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Status Updates posted by OriginOfShowbiz

  1. Just stop by after months of not being here to show some love :kiss:

  2. Hey! How are you? Merry christmas! :happy:

  3. Stopping by to wish you lovely Christmas! :xmas::kiss:

  4. Helllooooo :D

    It has been AGES :supersad: how've you been? I've been great but really stressed out with school stuff and my application for university :( Ah well, it's good to hear from you :happy:

    You went to a White Lies concert!!! You're so lucky! And it sounded like it was INCREDIBLE! I love your t-shirt too. The last gig I went to was a band called Detroit Social Club (who are AMAAAAAZING. They're one of my favourite new bands to come out in years!

    ) And the gig was unbelieveable. It was really small. I was right and the front and.. there was no barrier between the stage and crowd so everyone was grabbing the band members :chuckle: and I got a plectrum! I think they're going to be huge. They've already done so well with just their first album and now they've left their record label because they want to do it completely alone so they don't have to compromise their music. I respect them so much for that! They've started their own record label called FuckPop :LOL:

    Aww our snow is finished for the year, I think. It was nice but most of it just went slushy and grey haha!

    Hope all is well for you :kiss:

  5. Ah you're welcome! It's the least I could do :D

    School has taken it out of me too, I'm applying to universities now.. hope somewhere takes me :chuckle: And besides that I've been to a wedding that was on the other side of the country :awesome: so nice!

    You know, it's been ages since I've listened to Muse (at least it's felt like it :ninja:) and today I heard Sunburn again and think my obsession is coming back!

    Hope you're good :kiss:

  6. Kristina this is so late but I hope you can forgive me!!




    I hope you haven't forgotten me :chuckle:, I've been rubbish with coming on here :(

    How are you?

    I'm sooo glad to hear that you had such an amazing day at Wembley!! xx

  7. Aww yeah I saw quite a few people being taken out because they were feeling sick :( They really should have put in a golden circle this year. I'm glad that you guys had a great view.. it must have been amazing being that close to them!! :eek: How far from the stage were you on Sat?

    :LOL: the mosh pits are so scary especially during KoC

    My favourites were Butterflies and Hurricanes and Take a Bow, I've been waiting so long to hear these! I Belong to You was a lovely surpirse :happy: and Knights of Cydonia was is always epic! What were your favourites?

    Oh yeah! Do you know if Adam is on the muse board too?

  8. How was the concert? :D :D

    Friday was the best night of my life!! And I got so close to them thanks to being in line for 8 hours :happy:

    It was soo lovely to hear B&H and Take a Bow live finally and I Belong To You was a nice surpirse :happy:

    I'm still jealous about the setlist from Saturday though :p

    Citizen Erased, Bliss AND Ruled by Secrecy.. Sooo lucky

    Can't wait to hear all about it :kiss:

  9. Hey!! :D:D

    I'm so glad you found me! I had a great time queuing with you guys :happy:

    The concert was soo amazing! I loved every second, best day of my life! Did you like it? And how was Saturday? The setlist looked incredible, I'm jealous :p

  10. WEMBLEY TOMORROW/SATURDAY!!!! :dance: :dance:

  11. Oh god I'm a month late :facepalm:

    How are you :D

    My summers good I've been lazy.. and I got a job at a theatre. It's so cool I get to watch the plays for free :LOL: How's your summer?

  12. Kristina! It's been too long and I'm sorry again! (You're probably so sick of me saying sorry for the late replies:eek:) How are you?

    Aww :happy: My cousin's name is Callum. He's the best baby in the world, he barely cries at all :LOL:

    This is it! This time next week I'll be standing in Wembley Stadium in the presence of MUSE :awesome: Just as I was typing that I got so excited my heart starting beating so fast :D

    And this time next week you'll be getting ready to see them!! Ahh! I remember when I first bought the tickets online and it felt like I had to wait a lifetime until the concert. I'm sure this week will be soo slow though :pI'll just be counting down..

    Ooh yeah I've been to Madame Tussaurds but I went about 6 years ago. From what I can remember it's pretty cool and The Chamber of Horrors scared the crap outta me but the lines were sooo long! We were literally lining up right the way around the building. Are you planning on going?

    Where else are you going?

    I've been meaning to ask you, what time are you getting to the stadium on Saturday to line up?

    :o You did that on your wall yourself? That looks amaaazing!! And so real :awesome: At first I thought you sent me the wrong link because the logo looks exactly right :happy:

    The theatre is awesome. I saw some plays that were all improvised and they made it up by suggestions from the audience. It was so cool, they made up songs on the spot. I'd probably freeze if I had to do something like that.

    Sounds like you're having a nice summer :happy: Did you go to Budapest to see Muse? If you did tell me everything! Before I die I have to see Muse at a festival!

    Hope you're doing well :kiss:

  13. You missed THE CRANBERRIES? :supersad: I missed seeing Detroit Social Club because no one would come with me too :(

  14. :awesome: It's been pretty crazy around here! I finally got to see my new shiny cousin! :LOL: He's 4 months old but lives far :( He's so sweet!

    I love the summer too but the faster it ends the faster we'll be in Wembley stadium!! :D How long are you staying in London for? Are you going to go sight seeing too?

    by the way! You're pic with the iPod and OoS artwork is soooo cool! Did you take the picture?

    My summers been good! I've been volunteering at this theatre. It's awesome.. it's underground in tunnels :awesome: and we get to watch the plays for free (and free drinks at the bar :chuckle:) Last week Alan Moore did a play there but I couldn't be there..

    What have you been up to?

    I feel like I've been missing out on some Museyness haha because I've been away from the board for soo long! Have I missed anything?

    Can't wait to hear from you :kiss:

  15. Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy! :D How are youuu?

  16. I'm SO sorry for the ridiculously late reply :kiss: How've you been? I've been staying at my auntie's house so I haven't bee online very much :supersad:

    Reading that article made me so emotional, I've never heard them speak so openly especially Chris. Things seem to be getting better though which is good :)

    Oh my God! I watched their performance at Glastonbury! I think it was one of their best concerts :awesome: SO amazing!

    :LOL::LOL: that alien thread made me laugh sooo mcuh! That would be beyond epic! I really want an alien :D

    I'm glad you liked Love Amongst Ruin :awesome: They're giving away a couple of free songs on their website

    http://www.loveamongstruin.com/ :D I hope you like them too!

    If you do maybe you could go see them live :D They're fantastic and doing a European tour later in the year.

    I hope you're feeeeeeling good. I've missed ya :kiss:

  17. Sorry for spamming your page :LOL: I just realised you can see my arm in that vid sometimes :awesome::awesome:





  18. :erm: Pyramids****** not towers :LOL::LOL:
  19. Awwwwwww! :D :D Thank you sooooooooo much for the lovely birthday comment! :kiss: it's sooo sweet! And I LOOOOOOOOOVE the picture! Thank youu IT HAS MADE MY DAY! :awesome:

    I had a great day, although I didn't really do anything :LOL:

    That sounds fucking amazing! I can't wait to see the towers!!!! YESSS you got the ticket?? Which date is it? :D It's going to be insane!

    I have to admit that I couldn't wait...I saw the acrobat :awesome: it's beautiful! Yeah like HAARP! I love the UFO soo cool...and soo Muse! :chuckle:

    It's a shame that they didn't play the poll songs. I wonder why :erm: I'm glad that you loved it though!!

    Yeah I had a really great time! It was their second gig in England ever. Just a special gig I think because the last gig they did in the London Barfly club sold out so they put an extra night :happy: but their tour hasn't started yet! I can't wait for it, and of course for their debut album! Since their album isn't out yet (it's out in september) all the songs on youtube are from gigs and the quality isn't so great but this was AMAZING when I was there!

    It's nice and funky :LOL: I was next to the person filming!

    :D I almost cried throughout the whole song Oh God! It was so sad..

    The vids on youtube don't do it justice

    hope you're having a great day :kiss:

  20. :D:DI'm sooooo glad you had such an amazing time! I knew you would IT"S MUSE! :happy:

    When you got there how full was the stadium? It looks like you were soo close! :eek:

    Tell me about the stage, how was the vue? Was the pyramid better than the towers? Did they move around a lot....and what about the alien? :LOL: Sorry about all the questions :p

    Oh yeah the protestors! I saw a clip of them on youtube! Looks so cool but I think I prefer the old opening with the people going up stairs. My favourite openning is the one from Hullabaloo though...the build up is AMAZING!

    Haha I knew NSC would be great live! I'm sure it'll get the whole crowd singing along! What else did they play? Wow you got to hear back in black!! Did they play the poll songs?

    Awww poor Dom :LOL: that's so cute! I'd love to see your pictures :happy: have you uploaded them to facebook yet?

    Ahhhh I'm even more excited about the Wembley gig now!!!!! It's almost here.

    :supersad: I hope you find another ticket to come here. Hell yeah! we should totally meet up before the gig if you do! :D

    The gig on Wednesday was UNBELIEVABLE!! It was one of the best nights of my life! Love Amongst Ruin are a new band formed by Steve Hewitt the ex drummer of Placebo. I'm in love with them! The gig was in a london club so it was so intimate and I was right at the front, sooo close to all of them! It was so beautiful and at one stage I think everyone in the whole place got emotional.. Steve dedicated a song to his friend that passed away on Monday :supersad: He was crying too :(

    The support acts were immense and I fell in love with the DJ!! His name is David Ryder Prangley from the band Rachel Stamp...he was amazing! I wish I could go back. I've got a couple photos on facebook too. And the crowd was insane. We forced them to do an encore even though they'd run out of songs since it's their first album so they did one song again!

    Hope you're having a good day :kiss:

  21. Kristina! I'm so sorry this is late...am I right in thinking you're seeing Muse today? :eek: probably right now!!! :dance: Tell me everything :awesome:

    I haven't been on the board lately, I’ve had non stop exams all this week :(

    It's a shame that you couldn't go to the last Muse gig but I'll bet this one makes up for it big time :D And oh my god! Yes come to Wembley too! Did you get the tickets and booked a flight? I really hope you can come :happy:

    Most of the places around here are pretty expensive especially when there's something going on at the stadium, I'll look around for you though

    I've seen a couple videos of Muse's first stadium show...I seriously can't wait til september it's going to be insane. That UFO :LOL: and what was that light up shirt Matt had on..? :p

    I can't wait to hear alllll of your stories!

    Thank you for what you said about my hair :happy: I just wanna cut it off though :LOL: it's really annoying. :LOL: aww don't worry I'm sure no one will be able to tell from the picture. But I"ve just realised Matt will be seeing us :eek:




    P.S I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy....I just won tickets to go and see Love Amongst Ruin live tomorrow night :D

  22. I love your sig! And your username!! :awesome:

  23. Heyyyy :D How has your week been? I've had exams almost everyday :facepalm:

    :awesome::awesome: You're so lucky! When's the second concert? You're first is soooo soon! :dance: I hope you've been watching Hullabaloo or HAARP to warm up ;)

    I really loved reading about your Ireland trip. You sat in the same place as Oscar Wilde?? :o Wow!

    And that song, Molly Malone, took me back to when I was a kid! We used to sing it all the time in school :p I haven't heard it sooo long. And reading about how you felt on the plane, I would feel the same. I would be sooo scared (I've only ever been on a plane once before when I was little so I don't remember it much) It sounds like you had an amazing time :D

    Neutron Star Collision has really grown on me! I prefer it so much more live than recorded. I think I like it less recorded because it sounds too clean..

    And :awesome: IBTY is amaaaaazing live! I was soo shocked to see it! Matt was so brave to sing it infront of a French audience too, it was so nice when the crowd sang with him :D Everytme I watched it, I had a ridiculous grin on my face because of that :p

    Hope you're having a good day! Xx

  24. I just realised how rushed my last post sounds :facepalm: I'm sorry about that, and for all the typos, I was doing some Biology revision at the time :(

    How are you lovely?

  25. :vomit:Oh god :facepalm: I just saw the video for NSC...

    I get that it's for Eclipse so it'd have clips from the film...but the kiss at the end was just..ridiculous! I'm disappointed :( what do you think? I love the rest of the video though

    The song itself is growning on me. At first the only part of it I liked was the piano at the end. But after listening to it a couple more times...it's not so bad..

    I'm not really sure if I like it or not :erm:

    I really hope that Muse will carry on experimenting for their next album.


    :awesome::awesome: You're Muse gig is sooo soon!! Are you seeing them more than once? I'm so happy for you! Thank you:happy: and good luck for yours too, although I'm sure you'll be fine!

    Thanks for sending me those links, I'm in the middle of reading them :D your trip sounds aaaamazing!!!

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