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Status Updates posted by -Bex-

  1. Ah that's a shame... There's never enough time to do anything we want to do these days though... And wow! That was a lucky find then! Yes, I can imagine it would be quite complicated... I only want to read it to find out what inspiration Matt took from it to write 'The Resistance'... I want to see what ideas he directly put into his sings too - like for example - the thought police... :)

  2. Oh Yay! I really want to read that book! Did you buy it? I'm trying to look for it librarys and things but I haven't seen it yet - I might just end up getting a second hand one from Ebay or something! And I still have my PS1! It's very, very old but you got to love the older tech right? I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I haven't got an Xbox or PS3 etc. but I love my PS2 - Unfortunately my PS1 doesn't get played much any more though. :(

  3. Oh right! I hadn't heard of her before... And um yes I do (if you can count them as hobbies I guess! Haha!) - I play video games! Mainly 'Guitar Hero' and there's this game on the PC called 'Minecraft' and you basically get a virtual world which you have to mine in to get resources to make a house so you can protect yourself from the evil monsters and zombies that come out to kill you at night! I'm quite tech-y really - I like anything computer related; when they go wrong I enjoy troubleshooting and fixing them too - I guess you could also count that as a hobby! What about you?

  4. Yeah... Good things come to those who wait. :D And no, I don't know Kyra Kyrklund - is she/he a famous rider?

  5. Ouch! Tell him I wish him a speedy recovery! Well, it's a lot warmer here - I didn't know that I was still so cold in Finland! That's put the attraction even higher for me! I hate the warm weather here! Haha! I'll soon be able to start riding after school though because the evenings are getting lighter so that's good I guess... Then I can finally start to teach Winston to get over some trotting poles... I have a feeling it's going to be a longggggggg time before he can do jumps... :/

  6. Haha! Brilliant! Do you like the English accent? And yes, my Mum used to walk with me but now she borrows Lenny from this guy, we can go out together which is nice... :D

  7. Yes, I probably wouldn't ever have been into horses if it wasn't for my Mum really! It's funny that! Do you ever ride out with your Mum or your sister?

  8. Yes, there's two girls called Avril and Tilly who I'm very friendly with at the stables and I ride out with Avril most weekends but none of my friends at school are into horses and it's only really my Mum and my Auntie who are into horses in my family... What about you?

  9. The last group lesson I had, there was about 7 of us! It was pretty big! Haha! It's nice that you get to chat to some of the people there - I guess you get get to know the people who go regularly?

  10. My auntie's horse lives at a riding school and I remember really liking the atmosphere when I used to visit... I even rode her in one of the school's group lessons! :D

  11. Haha! I would have let go probably, I'm a right wimp when they start playing up - I always lead Win with the lead rope draped over his neck just in case I have to let him go.... And yes, Win lives at a private livery... :D

  12. Oh not good! I hate it when they do that but on Ice that must be even worse, not to mention more dangerous! :/

  13. Haha! I love that song, especially the 'daba daba daba da da da bada bada...'... Muse's version is of course THE BEST and yeah I'd love to visit Finland! Do you drink tea there? If not, that's probably what I'd miss England most for...

  14. I really, actually wish that it was - 10c here! Haha! We're both living in the wrong countries! :D And yes, Citizen Erased is a beautiful song, I can't quite find any suitable words to describe it, It's rather too good for words!

  15. Haha! It gets to about pretty much the same here which is unfortunate really because I could see immigration in my future at one point! And I don't think you have but it changes all the time anyway so... At the moment it's Dead Star... What about yours?

  16. Haha! I wish I could say that temperatures were just getting over 0 here! I really hate the heat which makes me hate spring as well as summer! How hot does the weather get in Finland in summer?

  17. I know I worked out that today and I thought for a min OH GOD we're still in January! Then I remembered it's March! So happy! Bring it on!

  18. I don't think Muse were even there though so I think to get any spoilers on the album would be a mission impossible! BRING ON OCTOBER!! :D

  19. Wow, is that with your family? And have you got a holiday from school then? And yes, I did hear about the awards... I found a site and was following what was happening at the time and eventually gave up on News because NME weren't posting much and I kinda thought for a moment that we hadn't won anything... It was when I looked through the official winners the next day that I saw what we had won something... Matt so deserved 'Hero Of The Year' and the whole fanbase pretty won something too so that nice! I'm a little bit mythed that neither Matt or Dom won sexiest male though... But still, we can't win everything.... :D

  20. No I haven't ridden lately... I got too sidetracked with other stuff really... Had an exam today too - It was Chemistry! It was horrible! How about you? Have you been riding lately?

  21. Yeah the director has produced some pretty good films in the past! Haha!

  22. Haha! I'll probably end up seeing it even though I am a right wimp!

  23. Maybe it's fate! I'll bump into you in Finland one day! Maybe Muse is on your mind a bit too much a night? Haha! They always are on mine but I haven't dreamed of them for ages! And, quick question: Do you read fanfiction?

  24. Don't you enjoy skiing? I guess it's not in a local place?

  25. Wow! You are lucky! I wish the weather was that cold here! It was 17c here today! I really hate the sun! Haha! :D

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