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Princess of Promise

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Status Updates posted by Princess of Promise

  1. I finished the shoes, can you shrink me down to pocket-size?

  2. Sucky week so far. That's all I have to say.

  3. This week? It's just passed into Tuesday :LOL:

    I'd say it's been excellent (shut up :p), but my mom's been sleeping and therefore I've been spending a lot of time doing next to nothing.

  4. :chuckle:




    MOVING ON...

  5. Yes it is :p

    Good, good.

    More than good, actually ;)

  6. Meh, it's quite fine, really. :thumbsup:

  7. Hell no, I cannot do that :LOL:

    Besides, there's not a lot of guys that strike me as attractive.

  8. Can't stop the mates :chuckle:




    I think my list may have went up to three. I don't know yet for sure but I think my list went up to three.


  9. And I say this.


    it's getting nowhere. nothing is. not that, not any other story, not art, hell, not even fixing the temperature reading on my digital clock. nothing is getting anywhere, even if i try :facepalm:


  10. Oh my god Haley :LOL:


    This is even more serious than the Wolstenbaby army :LOL: (or should I say AJ's family?).

  11. Jesus do you really need so many mates? :LOL::rolleyes:

  12. No you do not get Jared. :p


    But really.

  13. it's okay *pats back*

    I know, my mom overreacts to certain stuff :facepalm:

  14. From Yesterday

    Okay, so mom walked in on me, saw me painting. She looks at the letter K I'm painting, looks at the picture, and tells me that I can't have the word Kill on there. Before she walked out, she looked at it again, whistled (yes, actually whistled :facepalm:), and announced that she was going to bed. So now I have the totally irrelevant word Reach on the shoes :chuckle::facepalm:

  15. Well, there's a mountain, and there's someone sitting on it. Took the idea straight from the lyrics.


    Thanks, just started. These are gonna be :awesome: shoes

  16. It's progressed a bit from here, but not by much.






    Ten points to you if you can guess the song. If you think about it, the answer's right in your face.


    Also, the shoes. Should I paint them brown like the street or leave them black and just paint the words on?

  17. Just waiting for the list to grow (your's, not mine :chuckle:)


    Yes, you can :thumbsup: Unlike me :shifty:


    Hey Haley, trying to finish this thing (art) based off a song, wanna see it so far?

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