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Status Updates posted by -Bex-

  1. Hello again, no need to apologise! My replies are usually very late too, so we are even! Haha! I've been well, thank you. What about you? We've been busy with arrangements with the horses lately and Winston's owner has bought another horse which I am loaning and riding now. He's a second pony called Blake. He's a Connemara and he stands at about 14.2 ish (possibly a little bit bigger than that!). For now Winston is also still in our care, but the owner is thinking about selling him which is a little sad... :( How are things with your horses? :)

  2. Oh hey! Think I just came across your Twitter account accidentally. I followed the link to your Instagram and I saw the lovely pic you have up there of Autumn; My goodness! She's gorgeous! She reminds me of a little of a horse I know at one of my old yards. Absolutely stunning. :)

  3. Wow! The image I have from your description of Pearl, LadyBug, Bluegirl and Autumn is amazing. I really am a sucker for Paints! Love them! And the fact that they are ancestors of show horses adds to that amzingness!


    Yay! Another Muser in the making! Wonderful job right there, converting your friend. It's awesome that she's becoming a Muser as opposed to simply a fan. The friend I converted at school is still in the fan stage but I don't think she'll ever be a complete Muser as she dedicates her time to a lot of other bands too. She was distraught when My Chemical Romance broke up last week (was it last week? Seems like a while ago now), and she admitted to me that she cried. I must admit, I don't really know of many of their songs, and I certainly don't listen to them so I don't really know what their 'message' as a band was, but from what she tells me, they wanted to make everybody feel like they were special and loved, so I can totally understand just how much they meant to her (and to all of the other fans.) I mean, if Muse broke up I'd probably cry! No doubt about that one - and when the members of Aerosmith decide it's time to take retirement (if they ever will! In their 60s and still going strong!) I'll probably cry over that too. :twitchy:

    Gosh! I'm such a fingirl! Really, I need to Get a grip (pun intended). :LOL:


    Sounds like you were flying there - in your concert reports! I'm glad you had an amazing time (but lets face it, one cannot have anything less than an amazing time at a Muse concert! :LOL: )

    You got Sunburn! You lucky thing! So made up that you got to hear your favourite song of all time! Feels amaaaaazing when that happens, doesn't it? I remember at the concert I went to last October, those first notes of Falling Down, and how my emotions muddled, I cannot quite begin to describe. I was somewhere between all of these: :eek::D:party::dance::love::twitchy::facemelt: :'( :unsure:


    Yes, I did, my birthday was pretty cool, thank you, (although my twin was ill, so not so cool for him) and we were blessed with my favourite weather... SNOW! :rolleyes: No, no, I don't mind snow, that much... At least we could still get up to the stables!

    Yours is June 1st, isn't it? That's what I saw on your mini statistics, anyway. :happy:


    Oh yes, the first thing I noticed when I logged in was your avatar. It's so beautiful! Like the name by the way - 'brainbow' - very inventive! :fancy:

  4. Hi, I just wanted to drop you a line before the Muse gig and say enjoy yourself, rock your heart out and scream until your throat is dry! Have a great time! :D

  5. Hi! Firstly, apologies for this four month late reply!

    Yeah that's incredible - we ARE like twins! Wow! You have four horses of your own!? That's awesome! What are their names?


    Yeah I ride a lot. I loan (share) a horse (technically he's a pony (14.2 ish hh)) as I can't afford one of my own, but he's star and I love him as much as I would one of my own.


    Me too! I also find it hard to find Musers in my area. I managed to convert a One D (may that band never be mentioned again on this forum! Ha!) fan into a Muser and now she hates One D! (RESULT!) But I don't think she's as mad on MUSE as we all are here! Getting there though and I will continue to strengthen her love for Matt, Dom and Chris in our weekly Design and Technology classes!


    I honestly nearly died when you said you also love Aerosmith! I find the same with other Musers not really tolerating them much - I guess that's okay though as we're all entitled to an opinion. Hmm, yeah, pretty impossible question that - the favourite Aerosmith song question... Hmmm... I'd probably go for 'What It Takes' but that song continually fights with 'One Way Street', 'Mia', 'Last Child' and 'Train Kept A Rollin' for the position of favourite Aerosmith song. (even though Train is technically not their OWN song but hey ho) :)


    I agree with you! I saw Coldplay's Live 2012 film a couple of weeks ago (borrowed it from my uncle) and I was just in awe of the whole concert experience. I respect Coldpay for that and for the fact that they're not only an amazing band, but also and amazing live band!


    So, anyway, I have to sign out for now, so I'll say goodbye; I'm sorry my message isn't as long as our usual messages, but I'm sure there'll be more to come in future. :)

  6. Hey Muser! I haven't been on here in months (studying and everything meant I had to disappear from the internet for a while, haha!) and I just logged on and saw that you wished me a happy Christmas! Thank you! That's real kind and I just wanted to say something back so you didn't think that I deliberately didn't reply! So thanks for the message, and I hope that this year (although we're three months in already) holds many a promise for you! :D Cheers!

  7. I agree! This tour has been so amazing. I hate to say it, but it beats The Resistance Tour. Yeah the news of Matt's broken foot wasn't accepted lightly amongst most; I have a friend who's meant to be seeing them on the 10th (when they plan to be getting up and playing again) but both me and her are still doubtful that he'll be able to do it so soon. I hope she does get to see them anyway - I know she's been so psyched for ages for it.


    As much as want to, I won't be seeing them on the stadium tour. I've so much curfuffle just trying to make up my mind and I decided it was to be a no. My Mum won't let me stand at concerts you see and the stadium that Muse are playing at closest to me (The Emirates) apparently has really bad seats on the second tier. I've been reading up on the internet to see if the rumours were true and it seems that there are soooo many people complaining that because the Emirates was built as Arsenal's football stadium, when you get an event with a stage at one end, it's even hard to see the screens apparently. I think I was just put off because it would be my luck to book and get the bad seats. I was so lucky with seating at the 02 Arena, that I don't think it would happen to me again. I'm not a lucky person usually anyway, nor do ever land on my feet without pulling my weight. I was also worried about travel; the Emirates is quite a while away from the 02 so I'd have to go by train this time and trains in London these day ARE NOT CHEAP. :rolleyes: I've used them so much in the past that to do the maths - with the booking fee already on top of seated tickets and the train fare after that - I think it'd be dishonest to tell you that I thought I'd be able to splash out again for the next year. What about you anyway? Will you seeing them on the stadium tour if they release any dates for America?


    Haha! Ironic huh? I can't quite put my finger on what it is about America that I love so much! Or Americans - I just do. If I ever get around to travelling America, I'd definitely have to spend a weekend at a Western Ranch. - Don't know if I mentioned before but apart from Muse, horses are my other passion. I love them bits and I've always wanted to explore Western Riding. The saddles look so comfortable in comparison to the English ones. :happy:


    Wait, what? I've found a Muser who also likes Aerosmith? :eek: I swear I've asked so many Musers and they always say things about Aerosmith being so hideously different to Muse and that their style and songs are terrible and stuff. I even get stick from my own family for liking them. I just, woah! YAY! :D Tell me then, what is your favourite song out of their stuff?


    Woah! Just look at how much I've written! :eek: I'm sorry, I got a little carried away. Hmm, I hand't heard of Coldplay's Live Film until you mentioned it. I just watched the trailer on YouTube; it looks awesome! :D

  8. Hmm, the horse show sounded fun! I love the horse show that comes to London each year. It's called Olympia - I've been twice but now it's either or for seeing Muse or going to the horse show. This year it was Muse instead of any horse show(s) and next year I'm hoping it'll be Muse again! Haha! It's not that I'm going off of horse shows or anything, It's just that I love Muse so much that I'd do anything to see them live again! :D

  9. Ah the mention of Christmas brightens my hopes at the moment; yes, I've come to end of my Autumn holiday too which means exams, exams and more exams all the way up to Christmas now! Nooo! Woah! You have snow already! Awesome! Does heavy snow affect the schools in Finland? Do they have to close I mean because the conditions are dangerous?

    Here, I don't think we've even hit minus yet (and there was me moaning about the cold the other day! Haha!) I think the coldest we had was about 2c the other day...

    Ohhh, the horse show sounds awesome! Is that an annual thing?

    Ahh, the ex president of Finland... Is that the Martti Ahtisaari guy? Or am I thinking of the wrong person? That must have been a 'Woah... What do I do?' moment. - Would be for me anyway! Haha! How close were you? I guess he must have been standing in one of those VIP boxes or something?

  10. Oh, my replies are getting later and later; sorry for that. Yes, my gig has already been; it was their second night at the O2 Arena in London (The 27th Oct) - it was exactly a week ago today and my goodness, it was the best night of my ENTIRE LIFE! They just keep getting better and better and topping everything! Yeah, my life has been changed! I think they might be doing a Stadium tour next year in the UK so I'll keep my eyes peeled and hopefully my Mum will let me go to another one! YAY! You got tickets!! And yeah, that's still awesome; the journey will add to the adventure. I don't know if you've ever been to Tulsa but if not, then you'll get to see a new place that you haven't before! Hey, (silly my for only just realising) but for the record (this might sound creepy - please forgive me) I LOVE AMERICANS!! :D One day, I want to see America, meet some awesome people etc. Sunapee... I really want go to New Hampshire and visit Sunapee! Y'know the band Aerosmith? Steven Tyler - the lead singer - used to spend his summers up there!

    Hey, your gig is a day before my birthday!! I hope you have a great time! Rock your socks off so to speak! Haha!

    Yeah, going to see Muse didn't sink in for me until I stepped into the arena. I kept saying 'I'm not dead yet.' - I'm terribly pessimistic and I was sure that something would happen and jeopardise my chance to see them but thankfully it didn't! :D

  11. Yeah... I'm getting to the stage where I'm actually bouncing off of the walls! The gig is tomorrow! Ahhh! And yeah, too right; time will fly! I can't believe how quickly this has come around so it'll be there very soon for you now. Hey!! We're past the two moths until Christmas mark! That's getting close too! Wooo! :D

  12. Oh God yeah! Supremacy is the winner of those two! Wow! That's close. I have three more weeks until I break up for the Autumn holiday but I don't want it to fly by because then the Muse gig will have been and gone... I see them the Saturday the holiday starts! I'm so excited but so nervous at the same time - I just think that something will happen and the gig will get cancelled - It just feels so unreal! :D

  13. Haha! Such a shame that Adele is doing the Bond theme though isn't it? Would have been nice to see Supremacy on there. On the other hand though, Adele's theme does sound pretty good!

  14. Well I'm terribly unfit! That week on work experience with the horses killed me. I've not slept so well for a long time! No I didn't listen to the leak; I did the same as you and only listened to the songs that had been played on the radio so it was still special when my copy of The 2nd Law came on Monday! What do think of it? My favourite song on the album is currently 'Big Freeze' - I think it's so beautiful! It's given me a lot of inspiration to carry on with my writing too. :D

  15. Hey there! Sorry my replies are late! Haha! Sweet, we seem to have very much in common then... No I haven't had the privilege of seeing The Killers, Radiohead or Coldplay live. In fact my parents only just agreed to let me go to concerts this year so when I see Muse in October it'll be the first time ever! I'm sure you'll get to see Muse soon!! Don't give up hope my friend!!

  16. Hey there! No problem! Yeah I love Coldplay and the Killers! Have you got 'Battle Born' yet? It's brilliant! I've fallen in love with it! I must admit, I do also love Radiohead! :D

  17. Sorry about the late replies recently; a lot going on at the moment... Yeah that bond is my favourite thing too! Sometimes when I'm riding Winston bareback I just think as he's trotting around 'Why does he let me on sit on his back and boss him around?' It just amazes me how man has been able to tame the horse and work with them in harmony.

    Haha! You must be fitter than me then!

    Oh, yeah, about that, I looked after the neighbour's dog when they went away and earned some extra money so I went and pre ordered it last night! Yay! *DANCE* :D

  18. Oh I know how that feels! The roads twist and turn like anything around my yard and you get a car coming around the corner at speed and you just freak! Winston is so good though, I'm so glad I've got him; I completely trust him and he's built up my confidence so much!


    Wow! That's quite early! My holiday ended on Monday. Oh I hate it when we get teachers that I can't understand. There's this Indian woman in the science block and I just never understand what she says so most of the time I just smile and nod. How many days of work experience do you get in ninth grade? I would advise you not to do yours at a riding school if it's more than two days because it's such hard work. My back completely kills from carrying the heavy wheelbarrows. My legs kill from walking all day/running in the races for the kids pony rides. My arms kill from carrying heavy water buckets and saddles. In general I feel like crap. I'd just save myself if I were you.


    Oh I really want to pre-order 'The 2nd Law' but in all honesty, I'm skint. I've just bought a new phone so I can't really afford to spend much right now so I'll probably just get the CD when the album comes out. :(

  19. Ahh! 5c in the mornings! I'd love that! Yay! Jumping again! So is she all healed now?


    Aww! Thank you, that's so sweet! Yeah that blog was out of anger as you know... That Merc that didn't slow down got me so worked up! Does that ever happen to you or are you able to avoid the roads when you hack? Oh, I'm guessing you're back at school now? How long have you been back? I started my work experience today. I'm doing it at an equestrian centre where my aunt keeps her horse. My legs are completely dead right now... But not from working... There was a birthday party for this little girl and they had a gymkhana games session on the horses and we had to run in the races too but without horses of course. Haha! :D

  20. Ah it's good that you can start trotting on her though; I know how it feels not being able to do anything; Winston was exactly the same after his leg operation last year. Ugh, it's hot here too! It was 32c yesterday... Sorry, I haven't been on for ages; this reply is so late! I hope you enjoyed riding camp!

  21. Haha! That'd be cool! Only one problem: I can't speak fluent Finnish - In fact, I can't speak any. :/

    Ah, that's good to hear. Ah, bless, I hope she recovers quickly and you guys can start trotting and stuff with her soon. Yeah, it's nice not having to worry about school for so long, however I have been overloaded with Spanish coursework; I guess I'll end up on Google Translate! Haha! Thanks, I hope you enjoy yours too... Hmm, that's interesting! We only get work experience for this year! Talking of work experience, I phoned the computer tech place I'm doing a week at after the holidays and got an interview and then I got off of the phone and cursed myself for booking an interview on the day that we're off on holiday! I'll have to ring them back tomorrow and re-schedule it; As for the other week at the equestrian place, they didn't even pick up the phone, so I'll have to see if they can spare any of their precious time tomorrow... Hmmph!

  22. Haha! I can't imagine it being that cold! I really, really, really want to come to Finland for that reason because I hate the hot weather - Well, I guess it's hardly hot here in comparison to Spain or whatever but...

    Ahh, I hope Tantta is getting better! Poor thing! And yeah I've started my holiday now; it's six weeks in total and then I've got two weeks on work experience, so a nice eight weeks away from that hell hole! Woo!

  23. I'm going to the 02 on the 27th October! Yours is December the 10th isn't it? Ahh that's good to hear! It can be scary when they're full of beans sometimes can't it? Ah, training camp sounds exciting, we don't have things like that over here... There's pony camps for young children up to about 12 but after that, that's it really... I've missed my chance to go! Haha! And no, I'm still in school; I've got another two weeks after tomorrow... Have your holidays started yet? How long are they?

  24. YAY! Same here > seated too, my Mum said I couldn't go if I was standing 'cos I'd get squished! Haha! Ah, I'm glad the competition was enjoyable, and well done! You have more balls than me! I too scarred to even consider shows, even if it's just in hand. And Winston's fine thank you! Had a lovely hack on him this morning, it's funny because he's such a slow old moo when he starts out but by the time we're in the woods, he's a different horse; I love it when I can gee him up like that! Haha! And how are you and Tantta? Apart from the shows of course! :D

  25. Well say hello to Nea for me! Haha! And yes, anyone who talks of interesting subjects is easier to understand... Your teacher must be a little boring then? Ah, the summer cottage sounds lovely... I was away during the holiday too and the weather was quite the opposite... :/

    Oh and did you get your tickets in the end? And how did the show go last week? :D

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