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Everything posted by Alienora

  1. Je l'ai trouvé en fait, c'est bon! :chuckle:

    Va voir! ;)

  2. Merci beaucoup! ;)


    Ok, I'll send you the lyrics I like the most, but not tonight, cause I start to feel a bit tired. :sleepy:

    I'm so so sad for you that you didn't get to see Muse. :(

    I hope your friend had a very good reason not to come, otherwise I'd be very angry with him/her! :stunned:

    Do you have ever done a Muse gig before? I hope so.

    I'm not a fan of MM, but I listen a lot to heavy and metal (Deftones, Tool, Atreyu, Black Sabbath, A7X, Il Niño...)

    Is there nobody to help you in the subjects in which you experience some difficulties.

    I'd be happy to offer you my help in French if you want to. :happy:

    I've been a French teacher for 2 years! :p


    Take care and speak soon.



  3. :chuckle: Et encore, c'est pas encore celui auquel je pensais, mais Stef ne le retrouve pas!

    Mais déjà ça te donne une idée...

    Non mais il te fais ça en face de toi, c'est pas possible... Heureusement que la scène fait 5 mètres de haut, parce que tu lui sauterais bien dessus sinon! :LOL:

    C'est peut-être la raison d'ailleurs?... :indiff:

  4. Hello Martin!

    You asked me for a translation in french of a Muse song: how do I do to send you this?

    Maybe with an email adress it would be easier, don't you think?

    I you want to, I've lots of other translations I could send you. In fact, I've almost done a translation for each Muse song, cause it was really important to me to understand their meanings. You've just to ask which song you'd like to have.

  5. :eek:

    It'll do it! :D

    But if you find more, I'll take them too! ;)

    Thanks a lot Stef! :kiss:

  6. Hello Stef. :happy:

    I'm looking for a gif for a friend of mine and I think it's you that made it: the one where you can see the Matt's hand on his kaoss pad, a pretty "erotic" one in fact. :D If I'm right, could you send me this gif please, it would be very nice of you.

    I hope you're fine. See you.

  7. Dis, c'est quoi l'intitulé de ton LB? Je le trouve pas! :chuckle:

  8. Hello! ça va?

    je voudrais savoir: y a -t'il eu un gagnant ce matin?

  9. Oh! Why don't you like this forum? I find it great!

    I mean, of sure, there's some threads totally useless, not to say stupid, and some users are morons, but you've just to sort between the good and the less good. I've made myself a lot of very good friends, that I've already met up several times "for real" during gigs or some Musers meetings. But maybe our case is an exception! Indeed, I think there's a very good atmosphere on "our" thread (the French Musers Connection), and I'm not sure it's the case everywhere...

    Yep, I ever had a look at the tattoo thread, since I recently had a tattoo. I was curious to see what others had been tattooed... Well, it takes all sorts to make a worls! lol Do you have a tattoo yourself?


    Have a lovely day/morning/evening!


    Sorry for the mistakes!

  10. ha, okay, so you saw our "prose"... :D


    I was in the group of Muser friends who signed the flag first. :happy:


    I'm so happy that it works. :)


    Thinking about it, I think I've ever seen your username somewhere. It reminds me something.

  11. From the official video clip of PIB. :happy:

    (At the end, when it starts raining and they're all wet... :eyebrows: )

    May I ask you how do you know my sigpic, cause I don't think I've already spoken to you here? :happy:

  12. Sort of, yeah! :LOL:


    In fact, I must confess, I "see" you much more than you can "see" me, cause I'm regularly on the MPT in a :ninja: mode... I'm a bit ashamed, but I don't feel like posting here again, it's a bit annoying in the end, to tell the truth. I find the PMT too dead, and I don't wanna try to resuscitate it, I'm too lazy for it. I miss the old good days sometimes. No news from Steph, neither from Lizz... I think about them from time to time, asking to myself how they're going... In fact, basically, now I come in the PMT only to have some news from you girls (Allison, Maris, Kerrie especially, and you, of course)! :LOL: Yeah, for this, and to ogle some Maffo hot pics! :D


    Awww... You're homeless! :stunned: Don't worry, it's still a bit uncomfortable, but I'm sure it doesn't bother your friend at all that you're staying at his/her? place. If a friend of mine needed a place to live, I'd see no problem to let this friend stay as long as he or she needs it.


    Next Friday! So, good luck! You must be very excited to begin. I hope you're not too stressed about it. It' gonna be alright, it's gonna be great! (hope so)


    Haven't talk pwoperly to Sarah since about 2 weeks ago. All I know is that she wasn't taken for the training in English she wanted to do in the beginning of september (and the reason why she didn't come in Wembley). She didn't tell me much about it, but she must be very :stunned:

    The last time I got news from her, she was quite busy with the restoration's works of her sister's new home. I hope the fact to put herself into these works isn't just a way to escape from some unpleasant realities. I know what it is like. It's not easy to find a new job. It can be really though sometimes to keep his spirits up. But it seems to me that her family is quite rallied around her, so I guess she's fine despite this difficult time.


    What to say about me... Well, still unemployed. Still ED (Eating Disorders), which doesn't simplify things, but at least, I've made myself a lot of new friends, incredible people, thanks to Muse, and it helps me a lot to move forward.

    The end of the next month gonna be fantastic: I'm going in Paris for a few days with a friend (a French Muser), and October 25, I'm going to see Linkin Park in Bercy! :awesome:

    Then, after that, I'm going in Lille, in the north of France, with other friends (Musers again! lol) and we're going to see Pete Doherty! :D

    Well, busy shedule as you can see! :chuckle:

    After that, all the monney I won last summer will be spent, but maybe being totally broke, I'll have a stronger motivation to seek a job than now... Sometimes I think I need to brush the precipice to find a new strenght... I don't know if you see what I mean... Maybe that's just me who's crazy! :LOL:


    Take care hun.

    See you! :LOL:

  13. Très chouette nouvelle sig! :D

    (le "especially Matthew" m'a fait sourire, car c'est tout à fait ce que j'me dis, mais que je n'oserais pas mettre... )

    C'est toi dans l'ava? Parce que si c'est toi, t'es juste magnifique!

    Putain, ce que j'aurais aimé avoir une bouche comme ça! Enfin bon...

    Au fait, est-ce que je tu es dans ma friend list? Je crois pas. Attends je te send une friend request, je peux?

  14. Miiiiiiince, j'avais pas vu que c'était ton anniv avant hier!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit! Je suis vraiment, vraiment désolée!!!!!


    JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE MA CH'TITE PUCE!!!!!!!!!!!! :party::dance::awesome:




    T'es une fille en or!

    J'ai hâte de te revoir! :kiss:

  15. Just passing quickly to take some news! :happy:

    You ok?

    Do you have found an appartement now?

    Classes have started?


    Hope you're good! See ya!

  16. Oh t'es là! j'te "cherche"! lol une séance de skype, ça vous dit, (même pas trop longtemps si tu veux?)

  17. Hello ma puce! super contente d'avoir pu parler avec toi ce week end. :happy: c'est bien d'avoir l'illimité sur le fixe quand même...

    Bref, comme je t'avais dit, je comptais aller à la gare aujourd'hui. SAUF QUE! je pensais avoir reçu ma nouvelle CB et mon nouveau chéquier pour pouvoir régler mes billets de train, depuis le temps, et c'est toujours pas le cas... j'ai fait opposition à ma CB le lendemain de Wembley quand même, et j'en ai profité pour me commander un nouveau chéquier dans la foulée, que j'attends toujours! c'est franchement abusé! entrre ça et la poste, j'en ai franchement raz le bol! bref, je fingers crossed pour l'avoir dans ma boite aux lettres demain. Me demande pas comment je me débrouille depuis 2 semaines sans chéquier, ni CB... c'est juste la grosse galère! je viens de dépenser mon dernier centime d'euro encore au fond de mon sac.

    Bref, je voulais te demander sinon, est-ce que ça t'arrange que j'arrive à une gare plutot qu'à une autre? est-ce que j'ai la possibilité de prendre des metros/bus pour me rapprocher de chez toi, que j'ai pas a te faire déplacer en ville pour venir me récupérer?

  18. mais de rien, je n'attendais pas spécialement de réponse! C'était juste histoire de te souhaiter un bon concert. :happy:

    ça avait l'air incroyable, en effet. Je suis contente pour toi et pour tous ceux qui étaient présents ce soir. Que de beaux souvenirs à se garder précieusement dans un coin de la tête!

  19. Possibly! what a shame! :LOL:

    you bet! I'd have liked to stay in London a few days more, but, not enough monney, as usual! Pffff Another day, I hope so...

    I knew about the Royal Albert Hall! :LOL: It was ironic, I was acting the surprise! Like, "Ho, how surprising you went there! I REALLY don't see why?" :LOL: (:ninja: I've even dowloaded their show in the RAH on Musebootlegs... :D)

    The bar you're talking about sounds to be AMAZING!!!!!! :eek:

    But how can you drink something cold in a such place?! You gotta be frozen!!!! :LOL:

    Have some rest hun. :yesey: What an incredible and exhausting week you had!

    Got lost in the middle of London was one of my fears! Glad that everything ended well.

    I hope we'll have another chance to meet. That's soo stupid! We'll be better the next time! :chuckle:

    Take care and speak soon Mafalda. :kiss:

  20. Hi Stef! I just wanted to say: your ava is pure gold!!!! lol

  21. Oui, pareil, j'y serais allée juste pour revoir les autres en fait! lol

    Ha ben dis donc, ça vous a fait commencer vachement tôt! Bon, ben t'es bien dans le bain alors déjà!

    C'est pas plus mal comme tu dis, pas trop le temps de penser, de se morfondre. Oui, hormis les soirs, je me rappelle bien de ce que c'était....

    J'aimerais bien être occupée à quelque chose, ça serait plus simple en effet. Oui, je cherche bien du boulot, mais je n'ai strictement aucune idée de ce que je vais faire, et pour tout te dire, j'en suis à un point ou je m'en fou, tout boulot qu'on me proposera sera bon à prendre, pourvu que je ne sois pas obligée de retourner vivre chez mers parents, parce que ça, ça serait vraiment le summum!

    Je garde les bons moments, t'inquiète, je fais que ça, c'est la seule chose qui m'aide à aller de l'avant d'ailleurs. Et puis comme le concert de LP commence à s'approcher, je commence à me motiver avec ça aussi.

    Merci du compliment, mais je t'assure que je ne dessine pas super bien, à mon grand regret. J'ai une âme d'artiste sans avoir les moyens de l'être, dommage.

    Je penserais à toi alors quand je serais à Bercy! T'es sûre que ya pas moyen que tu essaies de venir? Je sais pas.... Ya toujours des gens qui revendent leur billet...

    bon, dans tous les cas, on se reparle un de ces quatre sur Skype, ya pas de souci.

    bon courage pour tes études, accroche toi. Bizz

  22. BON CONCERT DE U2!!!!!!!!! :dance:


    Voilà, c'est tout ce que j'avais à dire! :chuckle:


    Profitez-en bien les cocos! :happy:

  23. Oh pardon! J'ai confusionné avec Jeanne! (va vite sur sa page pour lui souhaiter un bon concert! lol)

    Oui, c'est moi qui ait fait ce dessin.

    On peut pas dire que je sois hyper hyper douée, mais j'ai un p'tit coup de crayon, et j'aime bien dessiner.

    Moi aussi je ne connais que leurs plus grands tubes, et encore.... Peut-être que je me plante complètement et que j'ai des a prioris sur ce groupe, mais pour moi U2 c'est très pop rock, et je suis pas super fan de ce genre de musique. Un seul UD ça me suffit déjà amplement, je me vois mal me taper tout u concert de UD! lol

    Bonne jourbée la miss!

    Au fait, t'as repris les cours là, ou pas encore? ( comme Noémie, qui en a trop marre de ces vacances interminables! lol)

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