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Status Updates posted by Kayleigh

  1. heyyy, thanks so much for your comment (s ->under my pic from joe) and your friend request! of course i know who you are!! (my real name is leonie, my mum wanted to call me kayleigh but unfortunately we live in germany and no one would ever manage it to pronounce that name correctly, but i love it so... :D) i so LOVE your pics, btw i bought pastel pencil too nwo, haven't had the time to try them but i'm certainly gonna do that tomorrow! i'm so impressed by your work, especially the eyes are incredibly good! if you'd live next to me i'd totally order a wolf (that's my favourite animal) :D :D :D however, have loads of fun in scotland, see you when you're back!!

  2. hey :) you mean what i think of his haircut? (i just tell you something to the haircut now, although i don't know if you wanted to know that ^^) well, personally (and that doean't mean that you looks bad now or has ever looked bad) i prefer the short hair, it makes him younger. i mean, it's mostly better to look older, like in matt's case (i love him with short hair, and especially his natural hair colour), but in dom's case i just think the short hair, you know, makes his eyes bigger and stuff like that :) and i liked his haircut he had at the wembley concert with the black stipes in it and i loved matthew's haircut with blonde and red stipes in it haha :D stripes for the world!

    and i'd love to write a lot more now, but i have to go for a match. i don't think it'll be my signature btw, but i have a new, better pic and i'm going to show you as soon as i'm back! see you!!!! :happy:

  3. hey, what do you think:




    it's pretty lame, but had time and wanted ot do something...and it didn't take much time at all so in fact it was pretty useless haha :D my brother is going to give me a photoshop version he got from his friend, and then i'll be able to be creative again! :D

  4. thank you very very much for the videos, i love them! i read that musewiki says that guy actually broke his nose, seemed to be really funny though! i loves matthews reaction, i mean, i'd probably react just like him *points* MUHAHA! thank you very much for the other video too, i don't think it's bull shit, i'm always happy to see the guys and in my opinion they look very good in this interview, and matt actually allows dom to speak wohoo, i just realized that i can change the colours in here, i could actually list the colours of doms awesome pants! green and red and yellow and blue and violet and so many more haha :D oh the pic i intend to draw, let's hope it works out this time!




    it's this one, he looks so cute! btw, dom's nose is...:awesome: and i think the pic i tried to draw is one of the best pics of him ever! i don't mean the one i actually did, i mean the original you know? it's awesome, he looks so cool with those sunglasses, i actually want to know when exactly it was shot. ahh i'm thinking about making a new signature, but i'm out of ideas right now, everyone's so creative here :D

  5. übrigens mag ich es auch überhaupt nicht, musik in irgentwelche genres einzuteilen :noey:

  6. ahhh entschuldigung, ich hab einfach automatisch auf englisch geschrieben :D ich hab mal versucht dich in wk anzufragen, ich bin nicht sooo gut mit dem ganzen computerkram, also ich hoffe es hat funktioniert :) plant ihr eigentlich schon mittwochs zu kommen? wir können das ja auch in wkw besprechen, wenn du willst ;D

  7. hey, thanks very much for the invite :D

  8. mehh! it doesn't work! what am i doing wrong? *blushes*

  9. hey! yes indeed, arschkalt, that pretty much describes the situation in german as well and i'm f*king impatient too to be honest! we still have now but the weather actually is beautiful, the sun is shining and the sky is really blue...just no dark blue, rather grey and cold. oh dear, i still have to wait 3 weeks for my holidays and we're going to write 7 exams! thank you very much for your advices, i'm gonna try it out now as i actually finished the pic today! and sorry for paging through your spoilers, i didn't mean to stalk you or something, it just looked so interesting! i hope that wsa okay, if not then tell me and i'm never ever gonna do it again! sorry!!!

    however, lets try it:




    i hope it worked! :D

    next one is gonna be dom again i think, or maybe i'm gonna find another interesting pic. and the dream thing is going on well, i'm finished with background (like sky, lake and landscape as a whole) and i'm going to start with the actual pic now :D thank you for offering your help again, i think i'm going to need it ;D anything new here?

  10. thanks so much for accepting! you're such a great artist, i'm so happy to be your friend now :)

  11. oh my god, i just saw that one spoiler here in your comments (the -best feature on a face- one) and i think the first pic, dominic, is totally going to be my next project! after i finished the one i'm currently working on, which is also dominic...i try to paste it here (the original i mean) (i'm so damn damn fucking bad in doing stuff like that. technical equipment hates me :D)



    and i can't hide it in a spoiler, i'm too stupid for that! what do you think? i'm half-finished with it, i'm going to show you the pic of course, but there's so much to do right now (i started on the dream- thingy and it's about be end up quite good). how are you by the way? i'm still waiting for the holidays and counting my days until i see muse *signs*

  12. so we're both going to see muse twice, how amazing!! yeah there will be other bands, headliner will be kiss, rage against the machine, muse and rammstein. i'm also looking forward to seeing 30 seconds to mars, kasabian, oh and wolfmother will be there too. and my friends will be forcing me to a lot of hard core havy metal bands like slayer :D

    however, i cannot wait! and i can't wait for muse of course, i can't believe that i'm actually really going to see them twice, it's just like WOOOOH :awesome::dance:

    i started on a new drawing now, i decided to rather draw dominic alone as it's been too hard to draw three persons, at least right now considering the whole lot of work that i have to stand. and i won't have holidays until like...i don't know, i have to wait about four weeks or something like that o.0 4!!! ah that's such a lot of time...and tomorrow school starts again. but i've been on a competition in football today and we won, that's been awesome as we were really good i believe, and it's been loads of fun as well! okay, i have to go now though, everything hurts :) see you soon :DDD <3

  13. danke für den link *kaputtlach* ich hätte trotzdem gerne gewusst, was die letzte frage für matt ergeben hätte :D schau dir das mal an, hat mir eine freundin geschickt und ich finde du kannst doch deine muse bilder auf jeden fall da posten!!!!!



  14. hey :) i'm so sorry for the late reply, i blame carnival, it's really keeping me busy right now. we celebrate carnival every year in germany, in february. it's damn cold but still we're going to the parades and we're partying loads, people are having a lot of alcohol,it can be pretty dangerous. it's 6 days long but it's over on wednesday luckily, cannot stand much longer as my friends are forcing me to a lot of celebrations and stuff. i don't have much time for my art either which pisses me off and i got things to do for school still which pisses me off even more! at least i have music to relax, muse of course, but i also got KidA from radiohead a few days ago, and Viva la Vida from coldplay, it makes me feel slightly better :)

    thanks so much for sending me the link by the way, i had no idea that something like that exists and it's so cool to see fan made art from other people as well, i'm pretty jealous of some people that are really amazing at drawing/ painting or using computer programmes. i'm deeply impressed! i wonder when i'll have time for my projects again o.0 but you're right, i shouldn't put myself under such a pressure! how are you? you told me you'd go to another muse gig (in italy, if i remember correctly), when will it be? excited? :D :D :D

  15. thanks a lot for telling me, i posted my muse related art there! :D i've to go now but i'm going to answer properly later, hopefully, i'm off for football training now ;) thank you again!!

  16. of course you can ask :D i'm working on an acryl painting that's really complicated as i'm trying to draw a dream i had and i don't have any original, or any model. it takes a lot of time! i'm currently working on a drawing as well, i want to draw matt dom and chris together which is quite a difficult task to be honest. and i have to do a drawing for a school competition, it's about our world and the environment, how we can help and how we destroy and polute the earth. and all those things together are like a lot of pressure, a lot!

    however, i hope you're doing fine, by the way, i watched the muse on trible j videos you posted and they are awesome!!

  17. ah well i figured, that it would be better not to do any artwork for this as i'm so busy at present, i'd put myself under too much pressure with it! i have two projects running, and i'm not even half finished with them! it's just so exhausting at present! but you're always up to date here, if anything original is going on and you know about it, would you tell me though? that would be awesome of you!! :D

  18. oh but didn't they say they'd include everything they can to make sure chris's scrapbook will top the other books? i'm sure your contribution would be great and as far as i know you have time until the 10th, just give it a try, imagine that chris might actually see it! yes the pic is from wembley actually :) i didn't want to choose one where he's laughing because i might fuck his teeth up, and i certainly don't want to make him ugly! and it's been quite hard to find one in a fitting size (you know, not like 125x125 :D), so i chose that one because it's always been one of my favourites! i suppose it's in the haarp slide show? *is not sure*

    however, it's great to talk to you again, i'm so sorry for basically breaking up contact, school's just like 'work work work WORK' phew! i've actually checked out that one link your friend down there sent, i really like the idea and would like to participate, maybe, but i just can't figure out where i get to read the 2-0-1-0 story! because i'd so love to draw a picture to one of teh days, as far as the whole thing's not over already :D

    hope you're doing fine, awesome to talk to you again!

    ps: vote for the NMEs haha :D i'm sure you do :awesome: muse muse MUSE! hehe :happy:

  19. hey :) sorry that i couldn't write lately, i'm so busy with school and everything! just wanted to say hi, and i'm so curious about your contribution to chris' scrapbook, might you tell me what you did for him? my contribution is uploaded in my album, i actually intended to do a painting with acryl but couldn't finish it properly, and i had to do that drawing in such a hurry! but i wanted to do something at any rate!!! how are you by the way? :DDD

  20. HEYY!! du bist warscheinlich schopn zurück, oder auf dem weg nach hause, tschuldigung, dass ich erst jetzt schreiben konnte, ich war den ganzen tag unterwegs! ich hoffe du hattes total viel spaß, und du musst mir unbedingt alles erzählen :DD war bestimmt genial!!

  21. oh man *neid* sowas bekommt man hier nich zu sehen :/ naja, ich versuch dir auf youtube so bald wie möglich zu antworten, danke schonmal für die links, und leider haben wir das album noch nicht bekommen. aber ich freu mich schon unheimlich, das wir sicher absolut klasse! :awesome: ach, ist mir so peinlich schon wieder zu fragen, wann ist das billy talent konzert noch gleich? das muss doch voll bald sein? oder war das schon? oder hab ich total was verpeilt? :D :D

  22. ah i'm quite fine although i'm really busy at present. we're getting our reports on friday and i've got a lot of things to do :) by the way, i hope i haven't asked you before, have you been to a muse gig yet? :D

  23. hey, sorry i'm late :) tips for learning a languge. hmm, the best tip i can give you is learning the basics and then practice practice practice! best way: youtube! there are so many people from different countries, i learned most of my english skills there talking with people from england/ america, ect. it's so worth it!

    and latin is really really difficult, really!

  24. hey :) danke danke danke für den link, omg das ist ja so geil! viel neuer stoff für takeabow19 zum beispiel meinst du nicht?

  25. i'm learning english, french and latin. i like english best though! and german is very difficult to learn!!!

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