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Status Updates posted by -Bex-

  1. Ahh that's good! It's scary when stuff like that happens really close to where you live! I can't really remember what my Physics exam was about now, I know it had some stuff on the electromagnetic spectrum but that was the stuff that I could answer! Haha! Ahh bless! It's like having a teacher with a little bit of Matt's mannerism! And our ratings go from U (Ungraded = Fail) then there's a skip to G and then it goes up to A*. What about your ratings? Are they numbers? My holiday is only a week long and then the official summer holiday for me after about 7 weeks back is 6 weeks long! Woo!

  2. Wow! That's seriously messed up! Was it close to where you live? :/ And yes I'm so proud of them too and same here, this is my last week and then I've got a week off! Wahhoo! Good to hear that your exams went well, I can't really say the same for my Physics one to be honest... It was by far the hardest exam I've ever sat!! :(

  3. Ahh, I've still got two weeks at school and then I break up... Found out the other day in ICT when Miss said to us 'Your ICT GCSE is on the last day of term!' Aarrgh! :/ And don't worry, you have Sunday's epic event to cheer you up for now! :D (An when I said late July, I was talking about the 6 week break I think - we have a week to chill in the upcoming half term and then we're straight back into exams until the summer holidays) :( I've got my Physics GCSE tomorrow!! I think I'm going to fail to be quite honest! And good luck for the exams that you have coming up! :D

  4. I don't know... Late July I think... What about you? I've got a hell load of exams between now and then so I haven't really heard anything about holidays lately... :(

  5. Ah that's a shame. :p And yeah, I love the rain and hate the sun. Summer for me is a nightmare and winter is pure bliss! :p

  6. Hmm, Italy ay? Not in Lake Como by any chance? Haha! Yes Winter is very late for me... Although it has been the wettest April and beginning of May on record! Wooooo! Yay! :p

  7. Ah that's shame - you came very close though - Well Done! And I see from your Twitter you've been at school today? We've had a Bank Holiday which was nice but the weather has officially been colder than Xmas Day 2011! Wahoo! :D

  8. The Helsinki Jam is my fav!! :p And, cool - Expect an email! (If you have emails for Twitter enabled that is! Haha!)

  9. Haha! That's cool! I never knew Helsinki was in Finland - I was though it was in Scotland? Or is that just the show name? Please excuse my dumb-ness. And yes - I am on Twitter @themusemadbex - I'll follow you back! :)

  10. Ah, that's not bad then - Up hills are always the things that ruin a cycle - Down hills are brilliant but whatever comes down, must go up! :D

    Aw wow! I bet that was a lovely day! Do you follow this rider much? I mean like watch a lot of her performances? I hope the weather was nice for you?

    And yes, it's scary when things like that happen isn't it? Even the littlest things can set them off - A couple of years ago when I was loaning Sky (Y'know the pony that threw me and gave me my back injury?) she was tied up in the yard and got her lead rope rapped around her head and she totally freaked! - She was bucking and kicking and everything and then she broke the string she was tied to and went trotting off to her stable - I was only about 9 or 10 so I just stood there like 'Holy Sh**!)

  11. Do do you cycle to the stables much then? I'm not very good at distances to be honest with you - I wouldn't know if that was a long way or not. How long does it take you?

    And I went riding with my Mum on Saturday - Almost got a Gallop out of Win I think - God he was fast! And I also went to Broadstairs beach - we went for a day trip - It was a treat from my grandparents, we went for a meal there and then walked down the sea front too. There was this awesome brass band there and they performed Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody! It was brilliant! :D Made my day!

    What about you? Have you been riding or visiting anywhere at the weekend?

  12. Haha! I've only ever gone for a swim in the rain once and that was on a school trip in winter in an outside pool! We all froze! That was in year 7 I think and that was probably the only time I hated the rain - Oh apart from the time we got caught out cycling - we had to cycle another hour before what got to the car! :D

  13. Haha! Yeah, that stuff gets a bit tedious but in general, it's pretty interesting; especially when you get onto Alien life and stars and things - Black holes are epic too! :D Haha! Well it's been very warm here although today it's been raining a lot - I love the rain though and England needs it at the moment because we had a very dry winter and there's a hose pipe ban because the reservoirs are low. Haha!

  14. Wow! I did't know it was still so cold in Finland! What topic were you covering in Physics? I love Physics! Haha! I'm such a geek! Aww, bless! I've never had a horse do that to me! They just slobber all over my face! :D

  15. Haha! You tease! :D Yeah, I felt the same this morning! I've just had two weeks off! Arrgg! How is school lately?

  16. Aww, bless! It is absolutely amazing though! One of the guys had a bit of a wobble when we went to see 'em. He managed to stay on though - his horse was brilliant, he came straight down when he felt his rider was unbalanced and then they tried again. What a beautiful thing to do! :)

  17. Yes! Wow! He is just... Beautiful! The partnership there is so strong too! I was at Olympia that year! (2009) I went to see the afternoon showjumping performance though and saw the Spanish Riding School Of Vienna and their Lippizaners at Wembley Arena at the end of last year so saw dressage instead for once! It amazes me how they insist on performing without stirrups!

  18. Yeah, I've always wanted to take horsemanship courses or something... You know like 'Parelli'? I've got this book that I'm reading on and off at the moment called 'What Horses Say' and it tells some incredible tales following this woman who has 'listened' to horses and helped overcome their fears, choose the correct fitting tack and heal their aches and pains. It's such a valuable gift to be able to have and it must be said that every horseman must envy her but surely there's nothing to stand in the way of horse whispering via body language? Of course, her's is a really unusual talent, but you hear of all the horses in war that despite having such a hard life, had incredible bonds with those soldiers out on the battle fields... :)

  19. It's weird when they give that look isn't it? :) Hope you feel better soon! And yes, I did visit yesterday... Haha! RADIOHEAD! I loooooooove Radiohead...:D

  20. Haha! Yeah I heard about that! I think that people have got it into their heads that it's an April fools stunt but I still don't know what to think really. If it is fake, whoever created it has done a brilliant job! :D

  21. My favourite album is Absolution! And have you heard the 30 second leak of 'Supremacy'?

  22. Yess!!! I read that last night... I couldn't sleep afterwards! I think Chris' 'piano number' will be interesting... And oh my god, I think they're almost bring back the OOS era! Waahooo!

  23. Haha! Wow! I'd never be able to handle even two languages at a time! Do you find sometimes you get Swedish mixed up with English? And my brother does French! :D

  24. Haha! My older brother used to have a teacher like that in Primary School and we nicknamed him 'Hot Head'... The bad thing is though, that he forgot himself and actually went to address his teacher as 'Hot Head'! Luckily he stopped himself at 'Hot He-'! Haha! :D

  25. Haha! I was talking about 1984 in Religious Studies today and my teacher said she'd keep a look out for me... Then she told me I was born in the era and that I was a proper '1984 Girl'! Haha! I love my teacher!

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