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Princess of Promise

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Status Updates posted by Princess of Promise

  1. Err..question.

    What's the list again? :$ Lost the screencap :(

  2. Aand that officially makes fifteen. :LOL:

    Now an entire picspam post can be dedicated to your mate list! :awesome:

  3. You knew it was gonna happen :LOL:

    Oh you :rolleyes:

  4. You're back to fourteen now, Haley. :ninja:

  5. :facepalm:

    They should have let you stay. I mean, imagine the look on all our faces if you actually got a picture with the band :awesome:

  6. COLDPLAY omg :awesome:


    Uber jealousy right now :LOL:

  7. Fak u :p

    Naw, I kid :kiss:


    Yay, pictures :awesome:

  8. Three days should be way more than enough ;)

  9. Oh, and don't tell anyone we had this conversation. That's part of the deal :ninja:

  10. Haley.


    You get three days. Since I'm on a strict no-Mars (at all) streak, you get three days. Make the list fifteen. The ultimate gift of :awesome:ness. Please note that I am not extremely happy about this, but whatevs. I felt like being nice. So there. You get until Thursday. When Thursday comes, he is no longer on yo list; that's when everything goes back to normal. Okay?


  11. Define shrunken. :chuckle: I'm closer to the ground, if that counts as shrunken :chuckle:

  12. Yeah, that happens a lot to me :chuckle:

  13. Oh, I've been trying to finish up at least two of those. Yes, one of them is the one featuring you :p

  14. :awesome:

    So, what's up? i'm here trying to finish up that one-shot :chuckle:

  15. ...

    Yeah. Kinda dead right now, sorry :LOL: Can't even remember what I had for dinner, let alone what came first, tbh. :chuckle:

  16. Echelon was the first. And I believe that Capricorn was the second.




    From Yesterday came in there later. :chuckle:

  17. Mine still stands as From Yesterday.

  18. When that happens (has happened when listening to ipod at night), leaves me speechless. Dunno why. :erm:


    Oh well. Let's listen to something fun. How about...The Only Difference Between Must I Type Out The Entire Title Cos You Know What It Is By Now Anyways :chuckle:

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