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Everything posted by MimusQe

  1. looks like we have not the same taste in films:erm: yeah, but Matt looks better with longer hair:happy: naaah...I should go to bed. Must get up before 9am tomorrow:stunned:
  2. halloween party...sounds good:happy: wooo...I don´t know either:erm: I´m goood...and bored:rolleyes: hmmm...not as good as 11 and 12:erm: (i have all 3 films) and I think it´s very looong...2 and half hours:noey:
  3. I dodn´t know:erm: I had only mum´s and mine mobile and a shity camera with small screen. I need to buy a new one before I go to concert:happy:

    My best friend knows Muse and she likes them (she wanted to go with me to the fest, but she can´t:() and then there´s no one of my friend who is a Muse fan...so I can talk about them only on forums:erm:


    Yeah, normall concert = longer setlist = more and more Muse:happy:


    The postage is like 4€:eek: but now when Christmas coming, mum would like to buy me something:eyebrows: bad thing is I can´t choice...there´s so many things!!!!

  4. yeah:LOL:The funiest thing was that he won the best mask But I have to say he looked like him. He had exactly the same stupid face as Pattinson:chuckle: hello Anne:kiss: hello:kiss: how r you???
  5. naaaw:( but it´s Friday and weekend at least... yeeey:dance: that´s great!!! we had a Halloween at school yesterday...and one boy came as Edward from Twilight:facepalm: hellooo:happy: how´s you???
  6. I wanted to do the same, but mum didn´t want to stay still on one place:rolleyes: so next time I hope friend will go with me and we´ll be near the front with great view:happy: I couldn´t take photos, only few in bad quality (we couldn´t bring cameras which has over than 5mpx)

    Next time I´d like to go on normal concert, not festival...but I don´t say festivals are bad or something...


    I know I know. There´s a lot of nice things I´d like to buy. But it´s kinda expensive plus you have to pay a postage:(

    yeah???:awesome: woooo I´m looking forward to it:chuckle: wow, you´r lucky...I wish I found more money in my room:happy:

  7. yeah exactly:D atmosphere was great!!! and Dom said we were really amazing and crazy crowd:awesome:

    some people were at the barrier since festival was opened to 11pm when Muse came on:rolleyes:

    crazy fans:chuckle:


    I wanted to buy some Musey tshirt there, but it was too expensive, and we had little money:erm: because we had only Euros and some Polish money, and we couldn´t change it there...so I´m without Muse t-shirt:supersad:

  8. I wanted to get closer to the stage, but it was kinda impossible...and mum didn´t want leave me alone. So I saw Matt and Dom only on screens:supersad: But I had a good view on Chris at least:D Next time I´ll be at the barrer!!!:yesey:


    and where have you seen them except of LCCC???


    I really hoped for Cave or something...but it was played only in Japan and those countries...they didn´t play it on festivals:( But I´ve seen them and that´s the most important thing. Doesn´t metter what songs they play...

  9. Yeah!! I was so suprised:awesome: First I didn´t know what song is it...but then I realized it´s my lovely Bliss!!!:happy: It´s incredible live...as every song they played. I enjoyed every single minute they were on the stage. Mum said she never seen me that happy.


    I want some older songs, too...but it looks like our boys are lazy to re-learn it:chuckle:

  10. aaaw, that´s great:awesome:

    yeah, they really should!!! I miss them:supersad:

    in Krakow, Poland...check the setlist here http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/muse/2010/coke-live-music-festival-2010-krakow-poland-73d50601.html

    it waas so amazing!!!:happy:

  11. naaaaw:( so you haven´t seen them yet???

    really hope they will do some gigs in Europe next year...

    yeah, I saw them on August for the first time:awesome:

  12. yeah:D


    nice...I always wanted to go to England:)

    have you been on Wembley???

  13. exactly!! it´s like when you really like someone, you love everything he does:happy:


    yaay thanks:kiss:

    from Slovakia, you???

  14. woow, nice:happy: I almost fell asleep in the morning because I thought it´s not school today, so I turned off an alarm and sleep again. Then I realized it´s only Wednesday:facepalm: it was very fast morning then:chuckle: thanks...I hope so...hate this weather:mad: wooow!!! I installed it finally:dance: hello Anne:kiss:
  15. and what was that photography work about??? yeah:erm: but I´m glad we have these days off ..school and early getting up is really exhausting:sleepy: and I cought a little cold:( stupid weather!!! it´s 3°C here:facepalm: impossible to not get angry:chuckle: I´m going mad when something goes wrong:rolleyes: Filipa:kiss: I´m good...bit sick actually:erm: what about you???
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