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Status Updates posted by AguanteRiver

  1. Ah, I saw "student" in your bio and assumed U of A. Whoops! :LOL:


    It's great that you made it to the Tucson gig, at least. I heard it was pretty much a shorter version of what we got in Phoenix, minus the towers. I didn't make it to Tucson, but US Airways was my first Muse concert, so I was super excited despite the short setlist. :happy:


    Audio engineering! That's pretty specific; all the high school kids I know end up as "exploratory" majors for a couple of years. Not that it matters much until you get all the core requirements out of the way (Sociology, lol). I majored in Computer Information Systems and minored in German. :nerd:

  2. What are you studying? I graduated in December (worst time ever), so I've been looking for a job ever since. Finally got an offer, but the waiting and constant rejection sucked. :noey:


    Good thing I had enough money saved to buy my Muse tickets in April. Did you make it to the USAC gig?

  3. I know, right? Perfect time for the pool to need resurfacing. :indiff:


    Waitaminute...Tucson? As in, U of A? Good thing I never cared about this silly ASU/UA rivalry. :LOL:

  4. I live in Tempe, you?

  5. You have an amazing username. :LOL: Do you by any chance tell bad jokes about meat, or carry a sword made of "space rock"?

  6. Hola! Vi que sos de Argentina. Yo tambien, aunque vivo en los E.E.U.U. hace mucho tiempo. :p


    Saludos :happy:

  7. :LOL: The best part is Aang's freaked-out face in the corner.


    I see your ravin' Sokka...and I raise you:





  8. You have Sokka in your avatar! :awesome:(Oh wait-- :ninja:)


    That is all. :happy:

  9. No te preocupes, a mi me encanta encontrar argentinos por acá, especialmente ahora que estoy tan lejos. :'( Que suerte que viste a Muse en el Gran Rex! Yo vivo en los E.E.U.U. desde el '97, asi que me perdí la gira por sudamerica, y los gringos son una manga de amargos!!! El concierto de Phoenix fue deprimente, nadie saltaba, nadie cantaba. :noey:


    Bueno, un gusto conocerte. :D Nos vemos por ahi, especialmente si andás por Main Muse.

  10. Oh, boo hoo. :p At least you could see Dom's sticks. From my spot, Dom himself was smaller than my thumb. I gave up trying to take pictures and dedicated myself to dancing and singing instead, which worked out pretty well.


    Perhaps you'll get lucky and Muse will have polls for you to pick the songs. You'll get NSC anyway, but maybe they'll throw in Citizen Erased or Bliss. It hasn't happened yet and I'm already jealous. I need to get a job in Southern Cali quick! :facepalm:

  11. You know, I don't think you get to complain about the Phoenix gig if you're going to all the California ones. :pYou'll get plenty of Guiding Light over there. :LOL:

  12. Si, pero aca en los E.E.U.U. nadie se dio por enterado. Los argentinos de por aca nos juntamos para hacer un asado...y nada mas. :p

  13. Feliz bicentenario! :)

  14. Oh snap, now I have a reputation to live up to. :eek:


    Thanks. :happy: I'm flattered and happy to give you all something to think about in between Muse releases. :musesign: And this way we'll all be ready if Muse ever play a rare song at our next gig. We'll know all the lyrics better than Matt. :yesey:

  15. Hey there, fellow Pictionary player! :)

  16. Well, as far as the US Airways crowd, yeah. They were standing and moving around, at least. :LOL: I saw way too many people sitting down, but not up in 217.


    I heard that Tucson basically got a shorter, weirder version of our setlist. :p Now I don't feel so bad that I missed it. Is that horrible to say? lol

  17. The concert was amazing, crappy setlist or not. :)

  18. Si, viví en Buenos Aires hasta los 11 años y todavía hablo castellano en casa.

  19. Hey there! :) I see you're a fellow Ella Enchanted (book, not movie) fan. Sweet!

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