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Status Updates posted by Sparky_

  1. Yeah it is awesome! I play guitar! :awesome: do you play any instrument?

  2. Yeah I have! It's a wonderful place :) do you play or were you just visiting?

  3. Yeah Devon is awesome! :awesome: I find Teignmouth really boring... :LOL: CORNWALL, the forbidden land! ;)

  4. It looks awesome out there, except all the things that try to kill you. they're not cool :( Yep, and I'm massively pissed at Thom Yorke for making us pay so much money for the tickets. EVIL MAN. Can't wait for Biffy's double album in a few months! :awesome: ahh! well don't go spreading it to everyone ;)

  5. ahh well you're allowed to be, it's the Muse messageboards! Ahh yeah I have! both of those films are :awesome: Yeah but I hope it's not this year because I still have to see Biffy and Radiohead... I think they'd be insane live... are you from Australia then?

  6. Ahh i've seen Social Network, it's awesome! :awesome: yeah a new tour would be the best thing ever! Nice idea! :LOL: you're such a Moose fanboii /: ;)

  7. Awh, I think bumpypotato is a very original username :awesome: Yeah I know! I think they would be totally awesome to see live! Really? I had no idea... what films?

  8. Love a bit of Reznor & Co. So are you then one who started all this potato malarkey in the 6th album thread? :p

  9. That's awesome :) Which ones are the dull ones? I do music, it's interesting... :LOL:

  10. It's cool now! You play Piano! :D I seee, yeah I guess they are/: what subjects do you take?

  11. It just is, Scottish people are cool! Yeah same as me, but you're in year 11 (?) so you've got more revision to do :p

  12. Awh thanks dude! Looking at yours reminds me that I forgot NIN /:

  13. Ahh you're Scottish?! That's awesome :D Muse are cool like that ;) Are you on holiday at the moment?

  14. Good! :D Yeah well everyone did that once... Muse were the first rock band I got into as well :) Biffy are awesome! and it's good that you've got your own music taste, I didn't think it was a pathetic rant ><

  15. I think the secret to getting by in this place, is to know what you like/don't like and know your opinions on whatever it is being discussed and just say it. And if people challenge it, then just stick by it because it's YOUR opinion, Yeah they'll all give you shit, but just take the moral victory ;) then that's good! what did you like before?

  16. He is! Oh dear, well it's not that bad, is it? Yeah, Take That? :LOL: whatever floats your boat!

  17. Awwh thanks! Yeah he's awesome! :D Unless you've changed it since last night it's not that bad, although your music taste is very strange! :LOL:

  18. Ahh same here /: good luck! i'm sure you'll be awesome>< Oh it was alright, I guess. I mean it is pretty cool seeing your favourite band playing your favourite album live for your first gig :D

  19. Happy Christmas! *Late Reply><*

  20. Ahh, this is a very late reply! :LOL: Sorry!

    Good! It's going really well, we should be recording our first demo at some point this year, what about your music?:)

  21. yeah! :LOL: Did I ignore you or did you ignore me? ;) Yeah I have :awesome:. I'm alright thanks, yourself? :)

  22. ;) They are! :D Oh right :LOL: that sounds awesome :LOL: yeah, you can find backing tracks and get people to help and stuff. Yeah :D yeah, he is actually, and he's only been playing for about 3 months :LOL::awesome: Yeah, i'm planning on seeing them next tour along with the billion other bands i wanna see :facepalm: yeah same :( It was, hot ;) ermm not much really, just swam and chilled and ate :LOL:
  23. Ahhhh don't worry :p oh well ;) ohh right, no technical problems? :D:LOL: maybe thats why Matt likes them so much? :LOL: Oh right, MK Ultra should be cooooool :awesome: I love Queen :LOL: do Bohemian Rhapsody in it's full craziness! :p what does your friend play? Alright thanks, we've just found a bassist :LOL: and we want to do some funk, like the Chili Peppers ;) yeah, i am, i'm in Turkey as i write this. :LOL: what about you?

  24. It's okay ;):LOL: Just youtubed it, it's funky! :awesome: funny name thought :LOL: Ohhhhh.. :/ bummer. Wooooo! Go for it! >< Yeah, people always say to me: "Do something with your band, like Muse" i don't know if electric would work, it might just end up all crackly and loud... :/ Coolio :D

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