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Everything posted by CharlotteC94

  1. I must say I've started saving just in case they do Leeds fest :p

    I knoow! When you're outside bobbing up and down (well I do anyway :erm:) you don't really think about what the band are doing at the time, if they're nervous or whatever :chuckle:

  2. No, no so am I! It's almost as good as the presents :awesome:

  3. Might go out and hang with my mate, James not sure yet. Hoping to go see Harry Potter with some people next weekend though :awesome: Did you see the preview for the Doctor Who Christmas Special last night? :happy:

  4. *hugs* hopefully the behaviour management at school will sort it out. I hope you're feeling better this weekend :(

    Not bad so far. I had to go out and get a picture taken to send to my aunt for Christmas :p Got a bit of work to do but not too much so I'm gonna watch some Russell Howard's Good News I think :happy: and maybe a bit of Star Trek TOS :awesome: (because I'm an incurable geek). And Merlin later of course :)

    How's your weekend shaping up?

  5. Sorry I only got that this morning :p So I'm in form atm TRYYIIIINGG to arrange a meeting with one of the A Level Law teachers, without much success :indiff:

    How about your fine self?


    EDIT: Scratch that I had a damned awful day :indiff:

  6. Damn, not a good day today really :( Bad stuff always seems to happen on Thursdays :indiff:

    What about youu though? :)

  7. Seriously, as soon as they're up north again I'm SO there :awesome: The pics are so cuuuuute :happy:

  8. Oh noes :( It seems like you always have something to keep you busy :p

    I'm good thanks, not much going on right now actually so I've got some peace for once!

  9. Me too D: I seriously need the money!

    LCCC photo gallery online :D

  10. Yeeeah and maybe law, looking into human rights stuff at the moment, it seems really interesting :)

    I'll probably end up going to see it next weekend when it's not so crowded :(

  11. Same, not bad atm really :happy: Starting to think about college and sixth form and A Levels and stuff and I expect that will come to a head soon. Never mind though, Harry Potter on Friday :awesome:

  12. I always make sure we only get tipsy at my friend's house ;)

    Anywhoo, how're things with you? :happy:

  13. :LOL::LOL:LOL: That's hilarious :chuckle: Best thing about drink is seeing your friends make fools of themselves!
  14. INCREDIBLY retarded! I don't know how we didn't fall down the stairs and die but there you have it. I'm clearly being preserved for greater things ;) Althought what I cannot imagine :LOL:

    What about you? You must have some embarrassing drunken stories? :eyebrows:

  15. It's always nice to have a bit of time off after a stressful stretch :happy:

    Not much really. I didn't go out this weekend 'cos I have a massive French exam tomorrow so I've just been revising for that today really. I watched most of the F1 Grand Prix though, it's been a great season :)

  16. Well... once I got quite drunk on vodka and champers and me and my mate Juu, had a competition as to who could run up and down the stairs the most times (yeah, weird I know) and it woke her parents up. We saw the light turn on in their bedroom, ran in and shouted at them not to worry but elephants had got into the house. It didn't go down well :facepalm:

  17. Not too bad actually. I've spent pretty much the whole afternoon so far watching Flight of the Conchord videos on Youtube. They're so funny and they're actually really talented :chuckle: and it's a whole lot more fun than English homework :happy:

    Wubu2 this weekend so far? Have you got any plans? :)

  18. Oh no, they went out of their way to make sure it was just me and that I had no idea I was getting tipsy :LOL:

    It was funny as though, although my head did hurt in the morning :p

  19. I remember when my mates spiked all my drinks for the evening with vodka. Up singing the national anthem in my friend's kitchen at half one in the morning without knowing why. I was so shocked the next day when they told me, I really had no idea :LOL:


    The sneaky bastards :ninja:

  20. I'll have to remember to put extra deoderant on this morning then :chuckle:

    Yeah I'm 16 but sometimes I act more immature than Kaya who is 14 :facepalm: Ahh well, it's all part of the fun :p

  21. Saaaaaaaaaame. I hate this rain too and I have to walk to school in it for 20 mins :indiff:

    I'm not too bad. French exam I haven't revised for tomorrow and lots of coursework and stuff though. It's my own fault :LOL: Things aren't too bad though :happy: how about youu?

  22. It sounds like a really great project to be involved in! Those damn lower school kids, oh wait... that's me :LOL:

    Kaya's 2 years younger than me but it doesn't seem to matter. We were really lucky that we live so close, we try to meet up a few times a month at least and we talk online all the time. She's like one of my best friends now, a common interest is always a good place to start a relationship either romantic or friendship :p

  23. That sounds awesome! A really cool way to spend your time. We don't have a radio show or aaanything creative :chuckle: What kind of music do you play?

    Yeah actually, one of my best friends I met on MSN. She's my little Muser buddy, but then again she only lives about 20 minutes away :p

  24. Oh wow, fun! How did you meet her, over the internet?



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