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Posts posted by GloriousAssassin

  1. Το θέμα δεν είναι να βγάλουν μόνο CD (εντάξει, είναι κυρίως αυτό :p), το θέμα είναι να σκάσουν μύτη και κανά terra vibe να γουστάρουμε... xD


    Μακάρι ρε παιδιά αλλά και έτισ να γίνει εγώ terra vibe δεν θα καταφέρω να πάω εδώ που βρίκαν οι γονείς μου να μείνουμε!:pΊσως αν ερχόταν και Θεσσαλονίκη να πήγαινα αλλά δεν το βλέπω:(

  2. δεν χαθηκαμε, απλα περιμενουμε κανενα νεακι να συζητησουμε. Πολλη ησυχια τελευταια στον πλανητη muse :supersad:


    Πράγματι.Αντε να βγει το καινούριο αλμπουμ να λέμε και τίποτα...

  3. Lat night I dreamt that I was in a big city with a bunch of friends and Matt.A we were talking,Harry Osborn(yeah,Peter's friend in the Spiderman movie) started chaing us,Holding a gun.We started running with Matt and I remember I tried to tell him something but he couldn't see me,I was invisible.

    Matt wanted to protect us all so we splited up but I kept on following him.Then Harry aimed his gun to Matt,ready to shot him,but he managed to get away and hide behind a car.Suddenly he jumped on that car and started climbing that high building untilhe finally hid on a balcony(Spider-Matt?):stunned:

  4. :awesome::D that sounds like a cool dream



    :LOL: true


    i had a really disturbing dream a week ago, Muse, me and some other random people in my dream went to this big casino place - it was an 'international casino' - and it had its own government (which was corrupt). :wtf: Matt and Dom got pretty drunk there and started playing on this online poker. Well i was next to Tom (we were practically babysitting those two!) when i overheard that the government were gonna kill Matt and Dom, using this insane mass murderer :eek:

    so i went up to thios psychopath and said

    ' if you even touch Matt or Dom i'll kill you! ' :fear:

    Me, Tom and Chris were trying to get everyone out when their killer came out all of a sudden

    i tried to stop him but it wasn't working, luckily Kirk saved the day, by pulling me away

    and then we were all running and Chris blew up the casino :stunned:

    (i've been watching too much Matrix / Borne trilogy :facepalm:)


    Sounds like fun:LOL:

    Except of the part where that psycho killer wants to kill Matt and Dom:stunned:

  5. Ok,so I had another one yesterday and what I make of that is that I have to watch more horror films! I watched 3 or 4 with my sister the past 2 days and I had musey dreams after that!:p

    I don't remember many details but I'll try to remember most of what happened.I was somewhere,I think it was my home,and I was staring at Chris who were talking to Matt,I think.And the thing I remember after that is me,my friend Jenny,Chris and Matt walking and we were in a hurry.Matt was walking in front of us,he was almost running, while Chris,Jenny and I were fooling around and laughing hysterically for no reasonAnd I guess we managed to piss Matt off so,now,he was walking faster and we couldn't keep upwith him(he looked so tiny at that moment:p).So the 3 of us who were left behind were having a nice conversation and suddenly we started talking about how Dom,Chris and Matt had changed and I said that Matt was gorgeous with his new haircut.That's when me and my friend sigh and start fangirling and Chris is chuckling:chuckle: I felt that I had to say something about him too so I said "You look great,too!:happy:" (his hair was different too)

    After that,we were in the backyard of a house.Matt rang the doorbell but then he just walked in and sat on the couch next to Dom,who was wearing a hoodie that looked so similar:stunned:Then they told me we had to look after a kid whose parents would be away for the weekend.

    I think it was Halloween and after a couple of hours,when it was dark,some human-like demons with strange,creepy/scary faces surrounded the toddler's bed but it seems we were so bored(?) that we kept on telling each other to go and shoo the demons to save the kid but no one did:stunned:

    After that I only remember a dude dressed like pumpkin:LOL:

  6. :LOL::LOL: That coat belongs in a horror movie!



    Had another dream last night where I was sitting by a window and I saw the band walk past it. Then, a door opens behind me and Chris walks in! I'm the only one in the room and I get super excited and ask him for a picture. I don't have my digital camera with me, so I have to use my phone. I'm fumbling around with the thing, and I realize Chris has to go somewhere, but he's patient and just smiles! :happy: We take the picture and he says bye and walks away. Next, I'm at an outdoor Muse gig with only about 200 people. The Killers were the support band. I never got to the part where Muse performs but I did see Brandon Flowers tell jokes to the audience and run/jump around the stage! :LOL:


    :LOL: Oh,Matt!



    Chris is always so nice:happy:

  7. Had a dream Chris was sitting on my coffee table wearing lingire. I almost-ran out of the room and saw Dom wearing a bikini. I then turned to go to my room when Matt came out of my room wearing his sparkly suit/blue glasses thing. He stopped and handed me the glasses, and kept on going without so much as a helllo. I went into my room and found a layer of banana peels all over the floor.




    I vaguely remember dreaming about me being on a private plane flown by Chris while Dom and Matt were laughing like crazy in the back and doing weird things while Tom was filming it for an upcoming DVD. I was apparently touring with them in South America because I look out the window and see jungles and Matt says, "That's Brazil!" Then Chris started to make the jet go upside down and we were all tumbling around and screaming!




    Then I had a really sad one where I was on a bridge in NYC attending a memorial service for Matt because he died on the bridge! :eek: It was raining hard and I was surrounded by a bunch of Musers. Made me really depressed....:(

    :chuckle:(for the first one)

    :'( for the last one...



    I had one after watching the trailer of Shutter(thai version) but hopefully it wasn't a nightmare although I remember seeing ghosts and zombies following me.And then I fall asleep and had a dream in my dream where I was playing football with a dead child:stunned: And then I wa told by the police that I had to catch some ghosts to save the world and they gave me a folder with pics of the most dangerous of them and I saw Matt in one picture,wearing his granny coat,and he was supposed to be the most dangerous of all ghosts!:rolleyes:

    That's when my mum's waking me up for school...

  8. I had a Musey dream last night :happy:


    I was in Las Vegas with my family and we went into a shopping mall, on the announcer thingy it said "Muse will be sailing in in 2 minutes." I was thinking 'what the hell? Sailing in?' suddenly a little river popped up in the middle of the mall!

    Then a voice yelled "10, 9, 8.." when it got to 1, music started playing! Then Muse sailed down the river on a boat (like in the Invincible video!) performing a new song! I pushed my way to the front then the boat went underwater and disappeared.

    I wanted to find the boat again so I was running around like crazy! I eventually ended up in a hotel/casino called Excalibur.

    I could faintly hear the song they were playing so I knew they were getting closer! I followed some tracks on the floor (like train tracks) into a small circle room and shut the doors behind me. The music was getting louder so they were almost here! I could see a light under the door now! After a few more seconds the doors opened and the boat wheeled in! They played the last few notes of their song and just sat there starring at me. I kept cool bit inside my head I was bouncing!

    Matt jumped off the little boat and came over to talk to me, followed by Chris. Dom was just sat there fiddling with his drum sticks. We talked for a while then Dom eventually came over! After about 20 minutes Tom came through the door and told them that they had to go because they'd be late for their gig. As they were getting back on the boat Matt turned around and said to me "are you coming to the show tonight" I said "no I couldnt get tickets." he started fiddling around in his pockets and handed me four backstage passes! He then said "enjoy the show! Come hang out with us after!" then they all got on the boat and started to reverse out of the room :chuckle: they waved and then disappeared. :happy:





  9. Just had a dream where Matt was this ping-pong champion. Supposedly he never lost a game. Then this boy from Poland ( specific right?) challenged him to a game. We end up in this dark, dusty basement with a few people watching and the Polish boy beats Matt. Everyone is congratulating the boy while I go talk to Matt, who is slouched in a corner all shocked. I'm trying to console him but he keeps on saying, "I can't believe I lost! How did this happen?"



    Matt doesn't take defeat well, does he?

    No,he doesn't!:chuckle:

    I didn't know Matt play ping-pong though:wtf::p

    It's so spot on, it's scary! :LOL:


    I think Liam missed a trick not using the Plug In Baby spinning for the "you turn around" bit though! :chuckle:


    :LOL::LOL: Indeed!

  10. Η μαμά μου φρίκαρε μόνο όταν είδε τον Matt! Της έλεγα όλη την ώρα πόσο πολύ μου αρέσει και ότι είναι κούκλος και περίμενε κάποιον καλύτερο!:chuckle:

    Εμένα μου αρέσει πάντως!:phu:



  11. Exoume idi ksekinisei mathimata. :p

    Synexise etsi:chuckle:

    Eγω προτεινω να μην τους τρελαινετε με muse αν βλεπετε οτι δεν τους αρεσουν! Γιατι μετα θα αρχισουν τα 'παλι με αυτους ασχολεισαι, ολη σου η ζωη ειναι αυτοι?' κ αλλα τετοια ωραια. :chuckle:


    Εdit : πολυ μ αρεσει που ξαναζωντανεψε το thread :happy:

    Egw to ekana hdh nomizw:erm:Alla otan me lene"olh h zwh s aytoi einai" apla lew nai kai aytoi kounane to kefali:chuckle:Tous exw frikarei ligo...

    Kai egw xairomai:D

    Εγώ τους έβαλα πρώτα το Stockholm Syndrome και δεν τους άρεσε καθόλου! Δεν είπαν τίποτα αλλά το κατάλαβα από τον τρόπο που με κοιτούσαν! Και μετά έβαλα το Falling away with you και η μαμά μου είπε ότι της αρέσει!:D Αλλά πέρα από αυτά δεν τους έβαλα κάτι άλλο γιατί ξέρω ότι δεν θα τους αρέσει!







    Εγώ δεν τους τρελαίνω αλλά και πάλι τα λένε αυτά!:erm:

    Κι εγώ χαίρομαι! Να μη το γρουσουζέψουμε!:shifty:


    Nai dikio exeis:shifty:

  12. Φαν δεν προκειται να γινουν, αλλα τουλαχιστον να μην μου λεει "πονεσε το κεφαλι μου" καθε φορα που το βαζω λιιιιγο πιο δυνατα και με ακουει ολη η οικοδομη!! :p xD

    :pSan na blepw ton eauto mou:chuckle:

  13. Giati to les auto? Ego se 5-6 xronia tha pigaino me to gio mou stis synavlies. Elpizo mono mi mou vgei kanenas skylas...:p

    Den to ennoousa etsi.Apla me toys goneis moy se synaulia twn Muse den einai kai oti kalutero.Dn toys aresoyn ka8olou!

    Nai prepei na ton kaneis fan;)

    Οι σκέψεις μου ακριβώς! Μακάρι να μπορέσω να πάω κι εγώ στο Λονδίνο να τους δω! Καλή επιτυχία φέτος!:happy:



    Θέλουν να πάνε κι οι γονείς σου στη συναυλία?! Τυχερή! Εμένα ούτε να ακούνε για τους Muse!:(



    Φρόντισε να τον κάνεις φαν!;)

    Mia apo ta idia:noey:

    Tnx! Εγω ειμαι στη φαση που προσπαθω να κανω τους γονεος μου φαν!! Πριν απο λιγο εδειχνα στη μανα μου ενα κομματι απο το butterflies and hurricanes απο το wembley για να δει οτι δεν ειναι ενα απλο ροκ συγκροτημα με δυνατη μουσικη, αλλα εχουν μεγαλη γκαμα κλπ... Ελεγα πχ οτι ο Matt εχει φωνη, παιζει πιανο, γραφει τα τραγουδια μονος του κ ειναι καλος συνθετης και αλλα τετοια!! :p Και πρεπει να της αρεσε λιγο γιατι καθισε αρκετη ωρα και εβλεπε...!!! :D

    Ase.Egw to paleyw edw kai kati mhnes alla den ta katafernw.An akousoun panw apo 2-3 tragoudia toys arxizoun ta gnwsta oti ola ta tragoudia toys akougontai to idio ktl.Toulaxiston akousa thn mana mou na leei oti o Matt exei poly wraia fwnh:DKati einai ki ayto!

    Elpizw na ta katafereis;)

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