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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. S'alright :happy:

    So he's kissed Viggo, Dominic, Sean, i reckon he's probably kissed Elijah too, hmmm, i'm really interested to find out who was kissed now and who wasn't!!! :LOL::rolleyes:

    I just switched rooms :yesey: My new room is sooo much nicer than my old one, and larger :D

    Awesomesauce!! :awesome: I've never actually been to London :$ The only reason i want to see that film is for the horses :LOL:

    I don't know yet, i'll probably just relax and be lazy :yesey: I'm planning on watching the whole Lord of the Rings Trilogy in one go, which is difficult for me because i've got the version where all the extended scenes and everything are added into the main film so it adds about twenty minutes or so onto the whole film :rolleyes:

    How about you??? :happy:

  2. :chuckle:


    Tell me about it :rolleyes: The thing is people are going off it because they've got a whole new judging panel and it's just the same thing over and over again really :erm:

    Coolbeans :D 150 pounds!? :eek: I would kill for that sort of money :rolleyes:

    Any plans for today?? :)



  3. Its alright :happy: It's really good, it's very difficult to explain though without giving anything away :rolleyes: I get what you mean ;) I reckon a lot of the guys at our school will be like that too :LOL: Oh, that's really embaressing, i've had to do that before :facepalm:

    That would be awesome :awesome: I'd love it as an instrumental :yesey: I'm not too sure on the singing :erm:

    So how have you been?? :)

  4. Hi!! :D I've been good thanks :happy: And you??? :D

  5. :chuckle:

    It's hilarious :LOL: They pick up the guitar thinking their a rockstar and then they just completely fail :rolleyes:


    I know!!! :rolleyes: Her voice wasn't very good and i swear the X-Factor is meant for people who can sing!?! :rolleyes: She won't make it through bootcamp, unless their aiming for another Wagner :noey:

    Ooh la laa :D What's the weather like there??? :happy:

    I haven't done much at all today!!! :LOL: Just relaxing :yesey:



  6. :rolleyes::(


    It's an awesome game :awesome: A lot of my family see me playing it and they go oh that's easy and i give the guitar to them and they try it and completely fail :rolleyes: And yes :yesey:

    I liked the fact that she still had her accent when she sang because a lot of people lose their accents, whether it be on purpose or not :erm: That chinese woman scared me :eek: And i couldn't look when she was chucking up :LOL:

    Good :yesey: Yours??? :)



  7. I know how you feel, it sucks :erm: but anyway, there's nothing that can be done :rolleyes:


    Guitar hero is awesome :awesome: It's so much fun although i have to smash the guitar on the sofa instead of the floor so i don't break it :chuckle:


    I saw up to the blonde Irish girl who sand Your Song by Elton John, she had a really good voice :yesey: That chinese woman was so weird!!! :eek:



  8. :rolleyes::chuckle:


    The thing is, Sippe doesn't even seem to post all that much on Banter, at least not as much as others, i think his arrogance is what makes him so popular :rolleyes:

    Yep!!! :yesey: i am pretty mental, it's no secret :rolleyes:

    It was :yesey: and i played Plug in Baby :D I can play it without even looking at the screen now :awesome:

    Good choice :yesey:

    Yeah, it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be but i'm knackered now :rolleyes: Your lcuky, what have you done at home all day then?? :)



  9. :rolleyes::LOL:


    I know!!! :noey:

    Most of the time they just get away with anything, whereas lot's of other people wouldn't :rolleyes:

    Yeah, that god :rolleyes: they probably still think i'm pretty mental :facepalm: but it's true :rolleyes:

    Well i played Guitar Hero on the wii for ages and then i watched My Family followed by QI :yesey: What did you end up watching?? :)

    Got that family BBQ :rolleyes: Fun times :rolleyes: You?? :happy:



  10. :rolleyes::chuckle:


    Exactly, it wouldn't be a festival without all the tents!!! :rolleyes:

    I doubt it :LOL::rolleyes: It's about time they did though :rolleyes:

    I know :rolleyes: It was such a :facepalm: moment :chuckle: then i ahd to explain the whole thing about it being a smilie on the museboard and everything :rolleyes:

    It was good :happy: How was yours?? :happy:



  11. :rolleyes::chuckle:


    I know!! :rolleyes: No matter what the weather, for the true festival experience you have to stay in a tent!!! :yesey:

    Yeah, have they ever heard of keeping their thoughts to themselves??? :rolleyes:

    I actually just sent a text and put :rolleyes: in it but just the word if you get what i mean :rolleyes: My friend thinks i have gone crazy :rolleyes::LOL:



  12. :rolleyes::LOL:

    Very true :yesey: very true :rolleyes:

    Hopefully so :yesey:

    That's what i was thinking, i mean what's wrong with just slumming it in a tent? :rolleyes:

    I saw some more of the fantasy venue thread :rolleyes: God their a load of asswipes :rolleyes:



  13. :rolleyes: = :awesome: Definately :yesey::rolleyes:

    Definately a :rolleyes: moment. I think that smilie is just the story of my life :rolleyes: (:awesome: )

    Good good :yesey: Oh no!! CE awesome though!!! :( I think megalomania makes up for it though :yesey: I can't wait to see how they pull that off and Reading :D

    I know!! :awesome: But it costs about £2600 or something :rolleyes: It doe's have air-con and a shower which is sort of worth it :rolleyes:



  14. :LOL::rolleyes:

    :rolleyes: it's a good smilie :yesey: It sums up pretty much everything :rolleyes:

    No, not really :erm: I have my mates and then of course all the animals and stuff :happy: I think i get on better with animals than i do people sometimes :rolleyes: (see, i used it again :awesome::rolleyes: )

    I think PiB would be a good choice, get a few more rocky vibes on there :chuckle: And CE works pretty well on any playlists i think :yesey:

    Did you know you can get pop-up hotel rooms at V-Festival!?! I just saw it on the news :eek:



  15. Less said about THAT competition the better me thinks :chuckle:

    :rolleyes: i like that smilie too, i overuse it though :rolleyes::chuckle:

    Nope, i'm all on my lonesome but i prefer it that way actually :rolleyes::LOL:

    I might give it a go tonight :happy:

    AC/DC are awesome!!! :awesome: I love them!!! :D What muse songs did you put on there?? :happy:



  16. Oh right :erm: Yeah, that disaster of a competition :LOL::rolleyes:


    Oh right, i know a lot of grumpy 12 year olds :rolleyes:

    My Family is an awesome show :awesome: I'll probably watch Eastenders, My Family, and then i might go and watch a film or something, i'm not the biggest fan of miranda :$

    Tellie is relaxing :yesey: That's awesome!! :awesome: What songs did you put on there!?! :D



  17. That's so stupid :noey: I've been on that thread quite a lot and i never saw a question posted :noey:

    Good point :rolleyes: Still annoying though :rolleyes:

    Pizza = :awesome: Do you not get on very well with your sister then??? :chuckle: Friday nights are awesome!!! :awesome: And for once there is fairly decent TV on!!! :D

    I'm trying to persuade my mum to buy this film called Hidalgo for me, i don't know if it's working :erm: How about you?? :happy:


  18. I get tips from Captain Jack Sparrow in my dreams :yesey: jokes :p


    That is ridiculous!!! :eek: How on earth did Sippe get one considering he didn't even get on the trailer!?! :noey: You should have gotten it instead of him!!! I seriously do not get that :noey: Is it just because everyone wants to stay on his good side or something?? :noey::rolleyes:

    I'm good thanks, the allergy has calmed down :happy: You?? :kiss:


  19. :happy:


    Because the only money i get is for lunch or what i steal from my parents :chuckle::ninja:

    Thanks, i think i'll need it :LOL::rolleyes:

    Okay, i have to go too :kiss:


  20. When we're allowed to wear whatever we want to school :happy:

    I know :rolleyes:

    :stunned: That's pretty awesome :awesome:

    Yeah, i know :LOL: I don't think i'll get enough money though at the moment :supersad:


    I hate packing, i never know how much to pack :rolleyes: Well i hope you have a good time :D

    I've got a family BBQ tomorrow :rolleyes: My family can be awesome and frustrating all at once :rolleyes: Plus it's all my mum's side of the family and i much prefer my dad's side because i'm more like them :erm:


  21. The only time i get to wear muse shirts is when we eventually have mufti days :rolleyes:

    Yeah, but only when i think it's a real mouse :$ My parents tease me about it all the time :rolleyes:

    Blue is my favourite colour!! :happy::yesey: I need lot's of room for my muse stuff :rolleyes: I want one of those see through glass cabinets to put my horse/dog costume on display in :yesey:

    Your welcome :happy:

    So, have you got any plans for the weekend?? :)


  22. Tell me about it :rolleyes:

    Your lucky!! It must be so nice to not be forced to wear scratchy uniforms :erm:

    :LOL: I think my family are used to mine :rolleyes: When i was about three i used to scream whenever i saw i wind up mouse, they really freaked me out!!! :LOL::rolleyes:


    I'm good :) It's very blue!! :LOL: But it's bigger than my old room so i have more space for everything which is good :yesey:

    :yesey: Hopefully this one won't get deleted like the last one :rolleyes:


  23. Our uniform is crap :( But us girls don't have to wear blazers anymore which is good :happy: But we have these brownish red blazers that are absolutely gross and we aren't allowed to wear leather jackets in winter :(

    That's hilarious!!! :LOL: I feel kinda sorry for your gran but it is really funny too :chuckle: I think i would have done exactly the same as you did with the whole digging up the mouse thing :chuckle::rolleyes:

    I've been moving stuff up into my new room so my dust allergy has kicked off :supersad:

    That sounds good, i'll vote for it, could you give me the link please?? :)


  24. I just deleted my whole message, that sucks :( I'll rewrite it now :rolleyes:


  25. :rolleyes:


    Yeah, and even when they find out that the other person hasn't done whatever they've been accused off they still go rushing off in tears and say they'll never get back together :rolleyes::chuckle:


    Okay :LOL: I might go to school wearing in, it's a hell of a lot better than our school uniform :erm:

    What have you been up to?? :)


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