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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. It is 12:30am and my iPod is not working right :( I think it would turn off, bye cya later

  2. Hi, how areyou?

  3. ok! buenas noches

  4. io siempre he oido hablar de professional ( el cual ninguno de mis maestros no lo ha pasado) aunq a mi maestro de ingles si le gusta Muse

  5. A mi solo me han dicho q haga el PET, aunq varios amigos mios Han hecho el KET, son justo esos amigos q odian a Muse :(

  6. Wow, crei q mi escuela era la unica a usa PET, mi papa odia los examenes de cambridge (dice q es una gastadera de dinero) por eso no he hecho ninguno, aunq voi en ingles avanzado :D

  7. Si,almenos me ayuda un poco en mi ingles :D............ creo a me ayudara a sacar un 10 en el bimestre, ya q voi mal biologia y geografia

  8. q genial! alguien q habla español

  9. i need to eat, bye

  10. i like to speak british english, some films are in british english :D

  11. well i had 9 in english, and i went to England cuz in my school i need to speak british english

  12. just forget it! you'll know that i'm not so good at english :D

  13. the bad thing of it is................. that is one of my christmas gifts!

  14. i just remember a big ring

  15. no:(, i had a black eye

  16. i'm fine and you?

  17. you have already join my group?

  18. how are you today?

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