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Everything posted by RebelPoet

  1. No need to apologise, every person has their own opinion of the song. It's full of cheese, it's by no means the best song they've ever come up with but it's not the worst song I've ever heard...actually I think I find the music catchy not so much the song as a whole.


    I want to go to NY just for the sake of it but it wouldn't be without a scope out famous people session :chuckle:. Another place I'd love to go is Paris, I'm currently watching the tennis from there at the moment and the view they just showed was amazing.

  2. To be honest I didn't mind NSC from the start I just don't like the association that comes with it :mad:


    David Bowie would be amazing to see...god imagine the chaos that tour would cause :eek:

  3. Hehe I only just realised how to send friend requests here...I'm so technologically challenged at times :chuckle:


    Hmmm Muse old, nah I'll pass on that mental image lol. Yeah I've always dreamt of going to see Muse, but BDO is always too expensive at the start of the year and sells out way to quickly - and I've never really had the money for their previous Oz tours plus I missed out on tickets anyway. So yay for luck changing this time around :D


    There are a lot of FG haters, that's why I never bring it up - I think of it as my guilty Muse pleasure hehe...but yeah it's a really good cover and can't wait to sing along with it in Brissy :D

  4. Haha of how we'd scare his fans if we got hold of an altered picture of him all grey and wrinkly...and then go hey that's what you're all going to look like too - and he doesn't love you know, he doesn't want to so STFU and leave the rest of the world alone to their real music.


    I love Sunburn too, always put it on repeat when it plays on my ipod :D. Maybe they will surprise their awesome Aussie fans with some awesome first album songs - well we can dream right?? And as much as people seem to want it off the setlist, I'm kind of wanting to see FG but I think that's just because it's my first time with Muse, if I was like the others who have already seen FG live then I'd want a change. But for now I want it to stay :chuckle:

  5. Wow I didn't realise that it was 4 years ago this year - where the hell does time go??


    Oh that day on tv was hilarious, and disturbing all at the same time....but seriously what is the appeal of him, he's just another brat that will plague us for a year or so then vanish never to be seen - I seriously hate the music industry sometimes for giving us so much crap.


    Um three songs I'm dying to see Muse play - Starlight, Uprising, Butterflies & Hurricanes...although I'm going to be happy to see them play whatever in December...I don't have a complete favourite song that would kill me if it wasn't on the set list


    And I can usually rant for ages, so we'll have to pull each other up :chuckle:

  6. Yeah Muse at Suncorp would rock...I think I went to the second night but I can't quite remember but whichever night it was it was pure awesome


    Oh I hate that THING that sings 'baby' over and over again, I also hate the artist who discovered the THING and made it a star...I also hate stupid teeny-bopper fan girls who know nothing better than this brain washing crap...


    rant is over :chuckle:

  7. Oh trust me I don't have a natural gift of learning...I've got the natural gift to bullshit my way through things, and since I'm studying politics that comes in handy :chuckle:


    Yeah my music taste is wide, you mentioned some of the other bands I listen to, oh and I forgot to say that I love Queen - has to be said, can't leave them off my top artists on my playlist list. I've only really gone to the Soundwave festivals, oh and I went to the Robbie Williams concert last time he was here which was a bit of fun - and I've never been to a Muse gig either so I'm really looking forward to December :D


    Oh and I gave up on the radio years ago, nearly killed me when my computer died and I couldn't get sound working on my new one - only had the radio. Sad times indeed :LOL:

  8. I'm alright with the research once I know the direction my essay is going to take but this one is a struggle. The questions are vague, the class was a nightmare and there are far too many assessment items for it - probably why I've lost my motivation for this class.


    I've been brought up on sports so there's always something sporty on my tv to distract me - well either that or something on youtube or lolcats :chuckle: I'm so terrible, it's a wonder I've even managed to complete 2 years of my degree without failing anything :rolleyes:


    When not listening to Muse my playlist is usually blasting Bullet for my Valentine, Billy Talent, Paramore, Alexisonfire, Alesana, Emery, songs from musicals :eek: (my guilty pleasure hehe) - so pretty much any band that has come to Australia for the Soundwave festival since '08. I have an eclectic music taste I can listen to most things.


    How about yourself?

  9. Yeah I think probably the only lectures that would never be boring would be the creative industries ones...I've been pretty good today with my assignment - still haven't started writing it but at least I've got everything highlighted for what I'm going to use from my research.


    At the moment I'm finding the AFL a handy source of procrastination :chuckle: oh if it's not one thing with me it's the other, I'm hopeless at the end of semester

  10. Thought I'd get off the board since we were talking way to much :chuckle:


    HRM is alright, I find my lecturers boring but that's just Griffith and their ability to secure boring lecturers. Some of it is interesting, but now I'm close to finishing I just want it to be over which affects how I view the subject. But it will come in handy, and I'm sure at QUT your lecturers are made of win and will teach you everything you need to know in an interesting manner.

  11. Oh nice, I'm at Griffith Uni at Nathan.


    Well I'm just going off what I was told so yeah I'm fairly sure you can only change it once a month - it's very silly. Oh and I just saw you got GA12 tickets - me too :) now I kind of wish there is a barrier now that I know I'm at the front :shifty: but seriously they have a barrier there for most things so I have no idea why they'd change it now :unsure::confused:

  12. Oh cool, so which uni are you calling home for the next few years?


    Yeah I couldn't come up with anything creative, it happens to me sometimes :chuckle:.

    You can change the 'Member' thing on the 1st day of every month in you edit details page...I only knew of this the other day so I changed it :D maybe next month I'll actually be able to come up with something creative :LOL:

  13. Hello, that's a good idea - completely forgot about this option lol.


    Wow still 4 years to go - you're either doing a double degree or something med related...;). I'm studying Politics & Government/Human Resource Management looking to go back and complete Graduate Law next year though.

  14. I actually never got into SATC, I enjoyed the movie but wasn't a fan of the show...please don't hate me *cowers behind the bed*...nah I've got uni stuff that's meant to be distracting me at the moment but I'm failing at being distracted from the board :chuckle:


    Yes, I also hope the boardies snatch up all the tickets...I'll be doing everything in my power to secure my two - I've missed out on Muse too often, this is hopefully my year, and with uni graduation a week or so before the concert the timing is just right :D


    I think I'm going to get off here now though, unwind so I can go to bed and get some sleep...must remember to set alarm tomorrow because all of Australia will hear me scream should I forget to set my alarm and miss out on tickets :LOL: Have a good one, see you tomorrow

  15. I know...I'm starting to freak about everything that could go wrong...just need to breathe:LOL:

  16. Hahaha THIS is amazing

  17. we will strike fear :fear: into their hearts so they flee from the boards with their tails vampire garbage between their legs :chuckle:

  18. Oh for sure, there's no way I can disappoint the people :chuckle: and yes, the newbies are taking over the Aussie threads...we must counter attack them :shifty: with a strikeout convo, ninja assassin style ;)

  19. Don't worry it will be only for tomorrow although I may just put a purple ribbon on the federal budgie so we get the best of Andrew Bolt is a Dickhead Day and the budgie :LOL: and YAY for the normalcy that my budgie is providing during the freakish storm that is pre sale :D

  20. Haha that's alright...it might be gone on Thursday for the day though - but only because it's national Andrew Bolt is a Dickhead day :LOL: so will probably have a purple ribbon up instead. But the budgie will return in time for pre sale fun I promise - can't disappoint my fans now can I :chuckle:

  21. Yes I'm the same, I've signed up for the mailing list and haven't received my confirmation email, nothing in the spam folder either.
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