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Status Updates posted by NewBornBliss

  1. awe...

    That's good though. Very good. :)

  2. Separated Parents.

  3. You're lucky it was only a visit. x.x lol!

    I also live in Cali half the year. I go back and forth and stuff like that. =\

  4. Yup...Chicago it is called. PX the city of many smells...that would be bad half the time.

  5. That's good 'enuff. I got to get out of the city. :p hehe!

  6. I LOVE mountains! XD

  7. Ahhhh!!! No kidding? That's soooo awesome! I'm running over there right now. :p

  8. XD Send me some pataters!!! Gosh I love those things. I'm craving them so so bad right now.

  9. XD Don't you guys have fawsome waterparks? That's what I have heard. :)

  10. Idaho isn't lame. Their potatoes are so good! :)Teehee!!

  11. In Illinois. You?

  12. Ahh. It's about 60 out, a little bit of rain here and there. But then again the weather might change in like 5 minutes or so. lol!

  13. Ahh I see. So what's the weather like where you're at?

  14. Oh wow, golfing, I haven't done that in a really long time. Sounds quiet fun.

  15. Hm.That's cool. It just turn 12 a/m here. I am trying to make some plans for Saturday. :)

    It's a bit boring.

  16. Ohhhh. Cool. So what's up? ^.^

  17. Thank you for the friend request!

  18. XD I stay up too all the time. Mostly because my stepsister never lets me sleep. I always get up at 12 or 2 it's horrible. :p

  19. Hehehe! Thank You. (Inspired by the many colors of Maffoo's and Dom's pants.)


    I'm Very Good. Thank You For Asking. How Are You? :D

  20. You're welcome! ^.^

  21. Hey Sorry This is a little late but, Thank You for the Friend Requests! :)

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