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Lord MFC

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Posts posted by Lord MFC

  1. sorry Neil, I wanted to make sure it wasn't a piece of garbage first.






    i accidentally the whole londaxe




    shape is almost identical. i guess it's slightly refined.




    not sure why they had to put the high E tuner there. just to be different I guess :facepalm: it has a zero fret like the londaxe as well.





    my wang has been branded D:




    string through plate



    12th fret inlay (and a somewhat interesting looking/feeling ebony fretboard)



    how does it compare to the londaxe?


    1. the sound is usable (It has LOADS of sounds available)

    2. it's built better overall, and has a much more solid feel

    3. neck is a bit more comfortable and not nearly as thin.

    4. crappy single coils /jabnit


    having said all that, i still wouldn't mind getting another wangaxe. just because it's more matthew


    Neil, do you want some ... gut pics? trollface.jpg




    I cant wait to get my hands on it. I honestly think this plus the MA might do it for me for now... famous last words and all but still, I love the look, the sounds available, the finish and ahhh I cant wait till fall


    However I am GASing for a tele and something with a sustainer and an MBK2. I'd put them in the madrose when I get it if it weren't for the switching options.

  2. I agree actually. I've found myself playing kneeling down in front of it because it sounds so much better. Any recommendations out there? It's a hefty mofo, at something like 34kg (carrying it up two flights of stairs nearly killed me, haha), so I need something that can take the strain. Something like 70cm wide and 30cm back too.



    I bought one for £15 off ebay, it works perfectly, really strong. I think it's Stagg which are a really good make of stand.


    Edit: I got this when it was on sale:


  3. MFC, I just remembered... this guitar has the P91s, so it probably wouldn't work well with the sustainer. basically, they squeal like mad on the series setting...there's a custom set they use now for that, but it seems to sacrifice a bit of output on the series setting.


    Ah, right well that would suck then. It looks pretty amazing, as it is, tbh.

  4. Yeah. I was considering asking for a neck pickup when it was having work done a while back, but decided against it. I guess mainly because there's not much room left.


    And that is the custom hardware I think, but just spray painted black (not the same as the black custom hardware on the sunburnt)


    Oh right, in that case, needs more silver custom hardware!

  5. I cant stand the automatic modes... Only thing that's automatic is focus.

    There will be a switch on/beside the lens that is M/A, and ou can switch to manual with the M setting. Unless your camera isn't as cool as my mum's :phu:


    if you close one eye, and hold a finger up a little bit away from the other eye, you can autofocus with your eye lol!


    :eek: Where's the A/M switch?

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