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Status Updates posted by the.unintended

  1. Hey!


    Oh please open the spoiler. I was exaggerating. It’s more like a ‘OMB Is that true? I hope not! It’s a photoshop? Thank goodness!’ That was pretty much my reaction. It’s just a pic of Matt, please look at it. You won’t be having nightmares or something.


    My day was fab at work… I saw my hot Matt-look-a-like. He was wearing a coat like the one Matt wears in Starlight clip. He chatted to me (no gf this time) and he said I saw you at work the other day… and I was like “Oh really?” he goes “Yea, I work at dick smith.” Me: “Oh I was just updating my anti virus.” He needed a price check so I got him to show me where it was etc (when it wasn’t necessary) he looked so great. Anyways…. How was your day at Uni?


    We will have to make do by not going to the airport and seeing Muse at a shop or at a restaurant :awesome:


    I don’t bother with iTunes much, I use it to put music on my iphone but I use Media player for my music needs cos I love it.


    When it is coming alive in your head you know you have something good going on!


    I don’t really know who he is (as a person) so its all good.




    Well, its all I could so really!

    I had pasta again for dinner. Come home from work at 7.30 tired and stressed and they ate lamb (which they know I don’t eat) so I had to cook again. So I did something easy. Pork :vomit: So pink like a little piggy. :(

    You should have one. I have them when I go shopping with my bro. It’s our thing we do.

    Funny how we have a spoiler full of weird stuff…




    Merman :eyebrows: I bet you could make that hot!




    I wonder if Matt is as sweet as we all want him to be in real life? I bet he is :happy:

    I like to read fiction that is happy, there is enough bad stuff in the world to read about it constantly in fiction as entertainment. I mean writing does need something bad to happen for the story, but not Matt doing it :p

    I’d reject coffee. I don’t drink it, I’d say thanks but no.




    Well I decided you are adorable so you are :p That’s all there is to it. So suffer. :phu: I think the only thing possibly better than you talking to me on here is Matt talking to me.


    Is there anything wrong with Matt? I really can’t think of anything for real. Except he doesn’t love me. But that could be rectified.


    I know you would be accepting if I were gay, but I am so so not. I’m not as accepting as you are tho. It just weirds me out. That is a compliment for you! I had a guy once love me and then turn gay, I was kinda offended :LOL:



  2. Hey!


    That is certainly true!


    I wouldn’t love you any less :LOL: I know this girl who was a good friend and then one day I found out that she was a lesbian. I still like her but things are not like they were. So it does change things even if you don’t want it to. Been in a situation like that?




    I look forward to it. World domination!

    It is indeed a hard life- but someone has to live it. Good thing we are strong enough to take it!

    I think Matt is perfect as he is (as I have said) I dunno but I really like skinny guys. But not really really skinny like those guys who have legs as skinny as a person’s arms.

    I mean the skin tight black/grey long sleeved shirt he wears in the Uno music vid with the girl looking for the room.

    It is easy to get behind :( Sometimes you can never catch up.




    Well aren’t we just lovely :happy:


    :awesome: You know what gig I am talking about! They are so fabulous those pics! Matt is so fine in hullabaloo. You are making me want to watch it again! What is this LB you talk about?


    I can’t believe he just went away. Hmph. Rude. I only talk to a few guys really. It is weird how you can get a crush on someone you don’t really know.


    I’m not betting my Muse cd’s on anything. I have a big collection that cost me hundreds and I will never part with it. Ever. :) Let’s just agree we are both nice people shall we?


    Dramatic is my middle name. :D I don’t despise Radiohead as much as it sounds. I don’t know them enough to make a decision about them. But you see strangely, sometimes I make a decision on something that I don’t want to like so I don’t give it a chance if that makes sense. But the songs by Radiohead I have heard, I didn’t like.


    If you talked like I did about Matt it actually wouldn’t bother me. I am not offended by people who dislike Matt because it is one less person I am up against :chuckle: Aren’t we both very opinionated?



    I loved that joke. I remembered it today and had a little giggle.


    I hope so too, but a lot can change in 3 years or however long it takes for them to have a break, cut a new record and tour. I know their tour will be the best thing I have ever seen.


    I understand random things all the time. Like I will finally get a joke I heard a week ago or things like that. You can love Dom more than Matt if you want, less competition for me :p


    I guess most people who swear don’t notice it. I suppose you get used to it. I wish Matt didn’t swear :(


    Indeed. You are falling into my traps perfectly :chuckle:


    I know I didn’t have to do it, but I thought of it and wanted to do it for you. Thanks :happy: I am very glad you like it!


    Don’t be silly! You don’t have to do a thing for me! You loving it is thanks enough!



  3. Hey!


    You should be in bed young lady. All my bad habits are rubbing off on u, av changing, late nights… :noey:


    I really don’t mind it is him :chuckle:


    :awesome: If all our career paths fails we will have to do that!


    It would be cool, I think we could tolerate each other pretty well tho. There would be a list on the fridge of music we can only listen to through headphones :p




    You have only ever lived in Brissy right? Well I spose that explains it. I was born here but we always come back s it is truly home. You have to have travelled to appreciate home.

    I’ll work on that sign for you ;)

    Haha True.

    I had subway for lunch and Orange Juice. Came home and mum bought Pizza for tea so there goes all today’s hard work!



    Aww. What do you hate about being short? It is funny for you to think your short, because to me your tall :chuckle:


    LOL You have already figured out your arm hugging ratio. Aww.


    It ain’t fair to you for me to spazz= hence, no spazzing. It’s decided.


    :pope: Don’t mock my favourite beard that was ever attempted to be grown! :fear: Oh. You have me laughing so hard at “It's like he put his jaw in the chocolate mixing bowl or something.” I like Matt shaven too.


    You need subsets my dear. Makes life easier, or harder. It’s either one or the other.


    I’m very pleased you like it :happy: I just google searched for the biggest pic of Alex and had to crop it because you had to scroll across about 8 times before you even got to his face :LOL: His eye look up the whole screen so I had to chop it down :( It wasn’t painful, it was more “How on earth do I figure out what she finds hot on him?” So I thought a close up was always a winner.


    Matt ain’t medicine my friend! LOL Alcohol :chuckle: You’re a funny girl, I love it.











  4. Hi There <-- Old Gregg Reference :awesome:


    I was ashamed that you had never seen the pic of Matt I posted! Sacrilege darling!


    If I really like a band I try not to know what they look like. Once I know they are ugly, I can never like them as much. Good thing Muse are so hot.


    I should put it up again I think, you see I have so many I have to rotate them so they fit LOL


    When I get a spare minute in the next few days, I will start a new PM with a few of my fab Boosh bits and then we can spaff about that as well :chuckle: Do you love the Cheese song on season 1? I taught it to my little brother so he walks around singing it and then it drove my dad crazy so I made it the ring tone on his phone and he couldn’t change it :chuckle:


    I adore Noel too, but different to anyone else. I don’t find him attractive just cool.


    Well, I suppose we will never know unless me meet.




    I used to think that too, ‘once I am a size 12 I’ll be happy.’ I wasn’t. ‘Once I’m a size 10 I’ll be happy.’ Still not. Never will be I guess. I hope you are happy with your results this year.

    Oh I thought about Matt, that goes without saying :p I kept seeing pics of Kate Hudson everywhere and I wanted to stomp on them.

    Yes! The hugs are back! *hugs*

    And a break though! I only weighed myself 3 times this week.




    Yea, Kate will be in the gutter if she isn’t already in December. I have that effect on people :rolleyes:

    I do want to intrude.


    I’d totally die to live in England. I’m such an anglophile


    No need to be sorry dear. It was my decision and I stick by it :happy:


    I think you can do all that in 10 years ;)


    Oops. :facepalm: Sorry. I say school in my head and it is so hard to break that habit.


    That grad pic is adorable. I went through the PMT for a while and it happened to be there.


    I don’t look anything like my mum or brothers, but I am identical to my dad and his mum. Once I was in Melbourne and a stranger came up to me and asked if I was ‘’*insert dad’s name here* daughter’’ and I was like :eek: Yes…. He goes “Thought so. I could tell cos you look the same.”


    That being said, my dad is really cool :awesome:… Well, he was when he was young :chuckle:


    I wish I could paint one of my bedroom walls black and have muse lyrics painted over it in red paint, all my favorite lines. How cool would that be?


    I hope all your dreaming fantasies come true then :eyebrows:


    Just Matt in my dream is plenty for me.


    Night :kiss:

  5. Hi there :)


    I used to be addicted to the PMT but to keep up takes way to much time so I usually just look at the last 10 or so pages when online, I used to be a major part of the thread but most of the oldies are gone and the newbies are different. Idk.

    Matt will make all your problems disappear. How? You will be so busy crushing on him that you won’t notice when they resolve themselves.

    And like you said- we have each other (and Matt). That is all we need ;)


    I’m very glad you are screening these pics before posting. Its clearly the most efficient way. Okay, well coming right up! And you made a very very silly mistake right there. You did not give me a number. So I went MAD!!!!!!!! Really. Wait and see. Now I hope you find them sexy enough, but all these pics are what I love about Matt.


    Its true. A friend of a friend of mine told me. And! When Matt Bellamy moved to lake como is eyes gave the lake an inferiority complex.




    I love endlessly. Its so beautiful.

    The polls are pretty rubbish, I either don’t vote or vote for the one they put in as a joke.

    Considering it is Monday now only once :p What I’m going to attempt to do is only weigh myself on a Monday. Last week I was on only 3 or 4 times.

    Aww we all have off days. I ate really well yesterday and felt so good about it. Lets see how today goes.




    It would be magnificent to have been there for all of Muse. But that would not work because 11yr old me didn’t care about Music like I do now.


    I need to go through my pics and eliminate the ones I don’t love. I have a lot that I could do without.


    My parents are lovely, but don’t get me wrong they let me know if something isn’t good. Eg. I am one of those sisters that tells my little brother what to do. I really can’t help it, I see him doing something wrong and I tell him. My parents are all ‘who is the mother?’ But really if they said something I would not have to stop myself. I know, but I am so sensitive. Once (when I was chunky) my dad said my face was like Bert Newtons. I cried my eyes out, it did nothing but I felt better and he felt rotten for it.


    I wasn’t sure you would resist.


    It is nice to have someone to chat too. I like being at work and thinking I might have an email or message from you. I look forward to it. ;)


    Thank goodness for that! How could you not love those eyes? I think I devoted a month of my life staring at them :eyebrows:


    That pic is the whitest I have and that is the one the PMTers were posting as the pic related to that interview. Dom looked really bad when he was young I think.


    That awards pic is totally one of my favourites. I love his hair, shirt, pants, all of it.


    Woo! Party! You are devoted :chuckle: We shall have so much fun! Wait til you see my next messages! You will die.



  6. Hi There!


    We are both Muse virgins :chuckle: I'm a concert virgin too so it will be quadruply awesome! I think i'll just bring a handbag that can go around my body. I will have the strap tight so it is close to my body and have the strap across my back. That way no one can pinch all the money i have brought for merch.


    I am happy with my shape, which is weird. I'm classic hourglass which i have always loved. Just not the extra weight. Not that i'm fat, just average i'd say. I won't be in Dec. I'll be above average! And you don't have to worry about it being hard to fit in skinnies, because in reality not many people look great in them do they? Anyone that wears them deserves thumbs up for confidence. But you will stand out when you wear them. In a good way- to clarify ;) Everytime i look at junk food i think "Do i want that on my hips when i meet Matt?" :rolleyes: I am really bad. I hate my thighs. I think they are big in proportion to my body. I look at other girls the same clothing size and i think, my thighs are like massive compared! Oh well. We will be online get fit buddies!


    I only bought my shirts a month or so ago. I'm wearing one now and can't stop :D I LOVE STARLIGHT. Yes caps were needed. When i discovered Muse i got The Resistance and then bought more off itunes with titles i loved. Starlight was one of them. It will always be a track i adore.


    LOL. So are you getting the mag? Mine should arrive in a few weeks. And that pic! It was so "Oh yea, hmm, HELLO THERE SAILOR!" hahaha. I love Matt's outfit. He is such a snazzy dresser when he wants to.Wait until we see him get his groove on in front of us! I might have a heart failure.


    And whipped cream? And handcuffs? :eyebrows: I am just as pale as Matt too!!! Wow. We have a lot in common for two relative strangers! And i saw the pics and everyone was Eeeew. I thought, i'd tap that. :yesey:


    Wow! Business and Law. Lot's of work there. I know someone who just finished like 5 years of law. She was cool, so that means you must be too :p


    I keep randomly smiling when i remember i have tickets. I wanted to watch Hullabaloo tonight but i had to watch a Live dvd i was lent (Mighty Boosh- which i love) and now i don't have time.


    I live about an hour drive from Melbourne. So Syd is a fair way. What about you? Central Brissy or close enough?


    That's fine! Most of my friends are very talkative. I must attract talkative people as mates. Maybe it is because I'm not that way... And you are too kind! I will never be sick of you.


    I had a dream about Matt last night. A lot happened, so it would take forever to type it, but i'll tell you the highlight. You know when you are dreaming but half awake and it is so real you think it might be happening? At the part where Matt hugged me, i could feel how warm he was. It was so great. I sound so obsessive :LOL: but i am just as fangirly as anyone.


    I hope you had sweet dreams of Matt fighting for your attentions and Dom wanting you out of those skinnys for more than one reason your first Muse experience.


    I love The Darkness, Queen, IAMX, Scouting for Girls, Foo Fighters, Mika pretty much all Alternative Rock. I really cannot begin to tell you about all the music i love. Music is another one of my passions. And you?


    **** If you could pick 3 passions in your life you could not do without, what would they be? As for me: Music, Fashion, Reading.


    Hope your day was lovely. Sarah :kiss:

  7. Hi There!


    What cowboy hat? :eek: Where? Where? Where? I shall search the ends of the earth for this.


    I try and be open minded but it is easier said then done. My friend came out after knowing her about 6 years :stunned: and then she changed heaps, so lots to deal with at once.




    He he Joker smilie.

    Man you think you ate bad? I had the worst day! I had a cereal bar for breakfast, bacon and egg white roll (lite bacon but still bad) and then the big no no… KFC for dinner. I tried not to eat much but the damage is done. And a freddo. But I am determined to do better.

    I mean skinnier than Dom. Dom’s legs are fat compared to some of the guys where I live. :noey: But Dom had fine legs. :chuckle:

    It is what’s inside that counts. (as long as they are attractive to you) :p

    Please take me with you in your time matchine? :supersad: I’ll be a good girl.




    Bwahaha. You are more than tolerable :rolleyes: Think I would bother chatting to you if you were only tolerable?


    Oh dear. I know exactly which pic you mean. One of those is actually the background on my phone right now :facepalm: I’ll never stop until mission accomplished.


    Sure, just for the music ;) Ah Love Boat. Thought it might have been something else.


    I love random chats. And you don’t need a guy like that- one that actually has a life away from the board. Disgraceful. I wonder what its like…


    Well, fine don’t agree. But I maintain you are nice so there. Suffer.


    You can talk about what you like :LOL: But I’ll admit I don’t enjoy looking at Mr. Yorke.


    Everyone else is all “What do you think? Yea, same. Etc, etc.” We are “Wait a minute- you need to hear my opinion before you go any further.” :LOL:


    I adore Dom and Chris’ music ability, but I’m afraid that is all. Probably the way ti should be.


    You wrote it. :yesey: I have proof.


    At least Matt does not have a complete potty mouth. He doesn’t swear like other people I have heard.


    You can’t avoid him as long as you talk to me :chuckle: You might feel you have to let me go :supersad:


    You make my day with your nice compliments *hugs*


    I suppose, I follow the whole ‘do onto others as you want them to do to you,’ but don’t worry about it. Editing my work is plenty of thanks. Look at it that way ;) But hey, if you can get Matt to call me, I won’t object.



  8. Howdy! Holidays huh? Wicked cool. My day was rubbish, but thanks for asking :happy:


    You are a very rare specimen. I have done it forever. I had the whole going down to read the comment and them sometimes going back further to see what you said in the first place, then going back up to type. I’m so fussy.


    I have a walk in robe. And what is even better, because my dad is so awesome he had done it all fancy. I have a shoe rack that takes up one wall and goes to the roof, and shelves at the top one part for my fashion mags (I keep them all) and all these rows so I can line up my handbags and see them side on. I love it. Even then it is jammed full. Also, I have a double bed with these massive containers on wheels underneath and they are full of clothes too. When I got to a normal weight I bought so many clothes. Heaps of them are too big for me now, but im sentimental.


    I won’t take one breath :noey: I will breath in and out really quickly so I can enjoy their scent more often/stalkertendencies. I liked your suggestions Maybe I’ll just kiss him. I have 6 months to work up the nerve after all.



    If you loose weight to fast, you are not doing it right and you always put it back on so slow is the way to go. It’s nice to do something active and not be puffing or read in the face. I don’t muss that one bit.


    I don’t like my legs, but I hate my arm much more. Everything I wear has to at least have a short sleeve or a cardy over it. You watch, a few months and you will be able to wear any skirt you like! Even mini


    Men are in general bad at gift giving. He is a shocker, but he is broke and I am making come to syd and Muse twice so I will never complain to him. Thanks! I just like buying presents so much. :happy:


    I had some of the choc but I shared it so I didn’t have so much.



    Spray paint! What I really wanted to do, was I saw her window down on this really hot day and I wanted to throw in really big raw fish and wind up the window to stick up her car. :chuckle: I have so many evil ideas. That’s life tho, people change. I know for sure I have changed so so much since school. I am embarrassed of who I used to be.


    Wow, a lightsaber! You have style girl, I’ll give you that!


    Aww shucks. That thought is nice enough! I have a hugs smilie! I stole it from TAM. smiley-hug002.gif

    I know the perfect guy is out there. I’ll find him if I am patient. Hopefully it will happen December this year. :awesome:


    Your guy has to have been born! Or else he will be younger. I know he is out there. I’ll keep an eye out. Every eligible batchelor I see at work I’ll just say “I’m chatting to this awesome chick on the Muse forum, you would like her. Can I set you up?” :LOL:


    There are two favourite grandkids in my fam. The other is like my best mate, but she had a 2yr old baby so that gets her point I can’t get… Yet :shifty: You are the eldest?! Wow. I think the eldest in my fam is about 40 :erm: Haha


    I would always find it awkard if I found out one of my parents were bi. I’d freak out. How evil of your mother! My parents come in my room and mock the ‘ugly ferals’ on my wall. Matt is no feral :supersad: But they don’t know what I think about him. That way there is less mockery.

    LOL. Sounds like an interesting book. I’ll check it out when I remember. I like how you said you ‘split’ with your friend. It is so true. Most girls stay friends for a long time, even when they don’t like each other they just being cows to each other. When things get really bad girls break up. (And keep that book) :p


    I know! I love my iPhone. The only time it is not within one metre of me is at work and that is only because I’m not allowed too. I laughed so I hard when I read ‘Think of all the Matt’ Awesome. :awesome: That’s what I do, I think this is paying for Muse, suck it up. In the last 24 hours, I have worked 15 hours of them. :( So tired. Where would you get a job?


    You can PM me wherever you want. On the site there is the option to reply after a section is posted with your thoughts, but whatever floats your boat. I’m just glad you are going to read it! So glad it got approved.


    You are making me laugh so hard today and it is just what I need. “of course Matt loves you” You are very kind, I hope you know. But we are meant to be soul mates :stunned::erm: I though you knew?


    My dreams are always strange. Last night for eg, I had a dream where I was closing work and the customers would not leave and I could never leave. Bad dream.


    I read somewhere about a 90yr old getting their diploma in America. But I dunno about school. Most people would give up if they failed that much, so maybe no-one knows.


    I reckon it must bother Matt when it is a bit longer cos like you said it always gets the chop. I noticed the cheek bones first- they are so amazing. I still have the first pic I saw of Matt and thought ‘hubba hubba’


    Have a fabulous weekend! :kiss:

  9. Howdy! Now I can’t wait to check my emails!


    And you posted :rolleyes: That was kind of you. I giggled when I saw you name. People can’t think yours is rubbish, its too good. I just reckon if I had of turned James into Matt the story would be getting a lot more views. Oh well, that’s how you learn I guess. I might just spam the thread and post the rest of the story and forget about it. :erm:


    I think so too. One day when we are old ladies we will look at our fingers all gross from arthritis and think of each other fondly :happy:


    I just remembered I have a trial version of the new windows word which was on my laptop when I bought it. I’ll see if it has it. Okay I am glad you can’t see me right now. It has it (I had the ’07 trial) and it has this fully epic toolbar that is wicked cool. How lame to be this excited over track changes :D


    Thanks! I loved it. I wish I had the money to keep it that colour. Freaky but awesome.


    Some of these fanfics would be scary made in a movie. I can only imagine how some of them would go. LOL Matt is probably the only guy who could play his 17yr old self and I wouldn’t mind.




    Matt wouldn’t dare read the private conversation about him wearing just towels between two ladies :phu:

    But I would make the effort to join him. He would say Jump and I’d ask how high? :facepalm:

    Good on you for eating well! Sorry to hear you had a headache!

    I secretly love it when my pants are baggy and falling down. I just think these didn’t do that when I bought them so something good is happening. I never wear belts, they aren’t comfy.

    You don’t apologise as much I don’t think- unless I am desensitised to it and don’t notice :shifty:




    I would like NSC. I adore it :p


    Oh :( If you are shotgunning what I think you are (using a towel scene in your work) I bet you to it. I have already written hostage up to part 15 and have at least 2 or 3 towel scenes I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you. But if you want to do it too, go ahead :) its not copyright.


    My music was quite influenced by my parents too, like Queen, and Roy Orbison but the rest is me.


    If I were 11 and I knew it had Matt in there I’d watch it all too. Hiding dvd’s :chuckle:


    That is such a bit day for you! I would hate to be late on the first day of semester. Embarssing :$


    Forgive me for saying, but I don’t get why people go to Uni to study business. I know that some people need to study it, but if I went to Uni I would want to study something fun… but I guess Business is fun for some. Don’t mind me :rolleyes:


    Do the changes mean you will have to stay at Uni longer?


    I’m just asking cos I’m interested :happy:



  10. Howdy!


    I don’t dislike it. It is very well done photographically. U can’t tell its Thom.


    We give such nice funerals :)


    LOL I wish we could say that for sure. We would be crazy living together. Just dinner time alone would be a 3hr debate!





    LOL Geelong is like… I really love it here. I have lived in Toowoomba, Tara, Brisbane as well.

    I’ll make a joke sign and hold it up next time, :p *sarcasm sign*

    That dream was only PG. I woke up before it got good.

    The ice cream was so worth it tho.

    I get sick of subway. It’s the only healthy takeaway I eat. :(

    That will be good for you. I walk to my car… :chuckle:




    In your dreams girly. So what if it has glitter? The mirror one has Matt’s reflection and can have Alex’s reflection if it was so lucky! So there!


    Hmmm, it better be. :ninja:


    He is a bit mental for real I think. I just ignore him. That’s fun.


    I love being short, I’m just so used to it. It’s a novelty. LOL. I’ll need to carry around a step ladder for sure.


    Ahh. Really. Your height :eyebrows: I didn’t mean to spazz. Erase said spazz from your memory. There will be no spazzing.


    Sometimes I … wait for it…. Have favorite subsets of eras! Like the other day I was in love with Matt from the Resistance making of dvd with his little cutie I-tried-to-grow-a-beard. Thanks! I shall continue :happy:


    Is that really your fav flavour? I just found this one you might like more :erm: I can throw it out if your don’t like it. (Please wait for it to load and make sure ur on View Conversation page- u can c it better. It is worth it.)








    I think you really love me now :chuckle:


    *huggles* :kiss:

  11. I can barely write the two letters in HI I am so embarrassed.


    I totally thought it was Bowie! And I thought he was blowing a bubble with gum :LOL:


    I liked your reaction. It was very justified.


    Before I forget. RIP Our Chat PM. I will miss you, it was fun while it lasted. I am sorry that Erica killed you when my attempt failed. I will never forget you. *throws flower on coffin.*


    If that was your life, I’d turn up on ur door step and get your mum to let me live with you and Bowie and Matt. I’d take Matt of your hands for you ;)


    He will be a poor guy if he makes a move. Maybe I should warn him with some friendly kung fu?




    At least you live in a capital city. :( I live in Geelong. Very touristy place. But I love it.

    It is inappropriate and I would probably slap Matt as a reflex. I was kidding and being sarcastic. As much as I love Matt, I won’t let anyone disrespect me all jokes aside. You probably think I’m a freak now for not getting my joke :chuckle:

    It is more subtle then ‘come to my room and make out.’ I was dreaming too remember/

    Ontopic: I ate not too great today. I had a lot of ice cream. It was so beautiful I want to have its babies. But I had a good breaky and lunch. Tomorrow I am working all day til 5pm so I’ll buy subway for lunch. Been on ur exercise bike much? That thing really hurts your butt. I might do a few sit ups if I remember.




    I love the two-neck thing. It is beautiful. It is like the mirror manson had an identical conjoined twin! :awesome:


    OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! You did not just go there!!!!!!!! :fear: Saying Howard is hotter. You were joking, Right? :supersad: Hehehe


    I feel tiny around everyone, that is why if I put on weight I look chunkier too. There is no where for it to go! There is a guy who I see at work all the time and he always says “How is the weather down there?” So bad. :stunned:


    I’m glad Bellz is taller than me. I want my man taller. That won’t be hard at all :LOL:


    Who Thom? Alex? Dom? Mention all you like. I’d rather you say then leave me guessing :)


    Sorry, am I the only one who changes Matt eras? :$ I’m strangely fine with that.









  12. I can imagine how it might be hard to start where you left off, but i am sure you will do something very crazy, like Matt will tell Jasmine he is actually a zeta and is only on earth to breed with her :LOL:

    I know, i was just joking about how they thought ur other story was plagiarism & it would be funny to send an angry letter so obviously plagiarized.

    Well i think i will add to my story a bit more tonight, i have so many ideas I just can't write them all quick enough :rolleyes:

  13. I can’t believe you have seen it! I hadn’t. Freaked me out. So glad it wasn’t true.




    Poor thing! But I had to know if you had seen it. At least it is still Matt in your head ;)

    I was eating really well today until Mum brought home Pizza for dinner. Sigh. Life can be hard. It tasted so good and I hate that. Oh well, even if you are not loosing weight you must be feeling healthier and pleased with yourself for your efforts.

    I went for a walk today. Only about 15-20 mins but I felt so great and energised afterwards. I wish I could motivate myself to do it more.

    You will buy some awesome jeans for the concert. I’m not sure I wanna wear jeans… I might get too hot. But I think a skirt could be problematic.

    And I care :phu:




    One day we will both meet the right guys for us. I’m trying to be positive.


    No worries, I haven’t helped you yet but I will. Oooh a tough spot! I strangely can’t wait to help.


    *Before I forget, I’m going away for a few days. So I won’t be online from Wednesday until the following Monday. I may go online via my phone but I can’t reply on there because it takes forever. I’ll miss you for those six days :supersad:*


    Muse could be the greek Muses but instead they could be hot guys :awesome:


    Well If I didn’t answer the phone it would be all for nothing. Matt would at least have to leave a voice mail for me to replay for six months.


    As for those bad qualities:

    - Matt doesn’t swear as much. Only when he was young he was pretty bad.

    - You know what I think about his clothes

    - Talking fast, making stupid joke, being too good looking, not being able to grow a beard, being older than us, not making Dom burn clothes and not wearing eye makeup are not bad qualities a person can have :LOL:

    - Smoking = bad. Agreed. I’d make him quit. Same for drugs, but he said in an interview he was too old for that stuff.

    - I adore his interest in conspiracies. He knows they are not real but he is intelligent enough to look into them and make an informed decision. Have you heard the interviews where he talks about financial crisis and terrorism? He is so smart. I love it.

    - What random stuff? :fear: I can’t think of anything.


    Sorry, I just realised you probably didn’t expect me to argue on every one of those points :rolleyes: Ignore my defence. You know I love him. :facepalm:


    I’m real glad Matt can’t read strikeout after that! If he was at my door in a towel he would have to give me CPR. And I wouldn’t be faking it.


    Have fun at Uni tomorrow if you possibly can!



  14. I checked my email real quickly without reading this. I am superwoman. Now you know my secret. :happy:


    If that’s why I can accept that, love ya 2. ;)


    Ooops. Hello. I always forget it too. Just imagine I am saying it every time I post.


    LOL Alex ain’t that bad. Do you hate it when someone likes you who you don’t like? I have a few admirers. There is this guy at work who work in the liquor dept and there is a massive window so they can look out for underage loiterers (LOL) and on Tues I was working flat out and looked up and there he was watching me. I thought it was a one off but he kept staring out that window, peeping, for so long. Creepyness. Nice guy but no thanks. Bet you get that kind of thing heaps.




    It’s all good. Make the title as long as you like. I’ll indulge you

    I want to meet them at the airport as well but going to three concerts in two states is stretching it. If I told my parents I was stalking them at the airport they would go off their nut.

    Ah, the good old ‘hug, slip note touch butt’ trick. One of my personal favs. He would probably chuck it I would imagine. It has probably happened heaps.

    I can’t wait. I could not sleep last night cos I started thinking about the concert and that was it. I was too excited. Then I dreamed about being in a hotel room with Matt.




    The shiny guitar us always what jumps out at you first in those pictures.

    I would think you were weird!

    That’s a relief.


    OMB ‘Blister in the Sun’ is playing. Please tell me you love this song by the Violent Femmes. Sorry, don’t mind my random questions about songs. I always have my library on shuffle when I reply to you.


    It was nice of you to check I was well aware of the Bellamy’s hotness all the same.


    I know. I think I saw the word bland as bladder :facepalm:


    It is great fun going on about crazy stuff with someone who thinks so differently and admits it. Most people just go “Oh yea.”


    *Covers eyes so I don’t see the SS hate*

    Thank goodness it wasn’t hate! Phew. Because I love that song :awesome: “This iiiiiis the last time I’ll abandon youuuuuuu.” Argh. Fine. I’ll understand you don’t like them, but I guarantee I won’t get too feisty about it. I’ll try and imagine how u would feel if I bagged out FF or Bowie.


    Yes me :p I want a mirror manson mounted to my wall.


    I have about 8 versions of SMBH on my phone, the vid, the alternate vid and several live ones all including little cool, funny or sexy dances.


    Oh, I’m sorry. I mean to say Matt is tiny :chuckle: What I don’t get is you mention Chris’ shirt and not Matt who is looking fine. Full body shot too!!


    You don’t know how hard it is for me not to send pics to you. I relapse sometimes.


    Enjoy ur day :kiss:

  15. I didn’t realise you were looking at the PMT often :rolleyes: Now I know. I love the suit so much. His little raincoat is hilarious.


    :fear: Naughty girl! I have so much to do today its crazy! I am surprised I even got on here now!


    My funeral (if I do happen to die and can’t avoid it all together) it will be a Muse album marathon. My husband, Matt with be there too.




    I’m never watching anything on the news about Maccas then.

    Lol. I was very glad this morn to see I’ve lost 1kg in a week. That is really good going. I’m shrinking!

    I’m gonna ask them to release that movie. I just fast forward to all the parts Matt is in like the fishing bit and when he talks about throwing rose petals and goes “all blood and guts” he looks so cute.

    Oh. I want lucid dreams. I know what will happen :eyebrows: I’ll work on that.

    Last night I dreamt I was dying from cancer (that has been recurring lately) and that my uncle was folding my clothes at my house. I don’t like people touching my clothes.





    In fear of the Fat Argument starting, I’ll say I like Matt being healthy and leave it there.


    All I can think about is being in the same room as Matt while he shaves!


    LOL I’m sure your head is perfect :p


    Why say it if you knew I’d interpret it that way? :LOL:


    I don’t have Matt on a pedestal per say, I was just saying he is the only one for me.


    It is healthy to have a younger crush :yesey:


    What strange new fashion sense? *looks down at my red shiny suit and see though rain coat & granny coat hanging*


    HA! So you agree Thom needs a shave? That’s all I needed to know :D


    You can hug Thom twice, once for me.


    You guilt-tripped yourself on Matt girly! How you feel about him can only be determined by you and how I feel does not have anything to do with it.


    Okay, I admit I dissed Thom, but I tried not too.


    Do you really think you under-love Alex? I find that hard to believe. I thing for a man you have never met you love him very much!


    I will never apologise about making you think about Matt in a towel. Esp when you started it!



  16. I don’t really mind all that much, like you said: I just want people to read it. The admin people want to give it it’s own sub-board for some reason :erm:


    I shall! You were quick *is nervous about what you might think of it…*


    Like we mentioned before, it is enevitable. Matt in a towel is the focus of all our thoughts. Of course it will keep coming up


    You think wtf and I think ‘that is inspired-what a legend-spaff-spaff-spaff…’ I love that song. Did you watch Hullabaloo?


    I had a muse dream!!!! I was walking through this shop and Matt grabbed my hand and pulled me into a changing room where he kissed me. He said ‘I’ll be back in a minute…’ and disappeared so I waited and waited. And started wondering if he was actually coming back and how long I should wait for him and then I woke up before I found out if he came back.




    I vote we share the blame :p

    I’d rather be lovely and beautiful but you get what your born with. *sigh* If I had to have one of the other I’d like to go for the personality too.

    I wish I didn’t know :(

    Your mum was just protecting you, like they do. Weird! My parents are mental about music that is rude. I don’t listen to it, but if I did they would freak.

    We use :eyebrows: so much. What does that say about our convo?




    Well if you want to get technical, I’m never dying. But my body certainly feels like it is half dead somedays.


    LOL I laughed so hard. All this time we thought they were happy pants but his towel is just bunched up in a particular way.


    Who is a barbie doll? Their head is not in proportion to their body. I wouldn’t want to be one. I’m not so sure he would choose me either, looking at his old gfs they are all stunning. What makes u think he doesn’t like red heads? My bro is obsessed with red haired chicks.


    I’ll tell Matt off if he does. I’d say how would you feel if you knew you had to push out something the size of a watermelon? He’ll back off then. It would be hilarious if they actually did. I would laugh all through the ceremony.


    You have not really done or said anything thing to make me thing your immature.


    You can see Kirky on Hully. When Matt has just pants on (:eyebrows: btw) you can see him in the mirror filming.


    :LOL: I bet Matt had plenty of happy times himself and didn’t need to get jealous.


    I’ll have a talk to Matt about it then… no promises :indiff:




    I wish! But it is very kind of you. The only think I have going for me is I’m shorter. Some guys like that.


    I’ll work on that too. Might be hard getting Alex’s number.


    Normal people think it is freaky. Some are jealous because of all the time I am getting of work (paid too FTW) it will be epic.



  17. i found the story my friend and i wrote on a floppy disc :LOL: So thats how old it is. The first book was 90 pages in size 10 font, so its still the longest i have ever written.

    Just read 12 + 13- one word. Kinky :eek: Was more full on than i expected.

    But as always, well written :)

  18. I hate it when you know what you want to write but can't word it the way you want to. :(

    Maybe i will have to write another story about Matt being a zeta :LOL:

  19. I know i was expecting some kind of raunchy story and then i was like :eek: Didn't see that coming.

    I am sure the story will keep surprising me :yesey:

    You will be victorious!!! :party:

    You could just find an angry letter on the net and send that?

    I am writing a story myself (i have so many on my computer) Its only 6 pages long, I might put it up somewhere when its a bit bigger. You have inspired me to keep going with my writing! :kiss:

  20. I think I might have to start demanding people call me Superwoman Sarah now…


    We love each other as much as two straight girls who are chatty friends on the net can. That good?


    I wasn’t creeped out that much. I just had to hide my face from the laughing. He is nice to me. He called me on the work phone as asked me to bring something and added ‘because you love me.’ I was all :stunned: So I said I’d consider it. Can’t escape this dude so I am going to at least pretend he is nice. I never told anyone who I liked at school except my bestie or it would get around.


    I hate it when feral guys like you. I feel like saying “Why can’t you be decent?”




    That would be awesome!

    There are heaps of Syd and Melb musers going to the airport, but I don’t blame her for being worried. I would be too.

    Argh, that is what she tells you. When she sees him she would not be able to help it and will no longer be the innocent girl you think she is. He is the Bellamy for crying out loud! Hmm. I’d probably just go :eek::$ if he touched me.

    What happened was I was having breakfast by myself at a restaurant and Matt came over and asked if I would like some company, so we chatted and then went shopping where I helped him pic out clothes. He bought a grey pinstripe vest. Then he asked if I would like to look at his guitars in his hotel room. So I did (of course) and then he kissed me. I said to him “You can’t just kiss me you idiot. I’m going to want to kiss you again tomorrow and you will be gone, so don’t kiss me unless you will be here to kiss me tomorrow.” I walked off and he kissed me again and I woke up.

    Sigh. I am dramatic in my dreams. He was a great kisser too.




    LOL Everyone loves the Glitterati. I like the mirror one more. I know ur not like that :chuckle:


    :pope: You have to listen to it! It is classic as. They way we both go there is always heaps to reply to here :happy:


    The pope probably isn’t. I bet he is a scientologist.


    People could read our chats and use them as full research for debates on any topic!


    I’ll never bag out something you love intentionally, I;m not like that. There was so much relief over SS. If someone had of walked in and said ‘The global financial crisis is over’ I would have been Meh, but when I saw u don’t mind SS I was :D.


    I liked both SS vids, but the eagle one was better.


    I love the SMBH outfit too! I don’t own anything, I wanted to own the bit in TiRo on HAARP when Matt goes down on his knees and does that thing with his fingers. I’d rather own the real thing :eyebrows:


    :fear: Imma gonna burn Chris’ shirt for detracting from Matt.


    Matt is perfect :happy: How tall are you again? You look about 170cms tall to me.


    You did not just tell me I can relapse! You will regret it!










  21. I thought that when i wrote it! :LOL:

    It is sad they are endangered, but there isn't a lot we can do.

    Living on a farm isn't as great as you think! There is animal droppings everywhere & heaps of the animals smell so bad! (I loved it when i found out about Matt's love for farms ;) )

    You could probably get horse lessens very easily. :) Costly tho :indiff:

  22. I would hate for Muse to think i was a creepy fan too! I think i would have wanted to stop them but lost the nerve! I am so happy the gig was so great!

    My gigs won't be better- they will be just as awesome as yours! Just more of them :chuckle: And i figured out the days wrong. It's actually 3 gigs in 8 days. I'm gonna be to tired after 2 gigs in the most pit. I was barrier :yesey:

    I'm gonna watch those vids now! :dance:

    I'm glad it rocked for you!

  23. I'll have to think up every possible scenario before i see Muse so i know what to do in each situation. :LOL:

    I'm so excited i can barely sleep at night if i even thing about it! I'll defs tell you how it all goes down.

    I really want to meet Matt :supersad: I want a hug :happy:

    No, i don't have facebook, or myspace or any of them. :)

  24. I’m back! I like my new av too, but I think ill change it again, as hot as Matt is in that pic, it is over exposed. :(


    LOL Old Gregg is awesome!


    I get behind too easily, I want to go on the net but someday I have simply too much to do.


    My walls are epic! I just took down a few posters tho, it was looking a little cluttered :facepalm:


    I love the mod molves! That little move Noel does with the light on him- cracks me up everytime.


    Oh I totally get it, heaps of girls love Noel. Have you seen the Mighty Boosh live show? It is hilarious. A few parts of it are incredibly crude, so I skipped them but the rest was great. Most of it was just material from the show, but Noel was awesome, as was Julian.


    Maybe at the end of the year we can send a pic of us at our muse gig?




    Please please write a fic! I want something interesting to read :chuckle: There is so much inspiration with Matt. I have a list of story ideas on my computer. Or :awesome: Maybe we could write one together? Lots of people on there do that! Decide on a story line and take turns developing it.

    I know! Esp when you go into the Asian shops with size 6’s and 4’s! Its crazy! But because I am so short, I still feel tubby.

    Kate Hudson has me totally bummed. You see, as normal civilians we have like almost no chance with Matt. Now she is in the picture it is no chance. Don’t like that.

    Glad to hear it *hugs*

    Argh. Exercise. Well I am shopping a bit today so I’ll walk a bit quicker :rolleyes:

    It’s all good. I don’t really want to chat about it, just vent. What shocks me is Matt going for a chick with a 4yr old. Surprising.



    There you are wrong. England would be awesome. You would have handsome pommy men falling at your feet for your favours :eyebrows:


    I think its amazing how you can see their facial features etc but they have changed so much. I wonder if I changed that much,


    Okay, its on the bad habits list. I’ll remember you go to UNI <-- How clever am I?


    How freaky is it? I love looking like my heritage, I guess that’s weird but its all I know. Would be groovy to look different like you do. :happy:



    *1,000,000,000 hugs*

    I am really sorry to read that Erica :(

    For me family split-ups is one of the saddest things in the world. In my extended family all of my aunties and uncles have had multiple marriages etc. My parents got married first and are the only ones to have lasted.

    Do you think your parents will reconcile? Do you want them to? You don’t have to answer if it is too personal, I understand.

    I feel bad talking about how great my family is when you have experiences such tragedy.



    LOL I pulled a chunk out my wall once when a quote in a fame fell off my wall :facepalm: So I covered it with a poster :chuckle: At least you have some Bowie on your walls.


    Oh me too. Unfortunately no Matt last night. I had a dream about that evil girl I told you about. She was spying on me :noey:

    But you must wake up so you can chat to me!


    And you replied not in word!!! I don’t know if I can talk to you ever again :stunned: Kidding :chuckle:


    Btw, just updated my story :kiss:

  25. I’m glad you deem me worthy to put up with :happy:


    Matt’s skin is so lovely and pale *swoons*


    Of course, freddo’s are our thing!


    There aren’t other bands that bring us together tho are there? We are too opinionated!




    Well I thought of you this morning. I wanted to get on the scales, but I thought I won’t do it. For Erica :)

    I am loosing weight but not in kilo’s, just in halfs. I’m not working hard enough, but I am not motivated enough to work harder either.

    I wish it was not so hard to do the right thing.

    We will both get there in the end. We still have approximately 160 days until MUSE.




    I do have a few Drunk Matt pics, I should cull those at least.



    I do have those pictures where Matt is wearing his ‘happy’ pants. But, the question is: Do you really want them? :ninja: I don’t want to poke your eyes out, (forgive me, I had to) I suppose he can’t help it, all that friction against his guitar.



    I love the hyper music screencap too. His profile is simply to die for.


    That is a good way to go about it. I am determined to give my children healthy eating habits so they won’t ever have to be chunky. I think it is important for parents to teach that.


    That’s all my stories are. Fantasies on paper. Isn’t all writing tho?


    I couldn’t hate you even if I wanted too… Hehehe texta :LOL: I like his hair every way it has been. You are the one that made me choose! I do adore his hair natural, like it is now.


    Of course I did! I don’t think they are likely to play Microcuts tbh, what other songs are u trying to get thru?


    LOL Glad she gets to see the gifs. You made me giggle when I saw that large



    Can’t we all? I was an innocent school girl until I saw Matt and my mind went to the gutter.


    Have you checked recently for SMBH? I saw Muse uploaded all their vids in HQ to YouTube.


    I won’t get to talk tonight, as I finish work at 12.30, and I am not letting myself go on the computer. So I’ll talk to you tomorrow.


    Take care, dude ;)



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