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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. why fast is bad? is better that way :) everyone likes FASTER! you strange bitch! :LOL:

  2. everyday it feels WEIRD this things but ok! ballsuckballsuckballsuckballsuck :awesome:

  3. oh! i've listened to apologize and stop and stare :)

  4. AWWWWWWWWWWWW BITCH! wtf was that?!

    THAT DICK ISN'T MINE! it was from my wife :) but she leave me :'( and everyday i go and wait for you in our fucking motel :awesome:

  5. maybe i've heard one song of them................

  6. awwww fuck you bitch! ok :( bye banana :kiss:

  7. hey bitch! i have 5 of them! :awesome: and all have name :) i have the special limited edition of "i <3 NY" it's cover of i <3 ny i <3 ny i <3 ny! it's better than your ass bitch! :LOL:

  8. and this saturday i'll go to build a bear workshop :awesome: yeah, i love that fucking bears and????????? it opens here in mexico this friday :awesome: and the same day i'll go to buy muse posters bitch! :p

  9. great bitch! 6 DAYS!!!!!!! and a friend will give me a signature fucking paper! (of muse) tomorrow i don't need to go to school! well just 2 hours but the other guys in my school yes! they need to go all day! and what about you baby (bitch) ;)? YOUR GOD IS TALKING TO YOU BITCH! :LOL: awwwwwwwww fuck! my sister needs the computer :( why MY computer?????????

  10. oooooooooooooooooooo

  11. ok! good porn talk baby ;) i'll send the dick with DHL ok?

    bye banana :kiss: (be sure that i'll rock it) i'm your god :awesome:

  12. fuck! i don't have balls :( you don't want a talking dick? i have one ;) it's not mine, it's from a friend :) it knows good jokes and it do it great :awesome: but sometimes he's mad and you need to use some powerful thing that you have (i was thinking about your balls! matt can help you too with his massive dick :p) i train that dick ;) it knows everything i know

  13. FUCK YEAH! I WANT THEM! but i want experience bitch :indiff:

    yep! you have 2 GODS! me and matt :) and you do everything for us :D (including let me suck your balls! you can't suck matt's dick, it's mine ;))


  15. but he have experience with that ;) and you're not virgin too! and i still want to suck your balls! so why isn't have fun anymore? i still have fun with you ;)

  16. sip! ai q aprovechar las wenas ofertas :happy:

  17. what's the problem with suck matt's dick? it's :awesome: (:chuckle:)

    and of course i could suck your balls baby

    (uuuuuuuuuuuu the message 2 times! sowy)

  18. xq segun esto van a vender posters de muse ahi a 5 pesos!

  19. and i know what i suck :) (not your balls bitch :chuckle:)

  20. and i know what i suck :) (not your balls bitch :chuckle:)

  21. i dunno who is that

  22. ella aun no tiene licencia! mejor me voi a fuera del palacio de bellas artes a comprarme un poster de muse! :p

  23. well dunno what's that so now it doesn't scares me :p

  24. AGRESIVITY! you knew that already???????????? (let me and my bad english alone)

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