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Status Updates posted by Gohenko

  1. :LOL:


    Ihmeen nopeasti kyllä annoit mulle taas anteeks...:erm:


    Vai ootko sä vielä ees antanut anteeks? :shifty:


    Liikaa mietittävää, jos nyt kuitenkin vaan oltais taas kavereita?

  2. Mähän en niiltä rukoile armoa :phu:


    :shifty: itse asiassa...mä syytän sua tästä! :fear:

    No offence. :)


    Mun. Täytyy. Oikeasti. Vähentää. Hymiöiden. Käyttöä. :facepalm:

  3. Uskallankohan mä kirjoittaa jotain sun loveboattiin? Pelkään että mut heitetään ulos sieltä (siis vertauskuvallisesti :p).

  4. Oo, hymiö! :eek:





    Mutta mä meen nyt nukkumaan, öitä :)

  5. Kuten sanoin, me riidellään tällä hetkellä liikaa. Mä halusin, että pidettäis taukoa ja rauhotuttais molemmat vähän. Se tuntui silloin vielä ihan hyvältä idealta...:erm:

    Okei, ehkä se ei ollut ihan paras idea :facepalm:

  6. Birmingham. It's the second largest city in England.

    Cba? :shifty: *failing in text understanding*

    Yeah, that's a good move, no need to get you into it.


    Fucking moms always taking awesome things away! :fear:

    :chuckle: I can guess...


    I think I'm gonna go now, good night! :)

  7. Mutta mä oon surullinen. Yhäkin, sä oot yks mun parhaita ystäviä. Vieläkin ja pitkään. :happy:

  8. I'm visiting my sister, she lives here :awesome:

    Surely you must have done something cool and interesting? :shifty: ooh, a campy thing! :eek: I'm jelly. Remember to spend lot of time with your crush :eyebrows:

    Well, apart from being in England and trying to have a decent friendship with Nina, nothing really. (Like anything would ever happen in my life, anyway...:rolleyes:)


    It's scary how many smileys I can include in such a short message...:stunned:

  9. Alrighty then :awesome:


    So, how has your life been for the last few days? I'm currently in England, so don't expect quick replies from me.

    Oh and I finally got some good quality earphones! :awesome: Of course, they did cost 65 euros, but what the hell, they're great! :happy:

  10. Thanks. :happy:

    Friends again, then?

  11. Tein muuten Annille loveboatin :D

  12. Eli siis, mitä kuuluu? :)


    EDIT: Ei sitten.

  13. Olisi kiva jos saisin edes jonkinlaisen vastauksen. Ihan vain "painu vittuun"-tyylinenkin viesti riittää.

  14. Jaahas. :erm:


    No miten sulla menee?

  15. Okei, tänään oon paremmalla tuulella.


    Niin oliko sulla siis jotain asiaa vai? :)

  16. Eipä juuri mitään. Miten niin?


    Valitsit muuten tosi hyvän päivän lähettää mulle viesti, sillä mulla on tosi, siis TOSI vittumainen olo tänään.

  17. Oh, this is just my old username I used to use as my username everywhere. I wanted to try some new usernames, like Mkekko96, but in the end, I always end up changing it to the old one, Gohenko. :happy:


    And don't ask how I thought of that name back in the old days, because I seriously can't remember. :facepalm::LOL:

  18. :D Hi!


    Just wanted to tell you that I changed my username, so don't freak out :LOL:

  19. :party: (I forgot what this was even about...:LOL:)


    Oh well, it's not long for me :LOL: Yeah, it's damn annoying :indiff:


    Damn it. But I want to play long and still sound awesome. :(

    Oh, okay then :chuckle: I need so much stuff myself, too, but I just don't have any money...:stunned:

    Yeah, well, it's Dee3Dee's video :LOL:




    I got 4 or 5 very good friends, and the rest are just casual friends I spend time with at school.

    I wouldn't really want to talk about it...:$ It's kind of my fault.

    Yeah, do it! :D

  20. What've I done now? :erm::(

  21. :phu::party:


    No, that's not a lot (or is it? :$). I'm not really sure, it's just that at some point of playing guitar I just get the feeling that the sounds are horrible and I get angry and stop playing. :erm:

    Good :D And bad...kind of...:LOL:


    Maybe, maybe not. Always when I find the "perfect settings" I play with them for a while and I usually think after a while that they sound shit and tweak them more. And more. And more, more, more, more...:facepalm:

    Yeah, Blackstar makes great amps :D (or then I was just super lucky with my own...:chuckle:) I actually tweaked the settings yesterday and got a tone that's very close to Matt's Hyper Music guitar tone at Reading http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySlhwhyl--c


    Yeah...oh well, it's just a test. :p


    Oh man :LOL:

    They're okay-ish...some of them are very annoying sometimes, but some of them are just awesome :awesome:

    Rise Of The Planet Of Apes :D But it appears that we're not going after all...:(

  22. :eek: But, but...:'(


    Coool :awesome: I played only 3 hours today...:( And I'm angry with my amp, again...


    Yeah, we have boring lives indeed :LOL: Must've been a good sports day then :D I didn't really do anything today...so yeah, a boring life.


    Yeah, well, awesome and awesome...:erm: I'm still not 100% satisfied with my settings, need to tweak them a bit more tomorrow.

    A new amp, huh? How about a...Diezel VH4? :D Or if you're on a budget, Blackstar makes great amps for a reasonable price, and...well, I don't really know anything about other amp companies, really. But don't buy a Marshall, they're only good after they cost over 1000€ :rolleyes:

    So, in short: Just get a Blackstar amp. :D


    It went okay-ish, I think. Forgot basically everything I've learned during the test...oh well, it could've gone worse, too...or not. :(


    Sounds way more interesting than my day :LOL:

    Great :awesome: Haha, great friends you have :LOL:

    I'm going to the cinema with my (ex-)crush next saturday :)

  23. :D


    Secrets, secrets, always secrets...I WANT THE TRUTH! :fear::party:

    NOOOOOOO!!!!1!!!1111 I only played 30 minutes today :'( Tomorrow I must play the guitar at least 4 hours :awesome:


    How do I get the feeling that nowadays 50% of our messages consist of smileys? :erm::erm::erm:


    Well, even though you didn't ask, I'll tell you my amp settings, just for laughs :D

    Master Volume: 2

    Reverb: 0


    Volume: 6.5

    Tone: 5.5


    Volume: 8

    Gain: 6.5

    Bass: 8.5

    Middle: 9.5

    Treble: 7

    ISF(Infinite Shape Feature, google it if you don't know what it is :D): 5.5



    I'm doing just fine, though I had to read for tomorrow's biology test and didn't have almost any time to play guitar today :( And I've had a horrible day anyway.

    How about you? :) Anything new happening in your life?

  24. Oh well, didn't surprise me, anyway. Would've been surprised if I actually found her on google. :D


    Well, I don't really know anything about aliens, care to enlighten me? :awesome:

    Oh...:$ I must play the guitar WAY TOO MUCH...:facepalm::LOL:



    (Don't judge me...:$)


    :LOL: Yeah


    Oh, right :LOL: Well, whatever suits you, I guess :D

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