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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. mhm, he's always wearing a differant pair of shades :chuckle:

  2. it's alright, thankful that it's friday :dance:

    i love how dom always grabs his junk in pictures, such as your profile pic :chuckle:

  3. hi ^_^ i'm fine thanks and how about you? how was your day? :awesome:

  4. same, muse did play at a college football staduim with U2 this year though . . . nothing really big here -.-

  5. i don't know where he lives in london, but i know within walking distance to the wembely staduim, so it can't be that far from it! :LOL:

  6. :awesome: okay! apex is very small . . . next to Raleigh and Cary . . . just west of the middle of NC ^_^

    i have a friend in london i could visit while i'm there :dance:

  7. i'm serious, i've always wanted to live in london :awesome: i think it's amazing there! i love rainy weather . . . and i sometimes see snow, only saw it twice last year though :(

    i'll trade places with you! :LOL:

  8. xD, america = terrible -.- i hate it so much! :supersad:

    christmas gatherings are easy, i just have to drive about 25 minutes to my other aunt, lillian, 's house for foooood :awesome:

  9. haha i guess . . . and most of my moms side lives in the other side of the country in california! :LOL: i don't really get anything from my mother . . . i get everything from my dad :chuckle:

    we're all together which make visits very easy, lol

    my grandmother's an amazing cook too :awesome: i eat there every sunday afternoon after church

  10. yes, my mother's family is pathetic :facepalm::LOL: i love my father's side :D

    my father's parents farm, still :awesome: they live next door to me as well as my aunt and uncle

    it's pretty cool but annoying at times, having family alll around you

  11. well i'm pretty sure musical talent runs through the fam; lol :LOL: my brother plays guitar, trombone and bass and sings, my dad sings and plays french horn, my grandparents both sing, and it goes on :facepalm: i'm the only one who can't sing worth a shit

    besides my mom :LOL: she has 0% musical talent it's quite funny

  12. hello amy, :awesome:

    i have average arms and long fingers . . . people tell me i should learn piano, which i'm actually trying to teach myself :LOL:

    i'm like matt in a way as i can play a lot of instruments but never had musical lessons in my life . . . :eek: but i'm still no where near as good as the boy!

  13. yes, i'm a bit more than 5'8'', and the thing is huge :eek:

    i'm doing fine, thanks, and how about yourself? i'm katie by the way :awesome:

  14. haha, yes, i mean the big ass one ^_^

    jazz beats any music they play / make in america . . .

  15. haha :LOL: there are some really . . . not good musicians here :( i really suck at reading sheet music, but next fall i might learn and audition for my school's Jazz Band! :awesome: but i need to learn to play le upright bass first . . . never played it once :facepalm:

    i have a drama/theatre course i'm taking right now, and the only homework we ever have is to study actors . . . plays . . . musicals . . . shakespeare . . . :facepalm: rawr

  16. xD i know way to many people that play the guitar >.< only 2 who play bass, and 2 or 3 that play drums.

    do you play anything?

    and art is only fun when you're making actual art, not studying :facepalm::LOL:

  17. on here, yes :LOL: the only other people i know in real life that can play the bass are my friend Thomas and my brother . . . :facepalm: almost no one plays it but i think it's pretty amazing :awesome:

    oo, what are you doing for your project?

  18. same :D just listening to music . . . playing around on bass :D

  19. i'm fine, thanks :D and how might you be?

  20. hi, hope you're doing fine :) what are you up to?

  21. i do every once in a while ^_^ hehe :chuckle:

  22. i usually have school 7:30 to 2:30, but wednesdays we get off at 1:30. this week though it's a teacher workday so we get out before noon! :chuckle:

  23. :LOL: well hurry off to bed! :chuckle:

    i have a half day tomorrow . . . only school from 7:30 to 11:50! :D

  24. only 5:57 PM . . . and you?

  25. xD goodness . . . i don't mind spiders as long as they aren't crawling on me o:

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