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Everything posted by alibros

  1. well I got no reply so I'm guessing it's gone already.
  2. I messaged him like 10 seconds after he posted
  3. I need one more tickets for this but I'll try to get two. will post back here if I had any success and one ticket to give away! similarly if any of you ends up with a spare one let me know
  4. or maybe he's found some new use for the midi pad again ... but I'm not convinced about the corts. he might just them just to promote but I don't see why he would prefer them over his own collection.
  5. but like I said I try to record a decent audio of the whole thing. Does anyone know if there are any legal implications against bringing a semi decent recorder in?
  6. I don't mind anyone recording the gig as long as their phone/teblet is not directly in my face blocking my view. even worse at Reading festival, during fucking PIB the girl next to me asked me not to jump infront of her as I was blocking her recording. ffs.
  7. I can't promise footage as I hate having my phone in my hand while I can jump around and enjoy the experience to the max and also hate blocking other people's view (also while we're there anyone with a fucking iPad filming at a gig should expect me punching their faces ) But, I promise I will come back with very decent audio recording
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