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Status Updates posted by knightofcydonia

  1. Yeah, and the same will happen around Finals and when I have to mark their final projects :noey:. Ahh well. They're writing their midterm today actually. I'll find out how it went next week. Supernatural's pretty solid right now! Flash is still good but Arrow has made an absolutely enormous improvement in quality. Take a look :chuckle:.


    I haven't been able to check it out yet! I'm glad there are at least a lot of episodes; the other season have been so short. So far I've got Gotham and Lucifer on Mondays, Flash on Tuesdays, Arrow on Wednesdays, Supernatural on Thursdays, and Hell's Kitchen on Fridays :p so I've been having a hard time fitting in time for other shows. I did finished the Office though, just yesterday. Very emotional last few episodes as you can imagine, but a very fitting end to the series.


    Yeah you're really good at the random battles! Ahh well about the others, keep trying! :awesome:. Nice, that guy with the Lugia must have been pretty salty :chuckle:

  2. Yeah, Chris is too nice and gentle :D although I do agree about Dommeh :LOL:

    What about character-wise?

  3. Yeah, Daniel Craig is in it.

    It was amazing! Of course I can't wait for the last one, it'll be EPIC.

    When Dobby died... :supersad:

    Now we can discuss ;).

    I really hope that Draco has a bigger part in the next movie, and that he'll save Harry's life or something (that's not in the book, but I think it would make a nice addition)...

    Do you know who cast the patronus of the doe that led Harry to Gryffindor's sword? (I know who did, just wondering if you do)

    The way the Ministry of Magic was protrayed reminded me of the German government in World War II.

    What were you thinking about?

  4. Yeah, especially since I was so shocked it was George Takei that I just stared open mouthed and stupidly said "Uh, hi!" :$:chuckle: He was very polite. :happy:

    Nichelle Nichols! She's always struck me as a very nice person. :happy:

    Who's your favourite Star Trek character? :awesome:

  5. Yeah, he brought his sleeping bag and all his friends camped out on the sidewalk. :LOL:


    I got accepted into UBC today! :dance:

    How are you?

  6. Yeah, he is - Pan's Labyrinth was awesome. :awesome:

    Just Christmas shopping. I've been out all morning looking for something for my brother! :p

    Now I'm going out again to find more gifts.

    What about you?

  7. Yeah, hopefully!

    It was a pretty awful scene! I'm sure they will. I have a feeling this'll be a trilogy.


    ONLY! :awesome:

    Just wait for the reviews to come out!

    There's already another Spider Man movie in the works...


    Hey, I'm only finding the positives in the negatives :p

  8. Yeah, hopefully. I can't imagine Aunt Petunia as a kid, though!

    Draco's my favourite, then I think Snape, Ron, and Umbridge - actually, after the books I hated her, but her portrayal in the movies made me change my mind. I can't wait to see Molly face Bellatrix in the next movie :awesome:.

    Yeah, they didn't do a good job on Venom :noey:.

    X Men Origins :chuckle:... that was a bad movie. So many cheesy scenes... and of course Wolverine, born in Canada, had to be a lumberjack. So stereotypical :chuckle:.

    Another movie I thought was pretty bad was Terminator Salvation :noey:

    On the other hand, another Kill Bill movie is in the works, the first two were awesome :D.

  9. Yeah, I agree (with you, I mean, not the theory :p). I think the conspiracy theorists are kind of twisting everything to suit the theory... mind control? :chuckle:

    I know Dom said he was pretty drunk. Oh Matt. :chuckle:

    I noticed that! Probably was just being shy.

    Thanks, I really need it! I just can't study right now. (more like don't feel like it :$...) :chuckle:

    Oh no, are they as you feared them to be? That sucks, if they are.

  10. Yeah, I can imagine! So hard to fall asleep! Well you don't have to worry about that anymore, because indeed today is the day! Already! :D I will. Yep! Not fit for people here to watch...


    Yum! Sounds sooo good. Except for the salad though, that's too bad!


    I hope he notices as well! I'm crossing my fingers for you as well! I bet that's realy convenient! I still don't have Facebook or Twitter... Ahh, I see the difference now. You're right, Lolla is a bit different than that. Hopefully today (TODAY :dance:) will be the first! :happy: That's awesome that Chris said that. Maybe that means they'll be playing better songs! So you're leaving in a couple of hours or so! SO EXCITING!

    Definitely! :awesome: Don't hold back

    I think it will be really helpful. Do you have one? I guess you do since you're in Chicago right now. I know I'd have a great time! That's right, thanks to your quarterback :awesome:. It still sounds cool :happy:

    Thanks! I'll be back here afterwards to read about the festival! Oh and don't worry if you don't have time to write everything dow tonight!


    Good, I like Samuel L. Jackson! How old is the movie? Are there any othe actors I might recognize?


    Great :happy:. Yeah, I heard about that! I was so relieved to hear that. Not only for you but for Canada too since whatever happens in the US affects us here as well

    :awesome: Awesome! So she was a fellow muser? :D I wonder if she's on the boards, if she is one :chuckle:


    In case I don't talk to you before you leave, I'll say now: HAVE FUN!!! :party::awesome::happy:

  11. Yeah, I can see that happening :chuckle:

    Ahh, that's awful! :( Especially since the class has such potential to be thought-provoking and interesting, but no one cares... I'm sorry for you too.

    Good to hear, we can rant to each other :D

    I've heard it is hard, and even the best players in my symphony have difficulty, if you know what I mean ;)

    Yes, and our teacher is completely fine with telling us his opinion on politics and everything, so we get great discussions! :yesey: I'm glad for you too, with AP US History :awesome:

    I've always wanted to play receiver. Doesn't matter between slotback or wide. I think right now it's partly due to the fact that not many girls are interested in football. Yeah, maybe one day though! :awesome:

    :LOL: Indeed. Dark Magician, go!

  12. Yeah, I do really want to! New York would be very cool to visit. Also Washington DC.

    That's awful to hear :( I had no idea. Yeah, it makes me really sad too. What amazes me is how stoic and calm the Japanese are all are about it. When lining up for food and water, there are no fights, crying, shouting, people trying to budge in front... I really can't imagine people in Canada doing that. It'd be crazy.

    Don't worry, I don't blame you! ;) It references Einstein's theory of relativity, which no-one on earth really understands, according to my physics teacher. You can "get" it, but you'll never really get it. :awesome:

    Part of it is that relative to a stationary thing, like a city (Vancouver), the train is moving. However, if you imagine the train as the thing that is stationary, Vancouver is the thing that's moving. Pretty complicated stuff! And then you get into the twin paradox... very interesting. :awesome:

    Yay! :D

    I feel the exact same way about messing up :chuckle: - if I screw up on the drums I send a silent apology to Dom :$

  13. Yeah, I know what you mean. I felt that way for a long time. Now I think I like university more than high school even

    I bet! I'll try to fit it into my timetable. My course registration isn't until July and I can make unofficial timetables for the time being.


    Yes they are! I always ask where they're from :chuckle:. No-one's said St. Louis yet! Work has been going quite well, thanks! The benefits from working are very generous; I get a free loaf of bread every day and if I do the late/closing shift I get to take almost anything that's left over home! So we have been eating a lot of... erm... sweets lately :chuckle:. But I will be going on more runs soon to balance that off :LOL: - I better! It's good then that you'll have work then! Otherwise it may be a long summer :chuckle:. Minecraft! Ahh all those hours I played at that game :LOL: yes, it's awesome! I'm playing lots of League of Legends right now.

    I'm sure too ;). Ahh okay, good then!


    It's a great game! :chuckle:. Well it doesn't use any specific teams or players; it's just that the cards are vaguely related to football. For example, there are cards like this: http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Spike_Brothers_Assault_Squad, so not very realistic :p but that idea is that the characters are football players, and one strength of the deck is that it is very powerful!


    That's perfect!! :awesome: That would be great!


    YES. SO EXCITED! I wonder what the theme of the album is this time. I mean, the album name is referring to the 2nd law of the thermodynamics (Go science!)... I guess it'll have to do with how unsustainable our ways of life are today and things. Ahh Muse you make everything so thought-provoking :LOL:

    I wonder when the first single will be out! :eek:

  14. Yeah, I think there is other life too... there are billions of planets in our galaxy, there must be at least one other with life.

    Interesting to think about. There certainly could be other life similar to us, on a similar path...

    Haha, in a galaxy far, far away reminds me of Star Wars... bit random, but oh well!

  15. Yeah, I think they do.

    I wonder what I'll think when I see it... what did other people say their favourite was?

    Haha, I know what you mean, but Brice de Nice is an exception :p. Here's the trailer... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTz5wT34tLI&feature=related

    I haven't seen any of the Bad Boys movies :$...

    Definantly :D! Have you ever been to a UFC match?

    How is your weekend going?

  16. Yeah, I thought Vancouver would snow a lot too this winter (last winter was way colder), but no.

    If it snows a lot, maybe school will be canceled for you. Does your school do that if there's enough snow?

    :LOL: At the time, I had a cold, and when I took the cake out of the fridge the biology teacher told me that he could smell an organ smell on the plastic wrap (whatever that smells like). :noey: I still have no idea if he was serious since my nose was all plugged up :chuckle:

    Although my physics teacher told me it smelt funny too :shifty:

    Hopefully, but probably not... before the last concert in April they hadn't been here in 6 years.

    Thanks for the video! Aww, I feel sorry for them - right in the middle of the guitar solo, too! But yes, it is funny :chuckle:

    Weird... well then have a good first day back tomorrow!

  17. Yeah, I wish I was getting paid for it :chuckle:...

    Physics and calculus.

    Aww, no! :(

    Yeah, they were fantastic! I'm seeing the King's Speech tonight.

    If you watched V again, you would probably notice things that you missed the first time... it was a very thought provoking movie.

  18. Yeah, I would agree :p, there has indeed been a fair bit of filler and the plot's pretty easily summarized. I take it you're probably not up to date on Flash and Arrow? Flash had great promise early this season but it's gone downhill quite a bit. And Arrow is... well... :noey:


    Nice! :awesome:


    I managed to rope a friend into going with me :awesome:. Yeah I have no idea what to expect, like are people going to be singing along with the songs? Or watching it basically like you would any movie? I mean, I imagine pretty big Muse fans would be the only ones who would go to something like this, so who knows, it's a unique audience... I'd be interested to see if there are differences in the crowds between your theatre and mine! Hopefully neither of us get cringey dancing.

  19. Yeah, I've seen all of Takeabow19's. The TV spoofs are my favourite. :LOL:

    Haha, yay for a fellow movie geek! :chuckle:

  20. Yeah, it is really big. Did you drive all across Canada?

    You're welcome. :happy: That must be so satisfying! How did your SAT go?

    Seriously, I'm going to try and get our team photo in our yearbook under sports. :awesome:

    Thanks! :happy: It's over now... I'm still in shock since we got a gold medal! :awesome: When our name was called it was a bit embarrassing for me :$, I said OH!! really loudly... None of us expected it. We came fourth out of 56 high schools in BC, too! Even though we totally failed on one of the other events :noey:. I really still can't believe it all.

    Yeah it is him! :chuckle: It's from one of the Q Awards photoshoots, I think. That's okay; I don't blame you for not recognizing him! He does look a little feminine. ;)

  21. Yeah, it was also raining so my tail got a bit wet :chuckle: but it was all worth it. Glad you had fun too!


    I think I'm in a quiet portion where marking is concerned. And I just wrote my last midterm which went alright so I'm finally able to catch up on assignments and my thesis. I hope school is going alright for you! Both those episodes are definitely some of my favourites! It's nice to see Supernatural's ratings have been doing pretty well recently.


    That's fair, I can't get into other cooking competitions except for Hell's Kitchen - it's all thanks to Gordon Ramsey :chuckle:. That's too bad about Westworld. Hopefully it improves. I still need to watch the Black Mirror episodes! :(. I'm made fun of by my friends for not crying at guaranteed tear-jerkers, so I'm probably as cold-hearted as you :p.


    That's pretty neat. Yeah Suicune really surprised me with how reliable it is.


    So... how 'bout that election? Did you vote today?

  22. Yeah, it was pretty frustrating at times, although at least I had the satisfaction of figuring things out by myself.

    It was really cool, the graphics were pretty funny, looking back at them. :chuckle:

    Exactly! I loved being on the dark side, I got a lot of items and stuff from the civilians :shifty:...

    When I faced the final guy in the dark side storyline, it glitched and my enemy was just walking into a wall the whole time. :chuckle:

    Saw Black Swan last night, fantastic movie :awesome:. Your thoughts on the ending?

    This weekend I've been studying, doing homework... I am going to watch the Grammys tomorrow, though, Muse are supposed to perform within the first hour.

    What about your weekend?

  23. Yeah, it's a great movie. Tobey Maguire has done... Brothers, and I can't think of others. What happened to plans for Spiderman 4, I wonder...

    Thanks, you too. :D

    Hmm, I thought the 5th one was as well, because of Cho Chang, and Harry made a friendship speech at the end to Voldemort that seemed unlike him. I liked the 6th one the most (not because of the romance - you're right, it was focused a bit too much on it...) because it centered around Draco's character a lot more, and he's one of my favourites. Hmm... I'm a pretty big fan of HP, but not a huge fan, I guess... I've read the books many times over and always enjoy them...

    I wonder how they will end the series in the movies. The epilogue in book seven was - wait, did you read the last book?

  24. Yeah, it's an American version of the japanese death note movies. It's on wikipedia...

    I haven't seen the Japanese movies, though!

    L rock = Lee Rock :LOL: yes :happy:

    After L... left... :supersad: it just wasn't the same. I don't know how I feel about the ending of the manga - I always cheered for L, but with Light against Mello and Near, I kinda wished Light had won. But that would never have worked.

  25. Yeah, like going to see American Idol? :LOL: I couldn't believe it when I heard about that!

    Of course Chris will be with his family, and Dom: probably shopping for leopard print... stuff. Who knows? :LOL:


    (Sorry it's been a while! I've been on vacation... no internet...)

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