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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. great! :D

    oh no! your grades are bad?

  2. Hey! :D how are you? :)

  3. great, just here with toasted corn! :D and with some light problems :(

  4. great! i did that with my best friend too! :D

  5. hey! :D how are you?

  6. :LOL: i hate school too and i need to do that project :indiff: it's a little bit interesting but it's difficult too :(

  7. awwwwwwwwwwwww baby! sowy for the late reply, i wasn't available whole weekend but you saw the TT on twitter this saturday? #MattBellamyIsGod bitch! yes! it was a TT WORLDWIDE! *happiness* and i need to do that fucking project :indiff:

    ooooooooooooo my bible! (well matt's bible!) in which part you're now? hope you're in apocalypse part :D

  8. hi! :D IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY WHOLE LIFE! :dance: oh, sorry for the late reply.............

  9. xq no te conectas cuando io lo estoi! :'(

  10. hi! :D how you've been?

  11. oops! i forget about to but how i was :p i'm FUCKING HAPPY! :awesome:

  12. awwwwwwwwwwwww baby! and yes, is like GOLD! i'm touching it right now, i'm looking at it right now, i'm having sex with it right now! (not really) but it's so so so so :awesome: i'm in love with that piece of hair! and no one belive that i have it :'( i'm happy that you trust in me :happy: (well in school they know that it's real)

  13. and baby, hope you're one of those people that trust in me :)

    and i want to kill a FUCKING BITCH RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! no, it's no you :)

  14. you want me to explain how it was? cuz you have no need to publish that on the pmt

  15. where's my baby baby baby ooooooooohhhhhhh?

    how are you today? cuz i'm the happiest person in entire world! i have fucking matt's piece of hair! and no one here (in the board) belive me :indiff: and the concert was like "HOLY SHIT! THIS IS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!" it was so :awesome:! (the matt's hair part is 100% true)

  16. MaRiZ

    oh, ok!

    bye banana :kiss:

  17. MaRiZ

    all what he cut is in that pic :LOL: and when i saw the video i saw her with him asking that and that hair looks exactly like what i have in front of me right now

  18. MaRiZ

    no :( i haven't met him yet but some day i'll meet him :D remember that my friend gave me the piece of hair and she recorded when he cut it

  19. MaRiZ

    well he cut it from the back part of his head

    this is the hair! ------------> http://twitpic.com/1hdbwd

  20. MaRiZ

    no one belive that i have a piece of his hair :LOL: but i wouldn't lie with that kind of things

  21. cuz my hair isn't like that and I SAW WHEN HE CUT IT! and why i'll lie with this?

  22. MaRiZ

    well i wasn't where the slam is the best thing but where i was looks really good! :happy:

  23. MaRiZ

    if it was the best night of my whole life YES! :dance: but i dunno how much songs the played :p i was singing and singing :LOL:

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