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Status Updates posted by -Bex-

  1. Well... I didn't really recognise any names there apart from Johnny Depp! Haha! You must be a 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' fan? :D

  2. Haha! I totally forgot about that! I'm just eager to watch it 'cos it's a Tom Cruise film. This guy called Simon Pegg is in it too - He's pretty funny! :D

  3. Haha, I've been waiting to *cough* down*cough*lo*splutter*ad it! I really want to see it! Mission Impossible is one of my fav films and Tom Cruise is one of my inspirations! Haha! And yay for Bellamy! I try to put Muse into anything I do at school! :D

  4. Haha! You naughty girl! We're not allowed phones, ipods, anything electrical at school.., They're mean to us! And hello Anni!!! :D Good Luck for your English test next week and how did the Finnish one go? :D

  5. Mmm... Yum. I guess you're back at school then? That's the downside to recovering... :D

  6. Flu does make you feel like that though... You need to develop magic powers that don't drain your energy when you use them... That'll make flu much easier! :D

  7. Yay for Muse videos, but ah, flu sucks - Hope you feel better soon! I think my first choice would be the Hullabaloo DVD. :D

  8. Haha! I think I'd be too much of a wimp to even try ice swimming... And It's about -3 here, it was snowing a little bit this morning. How about in Finland? And are you off of school now for the February holiday?

  9. Is reindeer nice? Hope it's not endangered in your parts haha! And ice swimming? That must be cold! :D

  10. Haha! Rituals? What rituals do you have? :D

  11. Awesome! :D Did I speak Finnish? I'd love to visit Finland! Haha! :)

  12. Yes, we're not so bad, the owner said today that she's going to get someone to loan Win the days we don't do because now she's got a foal she struggling with costs plus she doesn't use him at all. I think she'll end up selling him so I'm making the most of him whilst I can really... It wouldn't be the end of the world I suppose because I need a bigger challenge really, someone more forward going; But I will miss him if he goes... :( What have you been up to with the horses lately? :D

  13. Ah, right, yeah, I hate being out of breath, I'm so lazy! Haha! Did you get to ride in the end?

  14. I had no idea that riding in the cold is bad for horses lungs! Why is it bad?

  15. Haha! And there's me up the field this morning saying 'I'm not going to ride this morning because it's too cold..' (It's -2) I was standing up there rubbing my hands together - I had my woolly hat on, two pairs of socks on a pair of ear muffs! I must be a wimp!!!!!!

  16. That's criminal! I spend two extra hours! Damn! Haha! Was it weird when your brother moved? My older brother is 18 and I can't help thinking how weird it'll be when he decides to move.... :D

  17. Ah, how old is your brother? How long has he been playing? And I spend about 32 hours in school per week... What about you?

  18. Wow! 4 years! You must be quite the pro? And no, I don't play any instruments really, I have my brother's electric guitar sitting in my room (he pretty much gave to me) but I've only learnt to play the opening riff to 'Execution Commentary' on it and suck at that! Haha! I only ever played piano in my music lessons at school and I was bad anyway - I enjoyed it at the time though... I have the opportunity to play either one because my brother's upright stands in the living room and he says he'd love to teach me and he's played the guitar since he was 7 years old - I have the choice between an electric, an electro-acoustic and an acoustic... He also got a baby acoustic too which my next door neighbour has at the moment because she wanted to learn but she stopped playing so it's sitting around there somewhere. :D

  19. I might have asked you before, but what instruments do you play? And I dropped music because of the people fooling around... I would have liked to learn more of the piano in the lessons ('cos that's what I performed on most in group work) but I thought it wasn't worth taking in the end... It's always other people who spoil things isn't it? :(

  20. Aw bless, I do geography too... Today was a good day for me, I had double Resistant Materials, (Woodwork all morning! Yay! Dos Lesson) Science, Maths, English (In English we're preparing for another exam so we don't do anything - That's a dos too! I think Mondays and Thursdays are the worst because I've got ICT - GRRR! :D What about you?

  21. Aw bless, I bet it was good fun though? Win would probably be the same! Haha!

  22. No I haven't tried swimming with a horse... I've never had the chance to go riding on the beach so... Have you? :)

  23. Yes, riding in the heat is a pain especially when you have to wear a body protector as well. I think the worst problem for me is sleeping in the heat because I'm such a bad sleeper anyway and going to school in it... It gets too much! Ah, that must be so nice, the only place I can swim is at the leisure centres dotted around and the pools are always so dirty... I hate swimming for that reason, plus you can pick up warts on your feet and things! Yuck!... The last time I went swimming was 4 years ago when we went to Spain on holiday... The pool was soo clean and soooo cold... That was the only part I enjoyed about the holiday - racing my dad at laps (I won every time!) otherwise it was waaaay too hot for me and the mosquitoes freaked me out! The blood sucking monsters!! Ahh! And yes, my last message I posted to myself - I had to delete it twice before I posted it into your wall!

  24. Do you suffer a lot of discomfort with your back then? And yes, I always say that 'Twin' is a song for my brother and I but he's not into Muse at all so I just call it 'My' song really! Haha! I can't really remember going to the chiropractor because I was so young but otherwise yeah my head does hurt when I go upside down - All the blood rushes to it. :D Wow! It's never that cold in England! I wish we did have have lower temperatures though because I hate summer - It's weird I know, but I really can't stand anything above 15c to be honest! I'm hoping that because we've had such a mild winter, summer will be mild too, but it never goes my way - I bet it'll be really hot! :(

  25. Ouch! Does it affect you much? Is't like a curve in the spine isn't it? Were you born with it? That's funny, because when I was born I had to see a Chiropractor because I came out in a funny position due to being a twin... He basically hung me upside down to sort it out. I was fine until I got thrown off a couple of years ago, now my back aches all of the time too! And yes, you'd definitely be better with a backpack because the weight is spread evenly... It's surprising what weight distribution can do to your spine without even knowing it... Just sitting hunched for an hour or so on the science stools make my back ache. :D And no, still no snow... How about you?

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