίνω εδώ!Εννοώ έχω ξαναμπεί στο Forum αλλά δεν είχα βρει αυτό το thread πιο πριν:p

    Γεια σε όλους λοιπόν!

  4. Well I guess Dom would still be considered a small jerk for not giving you an autograph.. :stunned:

    But I think the dream-Muse are finally realising how bad they have been and are growing back their respect for the people that dream about them :happy:


    Unless I just jinxed that :eek:



    And I have no dream, but this thread always seems to be a bit random.. at most times ( :LOL: ) and well.. I wanted to share this summary of the Airborne Toxic Event concert I went to last night at the MET in Pawtucket :awesome:

    It was my second time seeing them and yeah :happy:



    So there's the link :ninja:

    I forgive Dom for not giving an autograph;he was so cute:happy:

    Wow!What an experience!

    little nap dream that chris showed up at my front door with three boxes full of gifts for ME. said i won a contest or something? so anyways i go to open the first one; and a bunch of tshirts fall out; each and every one signed by matt dom and chris. the second one contains every album, b-side, single, dvd, book, (even the ep); also signed. the third contains various trinkets, pictures, and stuff (included many many signed posters). when i emptied out the third box i realized that it had a fake bottom. i lifted it up and i saw vip backstage passes for a gig at the BAC in a month.

    when i woke up i wondered:

    a)why this kind of thing never happened to me

    b)how i won a contest i never entered

    c)when they were coming back

    Could you just tell Chris to bring a gift for me too??:D

    I think that there are lots of addicted fan girls (like me!).:p




    Lucky lucky lucky!!! You hugged Chris and you danced with Matt??!

    I haven't seen a Muse dream lately...:(

    I am:dance:


    I had another one.I was in a fastfood restaurant and I was looking for somewhere to sit.I saw Matt with his hair like back in 1999 and he was flerting with a blonde girl and he asked her on date but I'm not sure if she was Kate:erm: Then she asked me to join her so I sat to her table nad we had dinner together and Matt came too but unfortunately I don't remember what happened yet:stunned:

  5. I had a dream last night.I remember that I was so bored and there was that party in my school.I was having a terrible time just wandering around when Muse showed up:D

    I saw them sitting around that table near to the canteen.I walked slowly behind Chris and I hugged him so tight that he was gasping so I let him breathe again and just said "Hi" and he smiled gently.Then Matt stood up,hugged me and after that we were dancing!(he was a vewy good dancer:happy: ).

    I also asked Dom for his autograph but he wa just standing there and smiling. At least he wasn't the jerky Dom again!

    I went to buy some beer and then headed to Muse again when Chris said it was time to go.I was like "No!Look!I'm drinking beer" showing them the bottles in my hands.Chris and Matt looked at each other like :eek: and said "Why didn't you tell us b4?" but then they walked away and I couldn't help but following them.I grabbed Matteh's arm and asked him "Are getting drunk often?":wtf: He moved his head and said "yes":chuckle:


    And then I had to wake up:(

  6. I was skipping through a field full of ice-cold cans of Sprite (long story), when it changed and I was all taped up to a chair in my room. From the looks of it, two guys broke into my house. (I had a really sore nose, both arms were all wet, and my leg hurt like hell, so I'm guessing they weren't there for the silver). I heard something like a gun, but right before they pulled the trigger someone burst through the window of my room and shot them. At first I thought it was some superhero-person, because the person was wearing a WonderWoman outfit. Then I took a closer look, and it turns out Matt finally got around to the costume and saved my life. :D Then, for some reason, (--I give a WTF sign because of the age gap, and his engagement) he gives me a great big kiss.:wtf: (I guess I should have felt extremely lucky). Then I wake up because my leg is still hurting like hell (it was my cat, scratching it up).




    Can someone please tell me the meaning behind this dream???


    Hmmm...the meaning behind this dream...

    Well,probably, Matt prefers WonderWoman's costume instead of Batman's one coz Batman is creepy but Matt is the sunshine in our lives:P

    Cool dream btw

  7. i had a muse dream recently, that i actually remembered (ususally they're quite vague, but know i'm thinking of writing them down ^^) anyway,

    i was with Dom on Primrose Hill, and we were together <3 :happy: we wanted to have a picnic but all this paparazzi started coming up the hill trying to bombard me with questions and taking tons of pics of us sitting there! but surprisingly i wasn't that phased by it, i just smiled a little nervously and dom smiled at me :D and so i said 'what?' and he said 'you're just taking this really well' we ran like hell from the paparazzi and met up with Matt walking his dog carring a box full of bananas and model zetas of varying sizes, and when he saw me he dragged me away from dom gushing about some secret hideout in chris and tom's attic :rolleyes: (where i assumed he was putting that box of stuff)

    and dom was shouting after us ' what about the pasta?!!! Kate will eat it all!"

    i know weird :stunned: hehehhe

    not the craziest or most exciting dream i know, it was a good dream, which is why i remebered it! :happy: matt was wearing the clothes from the bliss vid and dom was in the resistance era

    Awwwwwwww! You see ppl?Dom isn't always the jerk;)

    I can vaguely remember being in a pitch black room, tied up. Then a light came on and I could hear footsteps. Matt stepped into the light, that was the most vivid part of the dream, because his eyes were shining like crystals. Then he said something incomprehensible, cocked a gun and pointed it at me. Then I woke up just as heard the trigger go.


    Pretty scary :stunned:


    Well that is quite.. freaky :stunned:


    'Cept he seemed pretty well-behaved in someone else's dream recently so..

    After Domthe jerk is Matt?No!Matt is the cute one...Maybe it's a kind of disease and it's spread on the band mates...:p

    Would Matt really show his kid this Messageboard though? ;):chuckle:

    You know what's on here :LOL:


    Just imagine the new baby at the age of 14 searched the dark past of his father in here!:p Pretty confusing



    Btw here's my new thread:happy:


  8. YEEAAHHH!!!!


    Then it must have been :yesey: That or pasta.






    True, but it was most likely a banana.


    I think it will be a girl too. She's Matt's child, so she has to be awesome!


    Basically click on one of the categories (News, Other Muse Topics, Gigs & Tours, ect.) and there should be a button that says, "Forum Tools." Click on that and it should be right there :)

    Thanks! I think that as long as I'm back from holidays my thread will be ready:happy:

    Is it normal for this many people to dream about a band? LOL. I have had vague dreams about them but mostly just have really strong deja vu when I listen to their music, every time. I rarely even listen to them, although I like them a lot.

    I don't know if this is what "normal" is generally but I don't feel normal sometimes:erm: Maybe some ppl here have a good time having musey dreams ,like me;)

    Aw! FerretDom :awesome:



    I had a Muse dream and a Blur dream. So if you don't mind, I'll share both for the entertainment :happy:


    Blur dream:

    I was supposingly going to an island called "Bahi" and it was said to be the best island ever [sort of like in that Leonardo DiCaprio movie if you've seen it]. So I was swimming with my sister and some other random people and we stumbled upon and island close to Bahi. I found out Blur was having an interview there [:wtf:] and they looked 70 even though they're in their 40's!! It was crazy! I felt like crying seeing them like that :supersad:

    Basically the interview kept repeating and after every time, I got to shake their hands (more like them rub their thumbs against my hands in a sweet gesture) which was rather odd...But cute!

    Then I was standing in front of them and asked myself, "Isn't Dom supposed to be here? He's in Blur [:wtf:] and well, wait! Is that him!?"

    I saw this guy in Blur who had a Dom nose so I figured it was him... then I realised: Dom can't be in Blur! He's in Muse, silly! ... Wait a second, he's in both bands :eek: [says dream me].

    So I left Blur finally and traveled to a closer island, closer to Bahi. There was this grey, wooden, trashed house that looked so torn apart. My sister decided to go inside and snack on some pudding, which was strange, again, and I found a little blonde girl tracing the lines on her hands with a knife :stunned:

    Anyways, after that I never went back to that island and yeah.. I never did find Bahi.


    Muse dream:

    So, the dream started off in the living room of my friend's house and Muse were sitting cross-legged on the center of the floor. I was sitting on a sofa nearby and had a laptop on my lap :rolleyes:

    I was on Facebook and tried to talk to Dom, since I guess he was my friend... Well he didn't have a computer but... yeah. Then Matt found out that Dom had a Facebook in which he actually talked to people. So, he went to the window and yelled to the people walking by about his discovery and yelled, "Everybody who knows Dominic Howard, drummer of Muse, he's right in here! Come get your chance to talk to him!"

    Dom was certainly not pleased and did NOT want to talk to fans... [the jerk Dom AGAIN!!!] Then, of course, the dream ended...

    Also Matt looked like he was in the Showbiz Era, Dom was in TR Era, and Chris was just HAARP.. :stunned:


    Yes, so Dom was a jerk again and yeah. STOP IT DREAM DOM!! :mad:

    haha I guess Dom deserved it :p






    Hmm... Maybe there was a banana and he was just distracted :)







    Well he seemed in a daze.. picture.php?albumid=2777&pictureid=32539



    Matt is always distracted by something.I wouldn't be surprised if it wan't a banana but it was a red chair or something!:chuckle:

    Yeah me too! I kinda think it's gonna be a girl but... could be wrong, could be wrong *but it should've been right*




    Yeah, I wouldn't be too happy if I didn't get my change! :LOL:


    Who's ever known...

    I want it to be a baby-Bellamy but I think it will be a girl.I only wish she will rock like her father:)


    Edit:How can I post a new thread?




    Muse Dream of :awesome:

    So basically I woke up pretty late than I should have.. but it's not like I wanted to stay up after having the nightmare where a coyote was thriving to bite my leg, which bolted me wide awake!! So, I settled on a Muse dream that I immediatly wanted to get typed on here before I forgot details!

    So, here I am in my ModTech class [every good dream is either in school or ModTech for me] and Chris was chatting with my teacher. I was just in awe! :eek:

    How could Chris actually be at this "nobody" school?!

    Well, of course you can't blame me, I guess I was stalking him to make sure he didn't leave without giving me an autograph/ make sure he gave me a glance so I can acknowledge to him that I love Muse!! Also in my dream, this girl whose my friend kept whacking me in the leg because she wanted to sit next to her other friend and totally ignore me

    Anyways though, when he finally said he was going to leave, I grabbed a notebook, a pen, and gave him a smile before he noticed me at my seat and shook his head to my notebook. I walked up to him begging, "Please! Can I have your autograph?! I'm sorry I didn't bring my Muse wristband and all my Musey merch, but I truly am a big fan of yours!!"

    Chris finally rolled his eyes and gave into my sqeals of horror, therefore signing the notebook but wrote, "You'll see this when I see you again." and a little picture of a back sort of spread out :wtf:

    He stated the back was what happened to him after playing the bass; his back spread out..

    Then when he left I was SO happy and I heard Matt would come the next day to visit, followed the day after that: Dom. Meanwhile I was smiling very big and putting up chairs, which then made me realise: these girls aren't in my school!

    A whole bunch of girls with dyed bleach blonde hair were gossiping amoung themselves. I was just totally confused after a while.

    Suddenly Chris came back into the room, yes with his back quite stretched out probably from playing the bass, as said, and suddenly all of the modules vanished and there was the big floor out in front of us, with, of course, just Chris stood with a huge, giddy smile on his face.

    I turned my head back to the door asking myself, "I wonder when Dom and Matt are going to come?"

    As if things really did come true, Matt and Dom walked into the classroom!!! :awesome:

    I was screaming so loud and crying on the floor when I saw them :rolleyes::chuckle:

    I was such a weird fangirl. I felt as if everbody was watching as I made all these strange movements. Ex. (Crawling after Matt and Dom with my head on the floor, sliding it along, with my hands covering my face as I moped so joyously, yet so loudly).

    Suddenly a song of theirs started playing, but I forget which one.. could have been Endlessly. Dom and Matt grabbed these 2 blonde girls to dance with and I was in total rage. I WAS RIGHT THERE AND I WASSSS A MUSER!!!

    Course Dom had to grab the blonde with her boobs hanging out of her dress, so oblivious to her :rolleyes:

    After the whole dissapointing dance they had, Knights of Cydonia was playing on a screen that was pulled down by Muse. Dom squeezed between me and some other blondes so I got my chance to ask the big question: "Dom why didn't you choose ME to dance with? I'm the Muser!"

    He just sighed and gave me a look.


    Did he just say my name? :eek:

    "How do you know my name?!"

    "I just do.. Don't ask again."

    He was being such a jerk :indiff:

    So on though, I got to meet Muse, 'cept Matt, but I saw him in person :awesome: And I got Chris' strange autograph. Dom was just :noey:

    I still love that dream though!!

    Muse at your school:awesome:

    Yeah Dom was a jerk but Chris actually IS a great person.But just quite serious usually...

    :D I love Zane. He's so funny.


    Aww, well I'm glad Chris was nice! (I'm never going to be able to take that Captain America movie seriously.) That dream kind of reminded me of one I had where they had a signing in this hotel and Matt and Dom were complete jerks and just laughed at me!


    I had a dream,too, where Dom (yes Dom again) was complete jerk and making fun of me coz I told him I was a vewy big fan of them!





    I was taking a nap this evening and I had a musey dream again!

    I was with my dad and we walked into a store with materials and such stuff.My father was talking with an employee (whose voice seemed quite strange and familiar to me) and I think I was checking out a leopard print material.

    As i looked over a shelf Inoticed that the employee my father was tlking to was Tom Kirk!!! I walked there quietly and stared to Tom.Then my dad said that we had to go but instead of that he went to look for a material for curtain(?)

    Anyway I walked at the doorway and Tom came to stand next to me,tended his hand to me and shook mine!At the same time a big black car parked out of the shop and Dom came out wearing a leopard print shirt,then he disappeard and immediately appeared across the street wearing his froggy hoodie!

    I stopped staring at Dommeh and turned to Tom with a smirk all over my face.And then I finally said it: "Can you ask the guys for their autographs?I want their autographs!!!Pleaaaaaaaase?"

    Tom winked at me and said "I'll see what I can do for you"

    I was so happy:dance: but thats when I woke up with a huge smile on my face, giggling but where the heck is Tommeh with my autographs??I'm still waitiiiing!:wtf:

  11. AW, YOU AND DOMMEH :awesome:

    Yeah I know:happy:Now i guess I have to dream about Matt or something!

    I won't dream about Chris though-he's married




    Ugh, some friend :indiff: YOUR SECOND DREAM SOUNDS SOOOO ROMANTIC :awesome:

    It was romantic like the old military films!We were kissing just before we die by a random guy's bullet:chuckle:

    Haha. Next time i'm in Greece I will look for you!

    I know right? Obviously I wasn't thinking at all! Your last dream is so hilariously random!

    You'll find me easily! I'll be the one waving to everyone:p

    Haha I know! I should have such dreams more often though:stunned:

    Very smexy! ;)


    Just had a dream where I was at the Grammys with Matt (who was wearing Dom's Grammy outfit) and I got up on stage and performed a screamo version of "Feeling Good" using a megaphone through the entire song. I was walking back to Matt, who looked like he enjoyed the song, when zetas (I am not joking) attacked the building and I had to save everyone. Matt disappeared after that. :(


    Apparently he was kinapped by the zetas:chuckle:

  12. I had a really nice beginning of a dream. Matt kissed me! I don't remember anything before that. It was kinda funny and SO realistic. We were standing and everybody was watching. He slowly leaned in and I asked him what he was doing. And he said , "I'm trying to ki..." Then he kissed me! It was so cheesy! The funny thing is that I was hesitant. I was hesitant to let Matt Bellamy kiss me? Crazy dream. It was a long kiss and I remember feeling his stubble on his chin as he kissed me. I don't remember what happened right after that either. But next thing I was in Italy? Greece? I'm not sure but it wasn't the US. I don't know if any of you watch Primeval, they had the last episode last night. The sky in my dream was like the sky in Primeval. Then there was a mini flood. It only went up to our ankles. Everybody started screaming and running downhill towards to ocean. As I was running I saw Matt walking in the opposite direction. I yelled MATT! He turned around and I smiled at him and he just smiled at me and kept on walking. Oh ya, and he was wearing his gray suit. Then the flood was done and I start serving ice cream for Matt and I. Then I wake up with "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" From The Lion King in my head. *sigh*


    If it was somewhere in Greece I would have seen you!:p This dream is :awesome: And-really?-you were hesitant???What were you thinking??


    I had 2 dreams.

    In my first dream I was at school with my best friend and Muse was there too.So every1 were standing in a line waiting unpatiently for the 3guys' autographs.Matt,Dom and Chris wa signing on pieces of paper to each student and that's when I suddenly realised that I hadn't any paper with me so I ask my friend for one but she didn't give me any and she was like "wait,wait" and staring to the 3 guys.They gave an autograph to my friend but not to me and it was her fault!So I was pissed of and I said Id never talk to her again.And I started shouting at her when she called me:rolleyes:

    My second dream was weird.There was a war ,not in my country though,and i was a soldier of the army that was fighting against a psycho old woman who wanted just to kill people.Some other soldiers and me got in an elevator and then some other soldier got in too but they were from the opponent army.Then in the crowd I saw Dom with an army uniform and it suitedd him quite a lot! When we got off the elevator I screames "DOOOM!" he turned around,looked at me and winked!So I ran towards him hugged him and then we were kissing!

    And that's all I can remember!

  13. :D


    Wow that's just a muddle of hilarious insanity :p:) Just reading it was a bit ADHD :p



    I hope you mean cologne... :chuckle:


    My dream now. It all seemed quite mysterious, and I felt like such a devil. I think I found Matt's personal phone number, but because I felt so in the wrong, I must have gotten this thing in a really sneaky way. It was a pitch dark room except for the glow of the phone screen. I was nervous, but I dialed it, and Matt answered not friendly, but not angry either. I immediately tensed up and started shaking. I don't remember a tonne of details, but I posed as someone, and just a few seconds into the call he started shouting at someone in the room (not at me), and there is when he sounded angry. I'm pretty sure I was afraid he'd caught onto me, so I threw the phone. That's all I remember. So out of my personality.

    :eek::facepalm: Oopsyyy:$

    Creepy dream.I'd like to have a dream like that but I bet I'd wake up and start looking for Matt's phone number:chuckle:

    Finally had another musey dream:

    This one is a sign :yesey: - So I dreamt that I was looking through a mag and Kate had had her baby... And it's a girl! :D

    Then it went on to me going to Sainsbury's and buying a 'coffee to go' and the woman at the counter forgot to give me change... :noey:

    Ok, not that musey...

    After reading this if Kate has a girl I'll be like:eek:

  14. HUGGLES WITH MUSEEE! :awesome:

    Oh, and I hate those dreams where you try looking for something that was in your dream but it isn't reallly there.. It's like that dream I had where I thought I was screaming for my mum in my bed because someone was trying to shoot me, and I guess I actually woke up minutes later (although I thought I was already awake) and asked my dad if I was screaming. He said no, but.. Does that dream somehow relate to what I just said before about waking up and looking.. for something...? :stunned::facepalm::chuckle:


    :chuckle: I guess it's somehow conected with reality so...yes!:p

    Oh!And I think that Matt was wearing a vewy nice pewfum:D

  15. I had to be vewy concentrated to keep my self from kicking her:chuckle:



    Vewy strange dream Rafn..:p I can imagine Dom falling all the time!Hilarious and cute at the shame time:happy:



    I had a dream last night and I bet it was the best Musey dream I've ever had.

    My dad works in a local radio station.I was there sitting on an old dirty sofa with him,who was wearing a creepy mask and pretending he was not my father.I walked away and went to the main corridor of the station.Suddenly through a window I noticed Chris playing his guitar and singing.I immediately ran back to my father and told him "Dad! I think the Chris Wolstenholme is in that room! Is it really him??".He said that it was really him and that he was about to be interviewed.

    I headed to that room.I stepped in the room and I was vewy nervous.I stood infront of Chris smirking:facepalm:

    He smiled so I confidently said that I was soooo happy to meet him when Dom got inside.I said that to him too and started laughing and screaming happily so Dom started snobing and laughing at me.Then I was hanging out with Chris.And when I suddenly turned around and saw Matt smiling at me,turned around and told the 3guys "Can I hug you?" and Chris was hugging me(that's when I noticed that he was wearing my dad's fav sweater:wtf: ) and Matt was screaming i astonishment "Awe we gonna hug her?:happy: ".I ran to Matteh's lap and I wanted to hug Dommeh as well but Matt wouldn't let me go.


    The scene changed and now we were standing out of the station while my parents were talking to Muse so I stopped them eagerly and asked for a photo with them.We're all standing in a line and Matt was shorter than me:erm:Then Dom came to me and gave me 3 signed autographs(and Matt's signature was weird)

    Then I woke up and immediately went to see where the pics and autographs were...unfortunately nowhere:supersad:


    I don't think I've ever had the worst dream of my life..yet. And well, I would be totally pissed off if that happened to me too! :chuckle:


    Don't even get me started! And the day after when I saw that girl I guess my expresion was like :indiff:


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