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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. if they were recent i think id kill a bitch :mad:!

  2. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=info&gid=12447143443 if you join the group and see the pictures you'll see what i see :'( (yes thats the G word :mad:)
  3. i know but i found something :'(

  4. wow how did you know i got online so fast :stnned: anyway i iz good you?

  5. lol hey remeber BIKINI BOY! :facepalm:

  6. why you no respond?:supersad:

  7. i just answerd the aim problem XD

  8. hey i love my mommy! :phu:

  9. no she made me realize a lot i mean god knows what would happen if i satyed on that place!

  10. sad i know and now im tarumitized to go on aim....

  11. its just that she found out bout me and the boards people gave me a talk made me ban you all and i realized how dangerous it is to talk to unknown ppl.....

  12. lol i didnt make that gif so :LOL:

  13. i cant mommy banned aim.....

  14. moar matteh pics~!!!

  15. lol i saw those...im scared i gave board people my aim and now im scared that bad things will happen im easily traumatized and scared...

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