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Status Updates posted by MaRiZ

  1. it was today????????????? And what happened???????

  2. :LOL: SCREW YOU PSP! hahaha i always hated psp but i have one! well i don't want it anymore

  3. MaRiZ

    oh! really? and why you want them to win?

  4. MaRiZ

    just stories about demons and all that things.......

    oh, yeah, i heard of it! well i don't remember about elections, the last elections here in mexico were in summer of 2006 and i was in europe at that time

  5. it calls "Stories with ghosts and demons"

    wish it could be cold here :indiff: i don't care if it's so cold at night! i want a cold day! or too much ice cream :LOL:

  6. :LOL: yeah, at this time ice creams are so good :happy:

  7. MaRiZ

    "Stories with ghosts and demons" but i hate it and love it!

    ok! goodnight! :kiss:

  8. :awesome: jajajajaja :LOL: no tenia nada weno q poner *con una hermosa sonrisa de comercial*

  9. pito volador :awesome:









  10. well you should talk with her :happy:

    and i'm a little bit "duh" this days............heat it's trying to kill me! and this fucking book it's interesting :awesome: but i still hating it :indiff:

  11. good :D but heat it's killer here :( it's like if you need to sleep naked :LOL: and i need to read a stupid book :indiff:

    and yours?

  12. MaRiZ

    good! just here :), i need to read a book for this friday :( and i really hate books! for me they are really boring but this one it's really interesting :awesome:

    and you?

  13. "Diavola" (pepperoni and cheese) and yeah, i love spring too :happy:

  14. LUCKY! :awesome:

    that NEVER gonna happen in my life! with some luck i can go to a concert ;)

    and what you're going to do then?

  15. yeah! i ate pizza in my favourite restaurant :D

    and you?

  16. well last time i had a 5 in a project like that..............

  17. oh!

    well i'm happy cuz i had an 8 in that fucking project :)

  18. I HAD AN 8!!!!!!! i'm happy now :happy:

  19. well tomorrow i need to have my ae project! i don't want to have a 5 again :( (with that of my teacher hates me) and tomorrow there's a festival in school too :awesome:

  20. i know your video will be great :happy: you can do something "attractive" to the others :)

  21. well it's better now :)

  22. ok, READ IT PLEASE!!!!!!!!! it's BBE!!!!!!! (Best Bible Ever ;))

    how you've been baby ;)???????????? i want to know! you're not here when i'm here :(

    and HEY! why you're never in msn? i'm always there and i never see you there too :'(

  23. oh, elections!

    fuck, my project it's awful right now :'( stupids "Satellites Towers"!

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