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Posts posted by GloriousAssassin

  1. Sto San Siro pou itan synaulia typou Wembley, diladi se stadio, eixa dosei persy 42 euro gia to xortari (an pas noris pianeis kaggelo) kai 6.30 gia to courier.

    Sta festival opos Glastonbury, Reading, eksartatai apo ti diorganosi.

    Alla mexri na ksanavgoun se tour, poios kserei...

    Sti malakasa prin 4 xronia eixa dosei 40.

    Ypo8etw pws aksizei gia na deis toys Muse;) Elpizw na ms tyxei k emas mia tetoia eykairia!

  2. I had a dream last night.I was on stage with Matt,Dom,Chris (b4 a gig I think).We were all standing behing Matt's black piano.Chris wa holding Dom's drum sticks pretending to play drums hitting the piano:p I think he was trying to play a song and when he made a mistake Dom was so mad and started shouting,grabbed the sticks from Chris' hands and played it right but kinda too fast so Chris could play it again after that.

    After the third time Dom shouted to him,Chris shouted "It's so f*cking difficult to play!You have to keep on playing the same rythm all the time!You haven't played something like this so you don't know!If we had to perform it I could play it probably!":stunned:

    And Matt just whispered "I play the piano..." :chuckle:

    Then,suddenly I was in the audience and Muse were performing but this time they were cartoons(the cartoons I make).Matt had got a haircut and was wearing a green bow and Dom and Chris had long hair,and when I say long I mean vewy vewy long!:erm:

  3. E χωρις νεα, τι να κανουν εδω περα? Να κλαιμε τη μοιρα μας που δεν πηγαμε Reading? :rolleyes:


    :supersad: μακαρι να πηγαιναμε


    Γεια και πάλι!



    :LOL: (για το spoiler) :p

    To είδατε τουλαχιστον στο ιντερνετ?

  4. indeed! :chuckle: Matt was a little nicer, but still, they were trying to kill me for money! :stunned::fear:


    :pI remember that dream:stunned::rolleyes:

    These people at
    :25 and every other Muser at gigs they play it at.


    At least they were clapping:stunned:


    Εdit: I just remembered a part of a dream I had last night.

    I was in a store and I was looking at some stickers and that's when I realise that they're Ceiling Dom stickers and... i dont remember what happened then. Not so musey but yeah.

  5. I had a Muse dream where we were having a party in a cube with screens with displays all over the walls, floor, and ceiling. It was going fine until I put on some Radiohead, which was when Matt went insane and killed everyone.



    Assaaaasin is booornnnn!:ninja:

  6. i had a dream that Matt and Chris were dressed in hats and tan coats (like private detective/ maltese falcon style - i'd been watching that movie beforehand!)

    and they were being asked to find me by this vampire and that they'd get a lot of money, and they said they'd do it ( and i was going NOooo!)

    in my dream i was with them, invisible like, and Matt said he didn't like the vamp and that he didnt want to do it (at this bit i was so hoping that i could get them on my side), but Chris said 'we have to do it think of the money'

    next minute i was running for my life from a group of raptors???!!! :eek: and thus the dream changed

    weird and kinda scary :stunned:

    edit: when i said 'find me' i kinda knew that the vamp wanted to kill me


    Dream-Chris cares only about money:stunned::noey:

    He is mean like dream-Dom now!:eek::mad:

  7. I had a dream that they were playing in a movie and that after I watched the movie I was listening to the radio and the played Megalomania and Easily I think...:awesome:


    Most I can remember is Dom showing up at a party I was at and just sitting on a big couch (this dream was set at my friend's house) waiting for someone. Then Tom shows up, and he starts waiting for someone. Then a white thing with bare feet and a grey shirt comes in and it, too, sits on the couch waiting for someone. While I am still trying to figure out what it is two MORE people walk into the party and sit down. I didn't even get to see who the newcomers were before one freaks out and runs out the open glass door, falling in the pool by mistake. Everyone in the party (including Dom, Tom, the white thing, and who I now see is Chris) fell silent and stared at the open door. Then I realize that:

    a) The white thing is a zeta.

    b) The person who ran into the pool was Matt.

    c) Tom is laughing his ass off.

    Then everyone gets up and runs into the pool too (me, Tom, and the zeta being the exceptions). I think there was a conversation in there somewhere, but I cannot remember what it was about.


    Who else?:chuckle:

  8. That's a great dream! I wonder if that really will be the album artwork.

    Who knows;)

    They abandoned me....:supersad::'(


    First of all, Matt with long hair???! Was he good?!

    A gig at your backyard?! They were excited about it?! And a new album?!

    The dream of every Muser...

    He was good even though his head looked big:p

    It was great,right?!:awesome:

  9. At last someone posted one! Ice-creammmmmm!!!:p


    I had one last night.Maybve because I'm thinking too much about this year's Reading:stunned:

    I was in my backyard and strangely it looked 100 times bigger than it is.:erm: And there were huge amps everywhere.While I was walking I saw Tom plugging in some cables with my father! I was like :eek: and I ran into the house screaming to my mom "Toooooom gtusjfhijidfhjhf and dad rfehjbjhh!". Then when my dad came in I asked him:

    -What are you doing with Tom Kirk?Why he is here?And why you DIDN"T tell me??

    -I'm helping him get ready for the gig.That band you like,Muse,are perfoming here onight.

    I thought "omg Matt Dom and Chris are coming here.I'm gonna meet them!:awesome:"

    I phoned my friend to tell her to come to my backyard gig and then I saw Matt back there and his hair was long like Dom's.

    Then my dad said not to bring tones of thing for Muse to sign so I was making that list when I found out that my laptop was on and I came to massageboard at the New thread where Tom had anounced that they were about to give their new album to everyone who would be at the gig.Then I saw that there was a new Chris' tweet every second saying "2 mins before tonight's gig" and the other one I can remember right now "I'm so nervous".

    Suddenly I heard Take a Bow playing and I ran straight to my backyard.(I thought thety where about to play songs from OoS:confused: ).

    Anyways after that they played ExoPart1 so when I ended Cds where falling on out heads(the cover was pinky-purple bubles) and I was so freakin happy:happy:

    I headed straight to where the 3 of them were and asked for an autograph and Matt singed my brand new Muse album but what he wrote had covered every detail of the beautiful cover art:p:D:awesome:

    After that I woke up but I have to admit it wasn't eay at all to sleep after that:rolleyes:

  10. I'm still grinning like an eejit 14 hours later, I don't care how sad it sounds but I think it was the most awesome moment of my life, especially given how many hours I've spent hanging around backstage entrances to venues and award shows hoping to meet him :rolleyes:




    Sooo, I was pulling out of the service station and saw a blonde woman waiting to cross the road wearing giant sunglasses and holding donuts, and I thought huh, that looks like Kate Hudson. Then I drove past her and thought shit, that was Kate Hudson! So I pulled over to call my best friend (as you do :p) and as I was talking, Matt walked RIGHT IN FRONT of my car, holding a couple of coffee cups, needless to say I spazzed out (though still in the privacy of my car :LOL:)

    Sooo I grabbed a pen and the first piece of paper I could find (an old parking ticket :LOL:) and walked over to the car. He saw me, I gave a little wave and he wound the window down, I said something like "sorry to bother you but I'm a really big fan..." and he got out of the car, he signed the ticket and asked what my name was, and we had a brief chat about Reading- he said he was on his way to start rehearsals, I said I'd heard Chris and Dom had started but he said he hadn't rehearsed at all yet! Not like he's only got 4 days till Leeds XD

    He also said they were going to play OoS from start to finish, and use the album cover as the stage design (I kinda knew already but never mind ey :happy:) We exchanged a few more pleasantries then went our separate ways, and I spazzed out again in my car :LOL:

    He was really friendly, I was so nervous I was shaking but he was happy to chat to me for a while, and oh my golly he is looking beautiful! He's looking very stubbly :happy: I didn't think of asking for a photo till we'd already said goodbye, I wish I'd thought of it but I'm happy with my signed parking ticket :D

    Sorry for the mini essay, but I know if it were the other way round I would want to know EVERY detail of a meeting with Matt :happy: Boy am I happy!



    :eek:That was abolutely awesome! I;m happy for you!

    And I won't lie- while reading the details of the meeting I imagined my self having that same chat with him and ,well,the only think I wa thinking it was "I'd faint,he is amazing!I'd faint!":cuckle:

  11. I had a dream that Matt had tweeted many pictures of Bing and then I saw Matt who was shirtless and he was very muscular...:eyebrows: He was holding me in his arms and we were watching some videos about Kate...(very weird!)

    When I woke up I saw that he really tweeted a picture of Bing!:eek:


    This must be a nice dream!

    Btw I just saw Matt pic with Kate and Bing! He is soooo cute and tiny:happy:

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